The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Wang Chunhua racked her brains thinking of ways to get scholar Liu to accept her younger sister. She scurried to give her ideas, but Li Mingwei said she didn't like him.

"You don't like scholar Liu?"

This was not what she had expected. What young girl wouldn't like scholar Liu? She didn't believe it.

Understanding Wang Chunhua's gaze, Li Mingwei helplessly said, "Sister, I really don't like him."

"Then what they said about seeing you hugging him passionately on the street, was that false?"

Hugging passionately?

Li Mingwei's mind buzzed. When had she ever hugged him passionately? She could barely dodge Liu Yizhu, let alone anything like that! Things she didn't even remember happening, how could those people have seen it?

But a specific description like hugging together, it probably wasn't groundless gossip either.

Soon, Li Mingwei locked onto the day before yesterday as the only recent time she had seen Liu Yizhu. She carefully recalled it, then swore to Wang Chunhua: "I really didn't hug him. I just about tripped and he caught me for a second. I pulled away very quickly."

"How did you trip again?"

Li Mingwei...

"Sister, I only tripped this once. It wasn't true last time that I fell."

Oh right! Wang Chunhua suddenly realized, last time was made up. But in the eyes of others, it looked like she had deliberately tripped into scholar Liu's arms twice. With that kind of rumor going around, it was no wonder.

Li Mingwei lay miserably on the bed, full of regret. She should have listened to Mr. Jin and shared an umbrella with him that day.

That afternoon when she went to the school, Liu Yizhu still hadn't left. But while she was copying books, he was just sitting there reading a book without talking to her, so she didn't want to assume familiarity.

She didn't have much left to copy of that book. She thought there was no point leaving a bit, she might as well finish it and take it back. After class she went back upstairs to continue.

When she was ready to leave, it started snowing again. She still owed Mr. Jin an umbrella that she had lost last time. She had offered to replace it several times but kept forgetting.

Liu Yizhu did have an umbrella. Mr. Jin asked him to help walk her home: "You have to go past the Du house anyway on your way back. Just go with him. The snow isn't light, who knows if the roads are covered. It's better if you have company in case you trip on the way."

Li Mingwei didn't really want to walk with Liu Yizhu. She hesitated without answering. Sensing this, Liu Yizhu pursed his lips and handed the umbrella to her, "You can take it, I don't need it."

With him saying that, Li Mingwei couldn't refuse either. It would seem petty. She reluctantly said, "Fine, let's go together."

The umbrella wasn't very big. The two walked rather close together. When her foot slipped and she was about to fall, Liu Yizhu reached out and caught her. As soon as she steadied herself she pushed him away. Those few seconds were apparently witnessed by someone again.


What kind of people had nothing better to do than wander around outside in the snow, not only aimlessly wandering but also peering around with such sharp eyes and gossipy mouths?

The plans were useless now. Wang Chunhua was visibly somewhat disappointed. She patted Li Mingwei's shoulder comfortingly and told her not to overthink it. In the future, just staying away from scholar Liu would be good enough.

Hearing her say this, Li Mingwei's stubborn side flared up. She huffed, "Why does everyone tell me to stay away from him? Why can't he be told to stay away from me?"

Wang Chunhua looked embarrassed, "Sister didn't mean it that way. It's just that if you two are together, people probably think you approached him."

"Do you think so too?" Was that why she came to talk to her about this? Li Mingwei pouted, "Sister, do you also feel I'm not good enough for him?"

Wang Chunhua thought about it carefully before solemnly saying, "For this matter, we have to look at it from multiple angles. In terms of looks, you're a perfect match for him. No other girl in this town is prettier than you. If you're not good enough, who could be? You can also read and write, your handwriting is nice too, very well-suited to him."

"For other areas, you fall a bit short. He's around the same age as you, but that's only because studying delayed him. He still hasn't gotten engaged. But you..."

You were married before and can't have children anymore, which is a huge flaw. And Liu Yizhu is an only child.

"Although his family is a bit poor, he's a scholar with boundless future prospects. For our family, sister, I don't know what you do, but outsiders all think you're my maternal niece from the village. How could we match him?"

Only then did Li Mingwei recall this. She still had the Wang family of Apricot Blossom Village behind her! As far as the townspeople here were concerned, it was probably not odd that they would look down on her, a childless remarried village girl without parents or home.

Just today she had still arrogantly said those words to Madam Wang. She was probably considered an idiot by Madam Wang, undeservedly full of herself.

Li Mingwei pulled the blanket over her face, only revealing two beady eyes looking pitifully at Wang Chunhua. She whimpered, "Sister~"

Wang Chunhua sighed, "There there, we don't even like him anyway, so what's it matter if we match him or not? I'll find you a good one in the future."


She looked down on even Liu Yizhu. Could there be any good ones left in Qingshi Town? She'd rather wait until she returned to the capital to find someone.

To comfort Li Mingwei's injured pride, Wang Chunhua directly served her two bowls of lamb soup at lunch. Boldly she declared, "Drink up! I cooked a huge pot today. Drink your fill!"

Li Mingwei twitched her mouth. Her sister's fervor was like she was offering alcohol. Still, she gulped down two hearty bowls with equal gusto.

Wang Chunhua put Mr. Jin's portion into a small clay pot for her to carry in her basket to the school.

"There's a stove at school. You can put the pot directly on it to heat up. Remember to bring back the basket and pot after Mr. Jin finishes."

"Got it."

She ambled to school, sneakily peeked into the backyard with her basket. Madam Wang had left. Relieved, she went upstairs.

Well, Madam Wang was gone but Liu Yizhu was still there.

Seeing Liu Yizhu now instantly irritated her. She rolled her eyes, set the things on Mr. Jin's desk, then turned to leave downstairs.

Liu Yizhu was startled by her swift motions. He didn't even pretend to seriously read his book anymore. Hurriedly he went up to grab her hand.

"You're not copying books today?"

Li Mingwei shook his hand off. She had never been the wishy-washy sort. Bluntly she said, "I'll copy when you leave. Tell me when you plan to go and I'll start then."

Liu Yizhu was stunned. The past few days he had noticed Li Mingwei deliberately avoiding him. He assumed she felt men and women should keep distance.

He didn't expect such immense hostility from her today at their first meeting. Momentarily he was lost for words. "I... you..."

Li Mingwei frowned, "If you have nothing to say I'm leaving first. Later when your mother sees, she'll say I'm pestering you again. As if I care."

"Did my mother go find you? What did she say?"

"Why ask me? Go ask your mother. I don't want to talk to you. Stay away from me in the future."

From her expression and tone, Liu Yizhu could tell even with his toes that his mother had said nothing nice. Apologetically he said, "If my mother said anything offensive, I apologize on her behalf..."

"I don't need an apology. Just keep your distance and stop talking to me from now on."


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