The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 75

Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an left the magistrate's office at noon, with everything proceeding more smoothly than they had anticipated.0

He Zhenhu had claimed that Monkey had followed Zhao Qiang to Liu Ming'an's house yesterday, but Monkey vehemently denied it. Old Six Hu also testified that Monkey had spent the entire day at Gold Jade Hall. Neither side could prove the truth of their statements, but both were suspicious enough to be detained. More witnesses and testimonies would be needed before the next court session to reach a verdict.0

"To prove that He Zhenhu's testimony is true, it's actually quite simple," Magistrate Song Ming had said. "Hou Zehua and Old Six Hu, if you two were planning to harm someone, you would have sent someone to gather information beforehand. I just need to spend some time asking around to find out."0

Liu Ming'an remembered how the faces of Old Six Hu and Monkey had turned as white as paper when Song Ming said this.0

In the end, Song Ming ordered all three men to be detained in jail, awaiting the next court session. He told Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning that they would be summoned for the next hearing, then struck his gavel and adjourned the court.0

It seemed a favorable outcome was imminent, Liu Ming'an thought with some relief. He turned to look at Jiang Ning, who appeared lost in thought, and unable to guess what was on her mind, he asked, "Jiang Ning, what are you thinking about?"0

Jiang Ning's mood was complex and difficult to discern. After a moment, she slowly replied, "I'm just feeling a bit emotional. I never imagined that one day I would be seeking justice through the 'legal system.'"0

Liu Ming'an's expression stiffened as he recalled how Jiang Ning had wanted to go out with a knife to kill someone the night before.0

"Jiang Ning, sometimes killing isn't the only way to solve problems. There are righteous ways in this world to make bad people pay for their crimes. If you kill too much, you'll lose yourself. I don't want to see you become like that," Liu Ming'an said after some consideration.0

Jiang Ning curled her lip slightly but said nothing.0

She knew Liu Ming'an was trying to use this incident to persuade her to put down her blade, but how could a blade be laid down so easily?0

Moreover, they had been fortunate to encounter an intelligent official this time, but who could guarantee such luck every time in the future?0

Having a knife and not using it was different from not having a knife at all. Jiang Ning couldn't bring herself to place her hopes entirely on others.0

However, in her previous life, she had killed out of necessity, purely to avoid death. Now that she had been given a second chance at life, she also wanted to escape that dark past and live out this life peacefully, day by day, meal by meal.0

"Since you're so sincerely concerned for me, I can promise you that I'll try my best not to kill in the future," Jiang Ning said, looking at the concern in Liu Ming'an's eyes and offering a commitment of sorts.0

Hearing this, Liu Ming'an's lips curved into an irrepressible smile. Then Jiang Ning added, "Putting down the knife doesn't instantly make one a Buddha; it only leaves one vulnerable. I can only promise that I won't harm those who don't harm me, but if someone is bent on seeking death, I won't hold back."0

"Good!" Liu Ming'an said with a smile.0

He could hear the compromise in Jiang Ning's words. This was her second concession to him – the first had been about going up the mountain, and now it was about killing. For someone as proud and strong as Jiang Ning to be willing to make concessions, did it mean that he held some significance in her heart?0

The mere possibility made Liu Ming'an's eyes crinkle with joy, his face beaming as he walked alongside Jiang Ning, his gaze bright and sparkling.0

Seeing Liu Ming'an suddenly so happy, Jiang Ning was puzzled. "What are you so happy about? Did you not understand me? I meant that in the future, I might still have to—"0

"Jiang Ning, I'm just happy to see you," Liu Ming'an quickly interrupted, his voice as gentle as flowing water, his eyes full of affection.0

Again with these words, again with that look, Jiang Ning thought to herself.0

Just as Jiang Ning was considering whether to warn Liu Ming'an, two men emerged from around the corner ahead, calling out excitedly when they saw them: "Brother Liu!"0

They turned to look and saw two young men holding fishing rods, one of them carrying a bucket.0

Jiang Ning didn't recognize them, but Liu Ming'an did. It was Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun.0

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhang!" Liu Ming'an exclaimed, pleasantly surprised to see them. He then turned to Jiang Ning and said, "These are the two friends I mentioned to you before."0

By the time he finished speaking, the two men had eagerly approached Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning. The one in blue clothes patted Liu Ming'an on the shoulder and said with a laugh, "Ha ha! Brother Liu, what brings you to town? Are you here on business?"0

Without waiting for Liu Ming'an to answer, his gaze shifted to Jiang Ning beside him. After a quick glance, he said, "This young lady must be your sister, right?"0

