The Gene Gamer

Chapter 138: Class Advancement Quest II

Chapter 138: Class Advancement Quest II

"Kriaaa" the giant serpent roared out of pain.

Cylius who had expected this scenario was showing calmness as he shot the twenty fearsome fire beads towards the serpent's mouth. If they were to successfully attack its mouth, it would definitely drill several holes into its tongue. 

However, either by luck or senses, the serpent managed to just close its mouth within time, making the fire beads useless as they hit its scales. 

Now, the pained serpent was staring at the human in front of him in a puzzled gaze.

However, that puzzled gaze didn't last long before it turned into hatred and anger. It had simply blamed all of the pain it experienced on this human. 

The plan to injure the snake had failed. But he wasn't surprised at the outcome. After all, the plan was only a sub one that would be like a bonus if it succeeded, not to mention he was mostly sure that something like this wiuld've happened.

And now, the snake who had finally found a target to blame all the things it had experienced, toyed with Cylius as it whipped its tails at him constantly. Although the attacks weren't able to injure Cylius, the sight of a human dodging its attacks in a silly manner seemed to be quite amusing to the snake. 

In the last attempt, it even summoned its elemental skill and tried to create a whirlwind in order to shred him into shreds. 

However, Cylius who had been swiftly dodging the snake's tail suddenly stopped and then just stood there. 

Yes, he stood there. He stood there without any fear of the attacks because he was confident in his own abilities. 

At first, the snake was surprised; surprised that this human didn't dodge. But why would it care? It was even feeling ecstatic as it whipped its tail at air, this time intending to summon the elemental skill. 

However, that ecstasy soon turned into more pain. Pain as if its whole body was getting clogged up and nothing was exiting its body. 

Well, this clogged-up feeling didn't have any pain. It could only be described as strange at most. 

The thing that really made it experience immense pain was the constant powerful force tearing its inside. In other words, it felt itself get shredded into pieces starting from the inside. 

So with the pain, it could only thrash around. And it wasn't even able to move much due to the exceeding feeling of being bloated. 

And because of the stress its body had to receive, soon, it died. How it died was that its movement slowly became slower and slower until it no longer moved. 

And after some time, it had just completely stopped, the light within its eyes also got extinguished, marking its death.

As a viewer who had witnessed the death of this giant mutated snake, Cylius just stood there for the entire show, waiting for the time it would end. Well, he can't say it wasn't enjoyable. 

This being was suffering. And it brought him a sense of pleasure. 

So when the serpent finally died, he happily walked to the carcass and started cutting it open with a tiny but sharp dagger. 

He first started from the mouth where he ripped it apart from the inside while handling its fangs carefully. 

Then, he put the two fangs into his inventory and then separated the two tails that had been sticking out from it. 

Then, he proceeded onto the insides of the monster. When he checked its insides, it was just a huge pile of mess. The organs were crushed into bits and the crushed parts were mixed with each other, and it created a rather disgusting sight he would say. 

Well, the reason the serpent died and reached its current state was because of him so he can't complain.

How it happened started when he knew the serpent had gotten into a deep sleep in order to absorb the essence from the five windlight grass. Since he knew that serpent won't notice anything he did unless it was something drastic, he quickly replaced the formation it had with another. 

The time was short so the serpent didn't notice it and continued sleeping. 

The formation he replaced made a certain type of foreign energy enter the body of the serpent. The injected energy would then react with the serpent's bodily liquid and eventually make them mixed up with the elementals and then solidify them together, creating a blockade. 

Well, this only applied to some certain areas. There were some exceptions to this like the mouth part. But the structure of the serpent made it so that things can only enter from the mouth and not exit.

This was the reason for the snake's clogged-up body where anything can enter yet nothing can exit. 

So the serpent was already in quite a danger itself. However, this state would've been erased rather quickly later on with the blood of the serpent nullifying it so it wasn't really anything life threatening.

But because of the pain it caused, the serpent woke up. And when it woke up, it decided to attack Cylius with its usual attack. 

A wind attack from its tail. But since its whole body was clogged-up, the wind elemental energy could only stay within the body of the serpent. 

Now, without the elemental energy acting up, the clogged-up body of the serpent would've been erased. But because it had acted up, the blood and the elemental energy once again reacted with each other and created more of a blockade. 

And with the remaining elemental energy rampaging within the body of the serpent, it died due to internal injuries. 


Within the bloody mess, after searching for quite some time, he finally got out a round green sphere. 

This sphere was the monster core of the Mutated Wind Tailed Serpent. 

It was located in the tail of the serpent, where it generated elemental attacks for the serpent. 

And after the sphere, he got out two flat round triangle-shaped objects, which were the monster's plutosis - the organ of the body that controlled the core. 

The monster core was an item. It was an item that mostly wasn't able to be controlled by the brain. Therefore, there was another organ called the Plutosis. It was basically a medium between the brain and the core. 

Their shapes differed and they only appeared in magical monsters. 

But sometimes, there was even the case of humans having one. 


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