The Gardener in a Hunter World

Chapter 10: Little Wars (1)

Chapter 10: Little Wars (1)

Disclaimer: This is an edited MTL. Thus, I cant guarantee that my editing to be proficient. But I hope you enjoy this story with me. If there are any corrections, it is highly encourage to leave a comment.

After clearing the dungeon, Yoo Ji-ha couldnt resist the couples words to eat, so he came home after filling his stomach.

Jumi kept trying to feed him because she felt pity for the skinny Ji-Ha, and thanks to that, he had to hold his bloated belly back home.

By the way, they dont have a baby yet.

Its been a while since they got married but they did not have any children.

The red thread between the couple seems to be good and the will is full. Is there a problem on one side?

Thats unfortunate.

It would be cute if a baby was born between the two of them.

He couldnt sleep for a while because he was worried about his bloated stomach, and then he barely fell asleep.

The forest in his dream was quite different during the day.

Hummingbell It looks like a real bell.

For that reason, it looks almost identical to the Golden Bell you think of when you think of a bell.

However, it was unknown what the effects of this flower were.

It knows how to make a sound

Yoo Ji-Ha tapped the Hummingbell, noticed that the stream was quite wide, and approached it.


He cant help but admire it.

The creek, which was only a narrow stream, has widened a bit.

He didnt even know there was life within it before, but now there are few small fishes roaming around.

There are also crayfishes.

It was said that 20 years ago, you could see freshwater crayfish just by lifting a stone from a creek like this, but now, because of monsters, he cant even think of it.

Yoo Ji-Ha squatted and watched the water animals for a while, then he was startled by the sound of something ringing.

Woong woong woong-

What is this suddenly? Ah, the Hummingbell.

He approached Hummingbell, but the sound was coming from outside.

The sound subsided as he touched the mist next to the cave.

It must be here.

However, nothing can be seen outside because it was foggy.

There doesnt seem to be anything unusual

Looking everywhere, he saw the Theradrones tumbling under his feet, and knelt down.

IThe pincers look similar.

It looks very similar to the pincers that killed the troll in the Polar dungeon.

But their sizes were too different.

These guys were the size of a fingernail, but that monster was bigger than SUVs.

He thinks that they may not even be of the same species

Now, the Theradrones were going out of the fog,

He was wondering if it was blocked by a wall, but these tiny insects came in and out casually.

When he put his hands on the ground and carefully observed the boundary line, the surrounding fog became transparent. And a new world opened.


Yoo Ji-Has mouth was wide open.

The world outside the fog was something he could not have imagined.

It looked like an ordinary forest that had been reduced to a hundredth.

The forest still looked like a forest, but the sizes of the trees, rocks, and lakes are so small.

When he saw a tiny deer passing by, Yoo Ji-Ha opened his mouth.

I feel like I became Gulliver.

But he cannot interfere with this lovely forest.

When he looked more closely, the Theradrones were fighting something.

Its a Devil Ant!

A dangerous class monster in Korea.

The hunters working in the field hated them more than their hate ratings.

This is because they come out in swarms and spit out poison that smells foul, making them difficult to deal with.

If you kill one, youll have to deal with ten, so even a hunter with a sizable amount of energy will get tired of it.

Although the Theradrones were larger than the Devil Ants, they were struggling with the quantity that was several times larger than them.

Hmmm, I wonder Are these guys just small or am I big?

The forest, a reminiscent of a miniature, and the Devil Ants, everything felt small to him except for the features and the flora and fauna within the territory.

Theyre trying to come in here.

Just observing them, he could see that the Devil Ants were constantly trying to invade the subterranean area.

He cant just stand still, but what should he do?

He pushed the wall of fog with his body, but it didnt budge. Then a message popped up on the status window.

The war between your Theradrone Legion and the invader Devil Ant Corps has begun. Would you like to help your legion?



The bewildered Yoo Ji-Ha made a stupid noise. He ca intervene in these little guys wars?


Your Theradrone Legion

He felt his chest tighten.

He cant control these little insects, but if he gave rear support and won the war, he could probably expect a small reward.

Most of all, he felt sorry for the Theradrones whom he already felt a little affection for, struggling with the Devil Ants poison.

Those demons.

When he chose YES, a new option then appeared.

The Theradrone Legion requires these to be applied. What will you choose?

  1. l) Poison Resistance potion

2) Stamina potion

3) Food according to the Theradrones preference

4) Physical Resistance potion


So, it means they need these things?

Potions are for humans, but he guessed it could be applied to the Theradrone as well.

But right now, he didnt bring either potions.

If its food that they like, then it must be that.

The sap jelly he brought from the Polar dungeon just in case.

Im sure the Theradrones will eat it.

Yoo Ji-Ha took out the plastic containing the sap jelly from his backpack and put it on the ground.

The Theradrones that were pushed back from the battle with the Devil Ants began to show interest.

Eat this and be strong.

It was the only thing he could say.

After a while, a significant number of Theradrones flocked to the sap jelly and began to suck it up.

After eating theyre a little bit bigger.

Had they shrunk from starvation?

As you get bigger, you get stronger.

The Theradrones did not disappoint his expectations and began to cut the Devil Ants in half with its large pincer.

Wow, thats great.

The Devil Ants, pushed by the rapid charge of the Theradrones, responded in quantities.

When one of them died, three came out to deal with Theradrone.

They came from nowhere and were gradually expanding their occupied territory.

The Theradrones regained their strength in an instant, but it seemed that their stamina was running out.

Poison Resistance potion or Stamina potion, one of the two have to be given out.

Unfortunately, he didnt have either with him. Then another message popped up.

Your Theradrone Legion is being pushed back. You can apply a wide-area buff using your Essence. YES/NO

Did it just say to use Essence here?

