The Four Swords

Chapter 111: Manners Matter

Chapter 111: Manners Matter

Ember jumped at the revelation. "I told you that disguise was not going to fool anyone!"

Ash rubbed at his cheek, letting the ashen complexion wipe away. Underneath it revealed a more healthy looking skin tone.

"At least I tried to conceal our identities through new names!" The younger brother retorted as he lowered the ill-fitting spectacles.

"Yes, changing Blaise to Ash just sounds like your flame is going out. Which makes sense if you're one candle short of a chandelier," the older sister laughed without malice. The humor was not intended to wound, but to playfully banter.

"Maybe it was the name 'Ember' that gave it away? Ever consider that?" The younger man deflected the blame for their discovery.

Both siblings paused for a moment before turning to look at Princess Alina awaiting an answer as to how she figured out who they were. Alina smiled, keeping the juicy secret to herself for a moment.

"Part of the blame falls on our esteemed Duke Hugo," Alina's eyes glistened with humor. The siblings turned toward their counterpart to see how he betrayed them.

"How so? Your Highness?" The Duke asked.

"Well whenever I was not being as studious as he would like in my lessons, he would remind me of how honored I should be for my position. He would remind me that the gnomes have a High Princess, who was firstborn to the royal family, but would not inherit the throne because women cannot rule." The Princess looked at her former tutor knowingly.

The distinguished man let his head bend oh so slightly. Duke Hugo seemed to know where this conversation was headed.

"One day I asked him to show me what this woman looked like. He showed me the High Princess and the Crown Prince. Duke Hugo lingered on the lady's portrait and whenever I would need a break from my studies I would ask to see her again. I never knew that Duke Hugo actually knew the Princess. I thought he just thought she was lovely," Princess Alina concluded.

"See! I told you it wasn't my fault, Isolde! Though it sounds like your portrait is partially to blame." Prince Blaise pointed out to a less interested Isolde. She was staring intently at the Duke who was giving her a shy glance back.

The Duke shrugged toward the woman. Her face was almost unreadable. She seemed to be putting together some pieces of information but I could not decipher what.

"Great. That's all well and good, but can we all get out of here? Surely that explosion drew some attention from the Seers side of the border and we have no idea who is around here that is unsavory. I mean, isn't the countryside where criminals go to hide?" Sir Balor proceeded to insult almost everyone in some way.

"Although poorly said, Sir Balor does make a point that if someone were planning on harming any of the royalty present, we are not well covered," Sir John stepped in before my thoughts would allow me to say something permitted in such company.

"Thank you for your help, Your Highnesses and Your Grace, but I think for all of our safety, it is best we split up," Princess Alina ended the meeting demurely.

"Indeed. Best of luck, people of Ensis!" Prince Blaise nodded his head in respect and Alina curtsied in return.

"Mount your horses. I know a place not that far from here where we can discuss what we have seen," I took charge of my group. After all, we were heading to my home.

The smell of fresh baked bread reached my nose before my home was even in sight. The fields of farmers working diligently was a welcomed vision. My heart felt at rest like it hadn't in weeks. I was home! Albeit with a few extra people in tow, but that did not matter for the moment.

Alina threw up the hood on her traveling cloak at the sight of countrymen. Better safe than recognized.

We dismounted in front of my barn. Buckley, my family's hired hand, met us without question. He took the horses to tend to them. That's one of my favorite things about Buckley. He never wastes words on unimportant things. My mother, on the other hand, is a completely different story.

"There you are! I've been worried sick. You know Benate never visits me and you've been gone far too long, Holden! Come give your momma a hug!" Before I could protest, my mother wrapped me in a tight embrace.

"Feels like you haven't been eating. No matter! I just made bread. And there is plenty for your friends too! Hello, forgive Holden's manners. I promise he wasn't raised in this barn. I'm Evalyn! Welcome to my home. Let's go inside where it is cozy!"

I love my mother, but when she gets excited, she is a force to be reckoned with. No one can get a word in between her rantings. I saw Cali and Jacobson share a knowing glance with stifled smiles. I hope they don't judge my mother too harshly. She loves deeply but her gregarious nature is sometimes perceived as vapid.

We all piled around the kitchen table. Luckily this house was built with the Swordsman of the clan in mind, so there was space for quite a few visitors. My mother wasted no time in making sure every plate in front of every person had a generous portion of bread and fruit. She also put a pot on the stove and grabbed a spoon to start making her famous porridge.

"Holden doesn't bring friends around often. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" My mother tried to get introductions started.

Alina dropped her hood. Her face was flushed. I'm sure she felt rude for having concealed her identity from her gracious hostess.

My mother gasped "Oh my goodness, I did not recognize you, your highness. I did not know we had such an important guest!"

"Do country bumpkins ever recognize important people?" Sir Balor scoffed almost under his breath toward Sir Gavin.

My mother promptly hit Sir Balor on the head with her spoon. "Manners! Do not mumble. Especially in the presence of someone so dignified. Repeat what you said so we can all hear!"

I stifled my laughter as Balor rubbed the back of his head. The ignorant fool repeated what he said at a louder volume.

"Manners!" My mom said again, repeating the motion with her spoon. "I raised two boys with mouths that started out as foul as yours. I can raise another!"

An idea blossomed in my head. The Queen did not say I had to return with Balor and Gavin. I smiled knowing the two men's fate was in my hands


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