The Gene Gamer

Chapter 137: Class Advancement Quest

Chapter 137: Class Advancement Quest

'Now, for the class advancement quest...' 

As he thought about the details regarding the class advancement quest, his legs moved on towards the Mage Tower. His reason was no other than obtaining his class advancement quest. 

To explain:

There were towers based on the classes of players and NPCs. 

Mage Tower was one of them and the particular Mage Tower in Windwhale city had the ability to issue class advancement quests up to the 2nd tier. 

First, the player needs to have fulfilled the conditions to advance to the next tier. For Tier 1 was the exp requirement and when going higher and higher, the requirement for comprehension would also increase. 

After the players have completed the requirement, they could go the class advancement tower and receive their quests. 

Well, this was only for the normal classes. There was a thing called class tokens that was the key thing in making the person advance from one tier to another. 

These class tokens could usually be found in ancient ruins and such but they could also be created by the player themself. 

And the reason players received these class advancement quests was because so that they could receive the normal class token as a reward. So if one had the class token, they wouldn't need to do a quest or anything like that except some particular cases. 

And since he was seeking a hidden class, why would he need to go to the class advancement tier which only had the normal class tokens? 

It was because he had visited the particular ruin that was the reason for Gourmet possessing a hidden class.  And when he visited it and tried to obtain his class token, it said that -

[You first need to be a Tier 1 in order to enter this ruin.

But fear not, you would be able to obtain your hidden class once you complete the test given by the ruin. Your current class could be overwritten by the hidden class token you have acquired.] 

That was the description the system gave him. 

And he trusted the system so now, he was on his way to get his normal class. 


"Hi, how can I help you?" within the Mage Tower, a female staff asked him. 

"I would like to get the class advancement quest for the Mage class." Cylius replied back. 

"Please wait a moment" 

After some time, the staff once again opened her mouth and asked for the payment. 

"Please pay 5 silver coins to get the class advancement quest" 

Cylius handed the 5 silver coins quietly. He was more than rich now, with a wealth of about 1 gold coin; so he wasn't stingy on giving the 5 silver coins at all. 

"Here's your class advancement quest" after saying this, the female staff handed him a leather scroll. 

Obtaining the scroll, he didn't dilly dally any longer and quickly went outside in order to get the information about the quest. 


[Tier 1 Mage class advancement quest (common rank)

Description: The class advancement quest for Tier 1 Mage. Please complete the following and hand it in to the staff in order to get the Tier 1 Mage class advancement token. 

-Kill 7 Black Horned Goblins and retrieve their horns

-Pick up 10 windlight grass 

-Kill 3 Wind Tailed Serpents and retrieve their tails

Time limit: 1 week

Penalty: None]


On the scroll made out of goblin leather was the quest written in black. 

The difficulty was around medium if he were to grade it. 

The Black Horned Goblins were lvl 20 creatures and with his ability, they weren't hard to kill. 

He could probably just find a large group and do a massacre in order to obtain it. 

However, for the windlight grass, it was a bit hard to find. Not only were they hard to find but they were also guarded by the Wind tailed serpents. 

But he could just ask the locals and obtain their location. Once he gets information on either of the Wind tailed serpent or the windlight grass, he would be able to do both works with one time of effort. 

Well, it would require some money but it wouldn't be much. 


One hour later. 

"That girl said he found a windlight grass around here, where is it?" mumbling to himself, he dragged his body and searched the surroundings, still trying to find the windlight grass.

'Did she scam me?' this thought suddenly appeared on his mind. 

However, right as he was going to turn back and return to the NPC that scammed him, he suddenly found something with his skill. 

It was a shiny object that was radiating faint wind energy. 

And when he found it, he was finally relieved. 

It was the Windlight grass he had been looking for 30 minutes already.

Turns out that the cliff that girl mentioned wasn't exactly a cliff but just a slightly deformed hill that was steep. The one he was looking in was another cliff-like geographical structure that was quite large.

He should've considered this place considering the size of the little girl. 

And when he went to the Windlight Grass, surprisingly, there were no beasts guarding it. 

Quite a rare case but it wasn't as if it was impossible. So he didn't pay any attention to it and continued on.

However, the catch wasn't that this grass had no beasts guarding it. Instead, near this windlight grass, into the deformed hill was the presence of another five windlight grass along with a mutated wind tailed serpent. 

[Mutated Wind Tailed Serpent lvl. 25

Attribute: Wind Element] 

He can't take on this serpent on his own. However, whether he could or not, he wanted to try it.

It wasn't that he had the power to overwhelm it but it was because he had the initiative and intellect that the monster didn't possess. 

So step by step, he approached the windlight grass and picked it up. 

Then, he moved his fingers in a certain pattern and drew a circle in the air. 

After that, he slowly pushed the circle into the hill's walls and magically, a pathway appeared before him. 

It was right to be called a tunnel. 

After going into it for some time, he was welcomed by the sight of quite a giant underground cave filled with many glowstones lighting it up. 

With the number of glowstones there were, the giant cave was easily lit up with a faint blue color. 

Around the edges of it was a giant creature, easily five meters tall sleeping on the ground. Surrounding the creature were five windlight grass, almost as if it was arranged in a certain pattern. 

If looked into it by the Eye of God skill, it showed that the Wind Tailed Serpent was actually absorbing the essence inside them through a formation.

It wasn't much of a surprise since that was why these monsters guarded the magical unique plants. 

It was so that they could use it for themself. And as for this monster, it seemed to have already started absorbing the essence of the plant it was guarding. 

The unfortunate thing was that the quality of the windlight grass would be lower compared to the average. But since the quest didn't tell about the quality of the windlight grass, it would be fine as long as he doesn't hand in a dead, completely useless windlight grass. 

The fortunate thing was that the Mutated wind tailed serpent was currently in deep sleep because it was absorbing the essence of the grass. 

That meant that during the time, he would be able to do whatever he wished with it. That included tampering with the formation it had created. 


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