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7 months ago
When hunters enter the dungeon, I fall into a dream.... Read more When hunters enter the dungeon, I fall into a dream. Collapse Alchemy, Animal Rearing, Artifacts, Beast Companions, Books, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Conditional Power, Cute Story, Dragons, Dungeon Master, Dungeons, Elves, Fantasy World, Farming, Game Elements, God Protagonist, Godly Powers, Gods, Guilds, Heartwarming, Hunters, Level System, Magic, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Monsters, Pets, Selfless Protagonist, Skill Books, System Administrator, World Tree Not that it's not nice to have a good laugh sometimes... But everywhere I go in the review section of this website... The only constructive 'review' that I can get... is the unreliable star rating. Why unreliable? Tell me, if someone rate a novel 1 star and they haven't read it, or someone else rate it 3 stars but they haven't finish it.... How the heck am I suppose to interpret the stars? They truly should change the name of this 'review' section for 'comments' instead. At the least, I wouldn't feel both misled and frustrated. I can't even relied on the reviews to know if it's worth to read it or not. Well... That depends a lot. For example, I read at least all or almost all the chapters available before I review and I never give it a solid grade until it's finished. Often, I talk about potential, because it shows that the novel is good and going well, apparently, but whether it really is going well is hard to say, because it can often end abruptly. There are also people who review only the beginning, 100 chapters or so, and do a review. I don't agree with that, but that's life, so at least it gives you some direction to make a more comprehensive assessment. My advice is not to go by the reviews but to judge from them whether or not it's worth reading for you. If you like the context of the novel, even if the rating is low in the review, read it, as it managed to attract your attention. #panic# after chapter 38 the already published chapters are being repeated.Review up to chapter 38: Although it is a novel with a very simple writing, it is a good read. -well defined characters -good world building -good monsters -The protagonist is very innocent but doesn't bother much. The only thing missing is a good romance since everyone has a partner except the mc. 7.9/10 As far as I understand, the translator has started editing the MTL and publishing a new version of the translation. When the translator finishes editing the MTL, I will fix the duplicates. Of course someone has to report this to me. When hunters enter the dungeon, I fall into a dream.Language: ChineseIm shocked this isn't written by a Korean author I looked at this and thought this was Solo Farming in the Tower but I rubbed my eyes and checked and yeah I was hallucinating same here though it might be a knock-off or something Longest Korean synopsis I ever read😂 I had to check again if it had the longest synopsis.......Spoilerhaha you got me there It's Chinese This novel may have won the record of having the lowest number of letters in a DESCRIPTION with a staggering 52 characters if you count in everything. What is this synopsis... Poison tasters assemble When hunters enter the dungeon, I fall into a dream.Join the ranobe discord, link in my profile You could... volunteer DeathSeeker nooo A good boss must be willing to do what the workers are doing If I have workers why should I... slave... ahem I mean labour start working Plus you never know if you like it unless you try it yourself. If you have workers you still have to work. It is life. You will eventually read... or maybe not Nah when i had slaves ahem sorry again, workers for my job why I should not enjoy them Suffer ahem, I mean enjoy the read