The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 14: It Really Works

Chapter 14

Si Yuejing squeezed the talisman in his pocket, a flash of determination passing through his eyes. Now he could only give it a try.

He walked to the bedside and took out the talisman, placing it on Old Master Si's forehead.

"Little Yuejing, what are you doing?"

"Big brother, what are you doing?" Everyone was shocked to see this and stared at Si Yuejing.

"I'll explain it to you in a bit." Si Yuejing said and was about to shout "Ling" as Ling Yue had instructed, when he saw his father quickly run to the bedside and reach out to remove the talisman from Old Master Si's forehead.

Si Yuejing quickly grabbed his father's hand, "Dad, don't move it."

"Let go of me and tear up this thing." Si's father glared angrily at Si Yuejing.

"Dad, please believe me this time. I won't harm grandfather." Si Yuejing held on to his father's hand. He believed in Ling Yue and believed that she wouldn't lie to him.

"Qianqian, tear off the thing on grandfather's forehead." Seeing that Si Yuejing was stubbornly delusional, anger churned in Si's father's heart.

"Okay." Si Qianqian quickly stepped forward.

Hearing this, Si Yuejing no longer hesitated and immediately shouted "Ling!"

Just as Si Qianqian was about to reach out to take the talisman on Old Master Si's forehead, the talisman turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared, leaving only a smudge of ash on Old Master Si's forehead.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. What was going on?

Old Master Si opened his eyes to see that he was lying in the hospital. "How did I end up in the hospital?" He remembered he was playing with the jade turtle in his room when he suddenly became dizzy and didn't remember anything after that.

"Grandfather, you're awake? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" Seeing Old Master Si awake, Si Yuejing let go of his father's hand and looked at Old Master Si joyfully. Ling Yue's talisman really worked. Just who was she to have such skills?

"I'm fine, I feel great right now." Old Master Si sat up, he felt exceptionally energetic today and really wanted to go out for a walk.

Everyone looked at each other. They didn't expect that the yellow paper would really work.

"Big brother, what exactly is going on? Where did you get that yellow paper from?" Si Qianqian asked what everyone was wondering.

"Didn't I bring a friend over just now? She told me that the reason grandfather became like this was because a few days ago, the jade turtle grandfather bought from the antique market was buried underground for thousands of years and had become tainted with yin evil energy, and grandfather was infected with the yin evil energy. So she drew me a talisman and I didn't expect it to really work." Thinking of Ling Yue, a pleased smile appeared on Si Yuejing's handsome face.

"There's something wrong with the jade turtle I bought?" Old Master Si carefully recalled what happened after he bought the jade turtle. It seemed like after buying the jade turtle, he always had a feeling of unease. It's just that he really liked that jade turtle so he often held it and played with it.

"That's what she said." Si Yuejing nodded.

"Did she say how to deal with the jade turtle?" Si's father frowned and asked. If they didn't get rid of the jade turtle, wouldn't the problem persist?

"She said to place the jade turtle where the sunlight is strongest and let it bask for nine days to dispel the yin evil energy." Si Yuejing told everyone the method Ling Yue had told him.

"Can you contact your friend? Can you ask her to help us deal with the jade turtle?" Si's father felt it would be safer to just get rid of the jade turtle, to avoid similar situations from happening again.

"I don't have her number. We just met today." Si Yuejing also hoped he could continue to interact with Ling Yue, but Ling Yue didn't have a phone, and he didn't know if Ling Yue would call him. For now, he could only wait.

"Do you at least know where she lives? What's her name?" Si's father really wanted to meet Ling Yue. He felt she must be the legendary immortal, otherwise how could a single talisman resolve the yin evil energy in his father's body.

Si Yuejing shook his head. "She just said her name is Ling Yue. I don't know where she lives."

"Ling Yue?" Hearing the name, Si Qianqian cried out in surprise. In recent days, the hottest news in the capital had been about the Ling family and Ling Yue.

"You know her?" Si Yuejing looked at Si Qianqian, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

"Ling Yue goes to the same school as me. She's the young miss of the Ling family. But a few days ago, she was severely burned in a fire while trying on her wedding dress. I heard she was burned very badly on her face and body, and her family also disowned her. Big brother, don't you read the papers? The papers have been full of news about Ling Yue and the Ling family."

"She was burned in a fire?" Si Yuejing thought of the bandages wrapped around Ling Yue.

Si Qianqian nodded. "Ling Yue is the school belle at our school. She's beautiful and has an excellent fiance, Zhou Mucheng of the Zhou family. Ling Yue was originally going to marry Zhou Mucheng this week, but a fire suddenly broke out while she was trying on her wedding dress. She survived but was badly burned on her face and body, and her family also disowned her. Big brother, don't you read the news? The papers have been full of news about Ling Yue and the Ling family these days."

"I'll go buy a paper." Si Yuejing didn't know if the Ling Yue he met was the same Ling Yue his sister mentioned, but he really wanted to read the news reports about Ling Yue now.

He usually only read some dental magazines and never glanced at the newspapers delivered daily to his home, so he was oblivious to real news.

At the newsstand outside the hospital, Si Yuejing bought two newspapers and quickly found the reports on Ling Yue. The reports included a photo of firefighters carrying Ling Yue out of the fire, her face obscured, but his intuition told him this was Ling Yue, the Ling Yue he knew.

He didn't expect her to have suffered so much yet remain so optimistic. The next time he saw her, he would definitely help her and let her know that even without family, she still had a friend like him who cared about her.

At this time, Ling Yue was at the telecom office applying for broadband service. She filled out the forms and handed them to the staff member.

The staff quickly processed the application and handed Ling Yue two cell phones and the service contract. "Here are your phones and contract. The installation will be done tomorrow morning."

"Thank you." Ling Yue took the phones and contract and left the telecom office.

Seeing it was still early, Ling Yue decided to stop by the stock exchange. She wanted to check today's stock trends and see if they matched her analysis from yesterday.

Entering the stock exchange, she saw it was crowded everywhere. Ling Yue glanced around the lobby and saw an empty spot in a corner, heading over.

She had just sat down when the auntie sitting next to her turned and cheerfully struck up a conversation. "Little girl, you're here to trade stocks too? Have you got your eye on any particular stocks?"


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