It was the precious Essence that he barely obtained in the Polar dungeon.

It can be said that it was useless to him since hes without any combat skills. Saving it for future use is meaningless.

Still Good people gave it to me.

If he hesitated any longer, Yoo Ji-Ha could see the Theradrones defeat.

Maybe their role is to protect this forest.

The moment the Theradrones are completely defeated, his peace may end.

After thinking up to this point, Ji-Ha chose YES. The next option came.

The Theradrone Legion will need these things. What would you like to apply?

1)  Increases HP by 30% for 1 hour 1 Essence

2)  Increases poison resistance by 30% for 1 hour 1 Essence

3)  Increases physical resistance by 30% for 1 hour 1 Essence

4)  Workers Blessing 2 Essence

What is option 4? Is it referring to me as a Worker?

As in his class as a Worker.

Although it needed two Essence, the effect seemed to be better than the above options, but he couldnt be so sure.

After much deliberation, Yoo Ji-Ha chose number 4.

Anyway, it would still be better than the options above.

The moment he chose this option, a pale golden glow emanated from his body.

It was incomparable, but it was like the radiance of the branches he had planted in the forest.

The Theradrones began to move enthusiastically as if they had gained power.

Huh, now the Devil Ants are holding on to Dokdo*. (TN: Dokdo are two islets on the east coast of Korea and Sea of Japan. It is controlled by Korea but contested by Japan of its sovereignty. So, it basically means that the devil ants are holding on to their territory.)

Maybe its because of the increased Physical Resistance, so even if one Theradrone fights with four Devil Ants, it doesnt get pushed back.

The Workers Blessing seemed to increase their Stamina, Poison Resistance, and Physical Resistance.

In exchange for using 3 buffs, 2 Essence is cheap.

Yoo Ji-Ha appreciated the effect of the package.

Realizing that they were being pushed back, the Devil Ants retreated and formed a line.

However, the Theradrone were not fools enough to wait for that, so they intensively pushed into the battle line and killed more Devil Ants.

Dont run away, fight back!

He shouted inwardly, but the ants retreated much faster.

They stopped the Theradrones by spewing poison, and then ran into the mist.

Ah, sorry.

Had he pushed a little bit more, he would have been able to win completely.

But he is satisfied that they have protected this forest.

The Theradrones returned to the forest one after another, biting a very small golden lump with their pincers.

It seems to be the loot, but Yoo Ji-Ha realized soon that it was an Essence and Ether Stone.

It was too small to see clearly.

A few Theradrones came to Yoo Ji-Ha with Essences and Ether stones in their pincers and put them at his feet.

Are you giving this to me?

Watching them carefully going around, they might be telling him to take it.

But can he consume an Essence this small?

When he gently brought his finger closer, it surprisingly seeped into his body just like what happened in the Polar dungeon.

His Essence stat changed to 5, and Yoo Ji-Ha was enveloped in a warm sensation.

This is a real Essence.

If so, then the Ether stone would also be real.

Finding a tiny stone and barely putting it on his palm, it became huge.


At this point, nothing is heard but laughter.

Yoo Ji-Ha was satisfied with the five Essences and Ether stones.

And since the Devil Ant is a dangerous monster, the Ether stone will be sold at a high-price.

The Theradrones brought more Essence and Ether stones, but he declined.

Im satisfied with this, so you guys can have it.

When he took a step back, the guys understood and took it underground.

These guys are clever.

The cost of investing a small amount of Essence has returned a great deal .

It can be said that it was a very successful business as he received 5 Essence and 5 Ether Stone for 2 Essence.

With a satisfied face, Yoo Ji-Ha put five Ether stones into his backpack.


In the evening, Yoo Ji-Ha lit a bonfire in the middle of the forest.


As he was processing the Ignition stone into flint while listening to the sound of the crackling bonfire, a Theradrone approached him.

Uh, you, its dangerous to come here.

Realizing it was dangerous, the little guy kept some distance from the bonfire. Looking closely now, this guy grew larger compared to its previous size earlier.

The guy who used to only be as big as a fingernail grew to the size of a finger, was it because he consumed Essence or it was just larger in general?

Are you the captain?

Instead of answering him, the Theradrone put down what he was holding with his pincer.

Huh? What is it?

It was a very small seed, but when put it on his hand, it grew quite a bit.

The Seed of the Fog Chasing Flower

If its a fog chasing flower, can it drive that fog away?

Maybe its for the expansion of this forest.

Its not good for the forest to grow too big, but Yoo Ji-Ha wanted to see something new.

Yoo Ji-Ha gently stroked the shell of Theradrone that brought the seed.

Perhaps it recognized a compliment, he took out his wings and trembled.

You have wings.

Its an insect, so maybe its normal.

As Yoo Ji-Ha was rummaging through the books, a message popped up on the status window.

The Theradrones are asking to help rescue their Queen. Do you want to allow it? YES/NO

He didnt know these guys have a queen.

If they have a queen, will she give birth and lead them?

I can have more.

When he selected YES, the insects got busy.

Isnt it amazing to be able to communicate with the Theradrones through this?

Yoo Ji-Has bonfire was lit and seeds of Fog Chasing Flower were planted.

Then, within a day, the flowers grew, and his territory expanded. A new type of plant also appeared.

Evening Primrose1

: Increases Poison Resistance for 30 minutes

This is a plant used in making Poison Resistance potions.

However, it displayed a Poison Resistance effect which is different from the Evening Primroses normally seen in dungeons.

Well, everything that grows in this forest is like this.

Yoo Ji-Ha collected the liquid scattered in the petals of Evening Primrose.

This will make a good Poison Resistance potion.

With Stamina and Poison Resistance potions, the Theradrones will be able to fight against the Devil Ants.

Yoo Ji-Ha was ready to support his little legions war.

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