The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Originally, Li Mingwei thought that for the embroidery work, she would get paid by the employer when he received the goods next year. She didn't expect that as soon as she finished the work, female embroiderer Yu gave her a small piece of silver. It wasn't a full ingot, and Li Mingwei didn't know how much it weighed.

"Keep this for yourself. This is your wages for the past few days," said female embroiderer Yu.

"I get paid now?"

"Of course. You worked so hard these days and finally finished it. How could I deduct your wages?"

Female embroiderer Yu had originally thought that Li Mingwei would have other things to do and it would probably take her quite a while. Unexpectedly, she came every day at dawn and stayed for a whole morning, finishing it so quickly. The rest was her own work.

She said, "I will personally make this garment. If there is anything wrong with the cutting, come back and fix it."

"Is the boss joking with me? You've been making clothes for so many years, how could anything be wrong with the cutting?"

"You and your sweet talk," female embroiderer Yu pinched her little nose and laughed. "My husband said if the lady really gives a reward, you'll get a share too. But that's not a definite thing."

Li Mingwei waved her hand. "This is already enough."

In all her years doing this kind of work, this was the first time she had received silver.

After saying goodbye to female embroiderer Yu, Li Mingwei happily skipped back to the Dong family’s house, putting the silver ingot in front of Wang Chunhua and waving it.

"Sister, look what this is!"

"Silver!" Wang Chunhua would recognize money anywhere. She grabbed it and weighed it again and again but couldn't figure out the exact weight. "Where did you get it?" she asked excitedly.

"It's payment for finishing the embroidery work," said Li Mingwei.

"So much!" Wang Chunhua called Dong Shan, "Quick, get the scales and weigh it!"

There happened to be a scale in the house that was normally used to weigh Dong Shan's game. It was rather big. Dong Shan refused, "That scale of mine is too big. It probably can't weigh this properly. We can just directly exchange it for copper coins."

Wang Chunhua gave him a whack. What an idiot. If they exchanged it for copper coins, Li Mingwei would have to split it with her again. This was just one silver ingot that couldn’t be easily divided. It was perfect to just let Li Mingwei keep it herself.

Under Wang Chunhua’s glare, Dong Shan had no choice but to take out his scale. There was still a little blood left on it.

Wang Chunhua carefully placed the silver ingot on the scale. The scale moved slightly and Dong Shan adjusted the weight. "Two taels?" he said uncertainly.

"Two taels!" Wang Chunhua exclaimed as she patted Li Mingwei. "Your early mornings these days were not in vain. That's a lot."

Two taels was more than Li Mingwei had imagined. But it was well worth the effort she had put in. She hugged Wang Chunhua and grinned. "Lamb soup, lamb soup."

How could Wang Chunhua not oblige? "Lamb soup, lamb soup. Let's have lamb soup tomorrow. I can see you've been working hard lately, so I'll cook lamb for you today."


Because Wang Chunhua absolutely refused to let Li Mingwei spend those two taels of silver, early the next morning after breakfast she hurried to the market ahead of Wang Chunhua and bought lamb meat.

The lamb meat seller shared his stall with the pork seller. He carefully wrapped up the lamb meat and handed it to Li Mingwei, reminding her, "Carry it a bit away from you. It's not easy to wash clothes this time of year. The smell will be hard to get out if it gets on your clothes."

"I know, Old Brother Su. You told me last time already and I remembered," said Li Mingwei with a smile.

Old Brother Su laughed. "Okay, good that you remembered."

Carrying the meat, Li Mingwei moved aside to make way for the people behind her. As soon as she walked away, hushed discussions broke out.

"They just bought meat yesterday and today it's lamb soup again. Ever since her sister came, Chunhua has really become generous."

"Of course she's generous. Haven't you seen how much money her sister earns? Embroidering in the morning and going to school in the afternoon, doing so much work. Of course she has to buy her some good things to nourish her."

"Capable indeed! Whoever marries her will be lucky."

"It would be lucky to have children with her."

The group laughed suggestively while Liu Yizhu, squatting on the ground picking vegetables, knitted his brows. What did they mean by that?

Humming a cheerful tune, Li Mingwei happily made her way home with a big chunk of lamb meat and bones.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her, giving her a fright and nearly causing her to fall. She patted her chest to calm herself. Wu Dong had already gone to the coal mine. He wouldn't be coming back.

Somewhat annoyed, she looked to see who was in front of her. It was Old Lady Wang. Why was she stopping her? They weren't even familiar.

"Is there something you need?"

"I'm asking you to stay away from my son. He's a scholar and his reputation is very important."

Though Old Lady Wang spoke as if she was making a request, her gloomy tone was full of warning. Li Mingwei was exasperated by her words. What did she mean a scholar's reputation was very important? Did she, a divorced woman, not need a reputation?

Talking as if her son was some national treasure.

She gave a mocking smile. "I'm also asking you to make your son stay away from me. It's a fact he helped me and I've thanked him already. That doesn't mean he can have any other intentions towards me."

Old Lady Wang couldn't believe what she was hearing. This woman actually looked down on her son?

"Do you know why there's only one scholar in Qingshi Town?"

"Huh?"U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

Old Lady Wang was rather confused. Of course it was because her exceptional son was good at studying!

Li Mingwei said sarcastically, "Because Qingshi Town is small."

"He's just one scholar. Qingshi Town only has one, but Great Chu has hundreds of thousands. Your son is nothing special out there. Does he think I'll chase after him? Do you even know who my ex-husband is? Even if I remarry, I can't do as well, but I certainly won't find someone so far beneath me!"

She admitted Liu Yizhu was rather good-looking and seemed decent so far, but she didn't know much about his character yet. As for Murong Yu, he was raised according to the standards for an imperial heir. His manners and conduct were extremely good. Some things were determined at birth and it was uncertain whether they could be acquired later.

Hearing her precious son dismissed as worthless, Old Lady Wang nearly choked with anger. She opened her mouth to curse but Li Mingwei had already walked past her.

Glancing back, Li Mingwei said, "Don't come looking to get scolded again. Your son, I'm not interested."

Regardless of background, as for education, that was hard to say. But he only earned two taels of silver a month while she had earned two taels in seven or eight days. She was clearly more capable than him. Yet Old Lady Wang still dared to say those things. She really had no shame.

Her previously good mood was utterly ruined. Li Mingwei stormed back home with a dark expression. She handed over the meat to Wang Chunhua then immediately went back to her room.

Wang Chunhua wanted to call her back to talk about something but seeing the long face she was making, hesitated over whether to say it or not.

She boiled some water, washed the lamb meat and bones, and told Dong Shan to fetch some radishes from the cellar. "She bought too much. Let's cook it now and give some to Mr. Jin when she goes to class later."


Dong Shan got up to grab radishes and passed them to Wang Chunhua when he returned. Then he continued tending the fire. Glancing up, he saw her cutting the meat in a distracted manner and quickly stopped her.

"What are you thinking about? You'll cut your hand!"

Wang Chunhua put down the knife with a sigh. "Do you think our sister has really taken a liking to Scholar Liu?"

"How would I know anything about you girls' affairs? Just ask her if you want to know. If she really likes him, we'll think of something."

"Alright then."


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