The Four Swords

Chapter 110: Explosive Vision

Chapter 110: Explosive Vision

The whimsical woman playfully jabbed toward Duke Hugo with a pointed finger. She was not one to be insulted.

"We get out plenty. Just not all the way to Ensis, like some people," Ember rolled her eyes.

At her jab towards his ribs, Duke Hugo grabbed her hand and gently placed it in the crook of his other arm. If you missed the interaction, it would've just seemed like the man was escorting Ember in a courtly manner. A hint of a smirk ran across the duke's face. I don't think he generally got the better of the woman.

Ember glared momentarily at her new predicament but any frustration she felt seemed to disappear behind joyous eyes. In no way did she seem to discourage the attention of her counterpart. I guess there goes my chances with her.

Princess Alina cleared her throat. "I appreciate your help in these uncertain times, Duke Hugo, Ash and Ember." The Princess made short introductions of our traveling companions. At least Sir Balor kept his mouth shut. I suppose he would need somewhere to flee if Alina finally got sick of him. Not upsetting our neighbors to the south was probably a wise move.

"Duke Hugo, have you seen any more of the vision you shared with us on the evening of my birthday?" Princess Alina cut to the question we all wondered.

Duke Hugo straightened his shoulders and cleared his throat. "Sadly, Your Highness, I have not."

Our Princess did not try to hide her disappointment, but something in me was momentarily relieved. The visions of the gnomes had been too accurate for my liking and it unnerved me to think there might be more.

"However," the duke began again," I do think that I might glean more information if you recite the second stanza of the poem that brought about the first visions. My counterparts are here to help me show you any vision I might see."

My stomach sank. This magic seemed too powerful. I could easily see it drive a man crazy waiting for visions to come true.

The three gnomes linked arms in a circle, keeping their forearms together from elbow to wrist and intertwining fingers. Their faces cleared of emotion and their eyes closed. I wonder if they read each other's thoughts in this kind of circle. Maybe that's how they share visions.

"Princess, please recite the second stanza. Whenever you're ready," the Duke instructed.

Princess Alina took a deep breath, rising to her full height. "Lies told in castle tower." She paused as a cloud-like bubble appeared above the gnomes. Grey and milky-white swirls of mist mixed together with no clear vision.

"Form an ever-growing wedge." Alina slowly began again. The swirls intensified, seeming to blow like a hurricane, but no vision appeared. Alina shared a glance with Calista. I am sure they were wondering the same thing I was. I hope this trip was not a wild goose chase.

My eye caught Sir Balor rolling his eyes. Even if the gnomes could not see into Alina's future, the ability to create the vision bubble was impressive. Some people just refuse to enjoy life.

"A most foul brute near her power," Alina continued with less confidence.

The picture started shifting and changing. The storm in the bubble started to clear, but the picture was still hazy. A man fell backwards onto his hands. His face, obscured from his back, could not be seen. His identity remained a mystery.

The fog in the background lifted slightly for a single figure holding a sword. This person was the reason the first man fell. The silhouette was slightly hidden by the figure of the fallen man in the foreground, cutting off the image of the attacker at their knees. Fabric flowed around their knees in the breeze. A dress made the most sense. This had to be a woman attacking.

The man on the ground tried to retreat further, but slipped, falling backward a bit further as the shadow of the silhouette raised the sword overhead for an attack. The image faded as the sword began to swing toward the man on the ground.

Something in me made my hand grab the hilt of my sword. Attacking someone unarmed did not sit well with me. Honor, justice and innocence should be defended. The attacking brute must be stopped.

"Innocence grappled on the ledge," Alina finished the stanza with trepidation in her tone.

The image shifted to two hands holding onto a rock face. Slowly one hand lost its grip. While trying to regain a better hold, the other hand lost traction. Both hands fell from the vision. A woman's heart wrenching scream erupted from the vision bubble, bursting the cloud in a violent display.

All three gnomes fell to the ground, narrowly avoiding the explosion of the vision sphere. My counterparts stood shell shocked for a moment, unsure of what we just witnessed. Sir Gavin and Sir John were the first to snap out of it. Both men came forward to help our gnomish friends from the ground.

Sir Balor finally found his tongue, cursing loudly. Alina instantly blushed, not used to such words. Balor, oblivious to his faux pas, continued talking. "What was that? Are you trying to kill me?"

Glad the Queen saddled us with this selfless individual so focused on protecting the Princess. I rolled my eyes.

Duke Hugo straightened his garb before cutting his eyes in the direction of the offending party. "That language is uncalled for!"

Gavin gave Balor a look full of heat and frustration. I wish he had better trained his yapping puppy.

"Agreed! Please forgive my fellow countryman," Alina put on her diplomatic tone.

"I must admit, though, I have never seen such a display of raw power from a vision," Duke Hugo turned to look at his counterparts.

"Sounds linked to visions are rare. The few visions that I have seen with noises are typically rather quiet and easily misinterpreted. This is something the gnomish elders will need to know about," Ember said looking toward her companions.

Both men looked worried. Neither seemed thrilled with that idea. The gnomes must have had intimidating leadership. With so few in their party, I wonder if leadership even knows these three came to see us.

"Sister, we can't do that! Father would be furious!" Ash's mouth twisted into a tight line. I'm guessing at least their dad has no idea these two are here.

Princess Alina let out an airy laugh. "I am sure you will find a way to tell them. After all, if I'm not mistaken, you are Crown Prince Blaise and High Princess Isolde. King Berlio can not stay mad for long."


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