Jiang Ning keenly noticed that when he said the word "sister," he seemed to emphasize it deliberately, and for some reason, his expression held a hint of teasing.0

Liu Ming'an nodded and introduced them to Jiang Ning: "Jiang Ning, this is Zhou Yi, and this is Zhang Shun."0

Then he turned to Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun and said, "Her name is Jiang Ning. Jiang as in 'ginger,' and Ning as in 'tranquil.'"0

Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun exchanged a smile, then bowed slightly to Jiang Ning, saying, "Miss Jiang Ning, it's a pleasure to meet you!"0

Jiang Ning nodded in response.0

"By the way, Brother Liu, what brings you to town?" Zhang Shun asked, setting down the bucket he was carrying.0

Jiang Ning glanced into the wooden bucket and saw it was full of lively fish, both large and small, of various species.0

Liu Ming'an wanted to answer but realized he didn't know where to begin. Finally, he said, "It's a long story, but in short, we've moved to town now. Our house is on North Street, not far from the Hong family. If you two want to come over for drinks and conversation, you're welcome anytime."0

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Zhou Yi exclaimed, slapping his thigh in excitement. "Where exactly is your place? Can we come visit tomorrow?"0

Liu Ming'an didn't answer immediately. Instead, he glanced at Jiang Ning first, worried that she might not appreciate being disturbed.0

Jiang Ning felt Liu Ming'an's questioning gaze and found her feelings difficult to articulate.0

She didn't recall ever restricting Liu Ming'an's friendships, so why was he acting as if she had the final say in their household?0

Jiang Ning's gaze swept over the three of them, and she suggested to Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun, "Our home is just ahead. Why don't you two come and sit for a while? It would be more convenient for you to chat there." After all, it did look a bit odd for the four of them to be standing in the street.0

Zhou Yi was very tempted. He turned to look at Zhang Shun, and seeing no objection, he immediately broke into a smile. "Sounds great! We hope we're not intruding."0

When the four of them arrived at Liu Ming'an's house, Zhou Yi had a sudden realization. "Oh, it really is close to my uncle's place. You all chat first, I'll go to Fusheng Restaurant and have them prepare some dishes and wine. I'll be back soon!"0

Before the others could react, Zhou Yi thrust his fishing rod into Liu Ming'an's hands and dashed off, disappearing around the corner of the alley in the blink of an eye.0

Liu Ming'an watched Zhou Yi's retreating figure vanish and chuckled, "Brother Zhou really is an impatient one!"0

Zhang Shun was used to it. "He's been like that since I've known him."0

After entering the courtyard, Jiang Ning went straight to her room.0

Liu Ming'an followed her to the door and said, "You didn't sleep well last night. Get some rest, and I'll call you when it's time to eat."0

"Mm," Jiang Ning responded, then closed the door, leaving Liu Ming'an and Zhang Shun to themselves.0

When Liu Ming'an turned back, he saw Zhang Shun smiling at him meaningfully. "Brother Liu, I knew your painting skills were superb, but I didn't realize they were this extraordinary."0

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean?" Liu Ming'an was puzzled, wondering why Zhang Shun had suddenly brought up his painting skills.0

Zhang Shun lowered his voice and said with a smile, "You've captured Miss Jiang Ning's spirit perfectly in your painting."0

Although only her eyebrows and eyes were visible now, the cold and aloof aura she exuded was identical to the feeling conveyed in Liu Ming'an's painting.0

Liu Ming'an suddenly remembered the burned painting and the poem, feeling a pang of regret.0

"I can't capture even a tenth of her essence. She's much more beautiful in person than in my painting," he said.0

Hearing Liu Ming'an's response, Zhang Shun raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Brother Liu, are you admitting to having improper thoughts about Miss Jiang Ning?"0

"Yes, I like her very much," Liu Ming'an nodded with a smile, feeling his heart warm as he spoke these words.0

Zhang Shun was genuinely surprised. The last time they met, Liu Ming'an had stubbornly insisted he only saw Jiang Ning as a sister, but in just a few short days, he was now openly admitting his feelings.0

"Hmm, not bad. You've got potential!" After a moment, Zhang Shun encouraged, patting Liu Ming'an on the shoulder.0

"But she doesn't like me..." After a while, Zhang Shun heard Liu Ming'an say in a somewhat dejected voice.0

What? This won't do! How could such an adorable little brother be left to love unrequited?0

Zhang Shun grasped Liu Ming'an's hand firmly, declaring with unwavering loyalty, "Brother Liu, I have experience in these matters. I'll teach you, don't worry!"0


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