The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 74

He Zhenhu had no idea how the officials had found him. When he was taken from his home, Li Xiangyun and his mother kept crying and asking what crime he had committed, but he couldn't answer.

Thinking it over, He Zhenhu guessed it might be related to Liu Ming'an's house being burned down.

But all he had done was shelter Zhao Instructor at his home for an afternoon, and go to the bamboo grove to inform Monkey. Even if something had happened, surely he couldn't be blamed for that?

With this reasoning, He Zhenhu felt a bit more at ease. When he arrived at the courthouse and saw Old Six, Monkey, Liu Ming'an, and the woman who had knocked him unconscious all present, He Zhenhu knew his guess was correct.

Jiang Ning noticed that Song Ming's posture changed slightly when He Zhenhu entered the courtroom. His previously upright sitting position shifted, with one hand resting on the armrest and his body slightly tilted, appearing less severe and more casual.

"This humble citizen He Zhenhu greets Magistrate Song!" He Zhenhu bowed with cupped hands. He could feel several gazes upon him, and his heart began to race.

Song Ming picked up his teacup with one hand, took a small sip, and then spoke with a smile, "Zhenhu, that's quite a powerful name. Were you born in the Year of the Tiger by any chance?"

He Zhenhu was taken aback by this unexpected question but answered honestly, "Yes, I was."

"What a coincidence! I was also born in the Year of the Tiger," Song Ming laughed heartily, seeming quite excited. He continued, "Which month were you born in?"


"Oh, then I'm one month older than you. I was born in August. Are you married?"


He Zhenhu was confused about the situation. Why wasn't the county magistrate asking him about the case, but instead making small talk?

It wasn't just He Zhenhu; Old Six Hu, Monkey, and Liu Ming'an were also perplexed. Why did the county magistrate suddenly seem so approachable, without any air of authority?

Only Jiang Ning slightly curved her lips, as she was all too familiar with this interrogation technique.

Interrogation is a crucial part of investigating a case. Throughout history, as legal systems have become more sophisticated and countries around the world have placed greater emphasis on human rights, traditional interrogation methods that cause physical and physiological harm to suspects have gradually been phased out to avoid "forced confessions" as much as possible.

As time progressed, the process of obtaining accurate testimony from suspects became increasingly challenging, leading to a greater focus on researching and applying psychological methods in interrogation.

In modern interrogation theory, the questioning techniques of the interrogator and the ability to interpret the psychological activities of the person being interrogated are equally important.

Song Ming's behavior employed the simplest technique of lowering the psychological defenses of the person being interrogated.

When He Zhenhu entered the courtroom, he came with the psychological expectation of being questioned by the county magistrate. Therefore, he was vigilant, guarded, and mentally defensive. Under these circumstances, any answer he gave would be the result of careful consideration after weighing the pros and cons.

That's why Song Ming relaxed his body and sat at an angle before He Zhenhu came in, weakening his "official authority."

Then, Song Ming stopped referring to himself as "this official" and instead used "I," reducing the gap between "official" and "commoner" and blurring the distinction in their status. He smiled and chatted about various topics, gradually allowing He Zhenhu to lower his mental guard.

During this seemingly casual conversation, there was also skill in the way Song Ming spoke.

If he had only asked questions like "How old are you?", "Are you married?", or "How old is your child?", the person being interrogated would find it strange and could easily detect that the interrogator was trying to get close, which could backfire.

Song Ming handled this well. He not only asked questions but also shared a bit about his own situation after each question. This would slowly make He Zhenhu realize that this official was a person just like him, alive and real, with his own joys and sorrows, nothing too intimidating.

As for why Song Ming only used this psychological technique on He Zhenhu and not on Monkey or Old Six Hu, Jiang Ning thought it was probably because, based on Zhao Qiang's testimony, Monkey and Old Six Hu were already cunning individuals.

Old Six Hu and Monkey had worked together to lure Zhao Qiang into their trap, so their involvement with each other was surely much deeper than with He Zhenhu.

He Zhenhu seemed more like the final link in their plan, chosen to participate mainly because he was from Lotus Flower Village.

For this reason, if they had to choose one person among the three to breakthrough for a confession, it would definitely be He Zhenhu.

This young county magistrate indeed had some skills, although his application was a bit rigid and deliberate. But for He Zhenhu, it should be enough, Jiang Ning thought.

As Jiang Ning had predicted, He Zhenhu at first suspected the county magistrate had taken the wrong medicine, feeling nervous and uneasy. But after a while, he realized they were just chatting about everyday matters, and this county magistrate seemed quite approachable, listening attentively to everything he said. The two seemed to be getting along well, and He Zhenhu gradually forgot he was in a courtroom, becoming bolder.

When Jiang Ning saw that He Zhenhu was no longer hunching his shoulders, dared to look directly at Song Ming while speaking, and had unconsciously adjusted his stance to a more comfortable position, she knew this interrogation was ready to conclude.

"...So, did your wife visit Lotus Flower Village before you got married?" Song Ming asked.

"She came several times. I always went to pick her up. She seemed quite docile back then. Who knew she'd turn into such a nag now?" He Zhenhu answered with a frown, clearly recalling some unpleasant memories.

"I see," Song Ming continued without changing his tone, "Has Monkey ever been to Lotus Flower Village?"

"Yes, he has!" He Zhenhu answered without thinking.

Jiang Ning glanced towards Monkey and Old Six Hu, seeing their expressions change dramatically. Monkey, in particular, flashed a fierce look, disregarding the setting, and shouted directly at He Zhenhu, "What nonsense are you talking about? When have I ever been to Lotus Flower Village?"

He Zhenhu suddenly came to his senses, realizing he had let something slip. He immediately waved his hands frantically at Song Ming, saying, "No, no, no... Your Honor, I made a mistake. Monkey has never been to Lotus Flower Village. I—"


The sound of the judge's gavel cut off the rest of He Zhenhu's words in his throat. He realized Song Ming had changed. That face no longer held any trace of the earlier smile; instead, it was a stern, intimidating face of an official.

"Hou Zehua, how dare you be so impudent in the courtroom?" Song Ming glared at Monkey, his voice severe.

"Magistrate Song, I've been wrongly accused. I spoke in haste. Please investigate thoroughly!" Monkey's voice was urgent.

"Hah! Wrongly accused..." Song Ming turned to the panicked He Zhenhu and asked, "He Zhenhu, I ask you, was what you just said about Hou Zehua visiting Lotus Flower Village true or false?"

He Zhenhu remembered the warnings from Old Six Hu and Monkey and was about to deny it, but just as he uttered the word "It's," he heard Song Ming continue in a low voice, "I remind you, if what you say is false, then you are giving false testimony and deceiving this official, as well as falsely accusing others. Your crime will be compounded, and according to the law, you will be subject to fifty lashes and six months' imprisonment."

He Zhenhu's forehead was covered in cold sweat, his lips trembling, his face turning pale.

"Moreover, the fire at Liu Ming'an's house a few days ago was an attempted arson and murder. You hadn't been home for days, yet you happened to return that very day. This official finds you highly suspicious."

Song Ming spoke again, and for He Zhenhu, this was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Everyone present saw He Zhenhu's knees buckle as he fell straight to the ground before Song Ming. Then he said, "This humble citizen did not lie. Monkey... he did come to Lotus Flower Village! Just the day before yesterday!"

Monkey's face turned ashen in an instant. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides, veins bulging on his arms, and the hatred in his eyes was chilling.


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