The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 32

C32 – Condensing the Cyclone

Ni Huibo had been anything but idle during this time.

Besides tending to his plants, he devoted more time to studying the book the mayor had given him.

The book contained not only the mayor’s insights from over the years but also a wealth of foundational cultivation knowledge.

Ni Huibo was diligently absorbing the teachings of the cultivation path, eager to compensate for the years he felt he had squandered.

“The late period of the Luminary Stage, also known as the Mystic Gate, involves the formation of 365 primary acupoints within Du Aijiao’s meridians,” he mused, gazing at the well-worn book in his hands, deep in thought.

Even though he had reached this stage, he was clueless about it and couldn’t even determine the right direction for his cultivation.

Previously, he had no clue about the cultivation process and was baffled as to how he had attained this level.

“By forming the meridians, spiritual energy can circulate within them, allowing one to approach the Blessed Stage’s golden-lit door, hence the name Mystic Gate.”

Ni Huibo was lost in contemplation. He had committed these concepts to memory; what he lacked now was comprehension.

“Can I enter the Blessed Stage by passing through this golden door?” he whispered to himself, a hint of hope flickering in his eyes.

The journey of cultivation was indeed enigmatic, and confusion was common for newcomers.

Afterward, Ni Huibo set the book aside with care and sat down cross-legged, placing his palms on his legs.

Following the instructions from the book, he attempted to channel some spiritual energy. The process went remarkably well, as the spiritual energy in the air seemed drawn into his body.

He felt a wave of relaxation wash over him, his pores opening up as the spiritual energy flowed into him and began to move slowly through his meridians.

Clearing his mind of all distractions, Ni Huibo focused on the movement of the spiritual energy, which flowed freely until suddenly, it didn’t.

He experienced a sense of emptiness, as if he had come to a vast expanse where various types of spiritual energy intertwined in a somewhat chaotic dance.

“This is the Qihai Acupoint,” he quickly recognized the spot, furrowing his brow slightly.

Over the past few years, his aunt had brought him countless books, each of which he had committed to memory before he could rest. Among these were introductions to the body’s medical meridians and acupoints.

​The human body contains meridians, with acupoints situated along them. There are fourteen meridians in total, including the Twelve Standard Meridians and the Ren and Du Meridians. Energy flows among them, connecting the entire body, and naturally passes through 365 acupoints during circulation.

“Creating a Qi Meridian within the acupoints ensures that the spiritual energy is no longer mixed and flows through the meridians,” Ni Huibo recalled from the texts. Sensing the mixed spiritual energy within the Qihai Acupoint, he began to grasp the concept.

He attempted to mobilize the spiritual energy within his body, guiding it along a peculiar path as described in the book.

The once chaotic spiritual energy gradually settled. It moved at the behest of Ni Huibo’s will, tracing an enigmatic path that seemed to possess an ineffable power. Ni Huibo had only guided the energy in a single loop, yet it appeared to have established a fixed trajectory.

With caution, he withdrew his focus, but the spiritual energy remained coherent, persisting in its established path.


A surge of elation filled Ni Huibo as he realized the previously disordered spiritual energy was now circulating autonomously, forming the vortex mentioned in the book.

“Ni Huibo hadn’t anticipated his immediate success. As the text described, the formation of a vortex seemed to invigorate the surrounding spiritual energy.”

He reflected on this while tuning into his body’s transformations, yet he felt no complacency.

As he progressed, forming the vortex became increasingly challenging, particularly at crucial acupoints. Without sufficient talent, one might never advance further. Ni Huibo’s initial success with the vortex merely indicated that his talent was passable.

With this realization, Ni Huibo steeled himself, refusing to slacken his efforts. Seizing the sensation he had just experienced, he embarked on the creation of the second vortex.

Three days flew by in the blink of an eye.

The small courtyard within the Ni family had always been something easily overlooked. Even as Ni Huibo began to catch the attention of the younger members, changing this perception proved challenging. Nonetheless, he preferred it that way.

​During these three days, he focused intently on forming cyclones. Apart from a single visit from the patriarch, he was left undisturbed. However, upon reaching his twenty-third cyclone, Ni Huibo recognized his shortcomings. As a novice in this state, his accumulation of spiritual energy was insufficient. Despite the Lifedrinker Orb, a gift from the old mayor, tirelessly drawing in spiritual energy within his dantian, time was not on his side.

With inadequate spiritual energy and a lack of accumulation in most of his acupoints, forming additional cyclones was out of reach. Reluctantly, he had to abandon his efforts, coinciding with the onset of the family competition.

Previously, while Ni Huibo was engrossed in cyclone formation, the patriarch had sought him out to discuss the competition. The significance of the event aside, the prospect of accessing the Martial Hall’s forbidden area was particularly enticing. The advanced cultivation methods housed there were precisely what he, with his considerable innate abilities, was missing. Yet, the forbidden area’s stringent regulations meant that not just any family member, young or old, could enter without the patriarch’s consent.

Determined to earn his place in the Martial Hall’s restricted zone, Ni Huibo knew he had to distinguish himself in the upcoming contest.

​This year’s competition was set to be more prestigious than ever before. The expansive Martial Hall Square was chosen as the venue, drawing nearly all the clan members to witness the event. The elders took their seats on temporary stands flanking the square, while the younger generation buzzed with anticipation, each vying for a commendable position.

​Standing apart from the crowd, Ni Huibo cast a brief glance around and quickly disengaged. Now in the late period of the second level, he might have lacked in cultivation methods, but his physical prowess and cultivation were unrivaled. Securing first place, should he desire it, would be as simple as reaching into a bag.

However, just as the thought surfaced in his mind, a large hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

“Uncle?” Ni Huibo exclaimed, glancing at the newcomer before quickly bowing in respect.

Ni Xianjian gestured dismissively and scanned the area. Noticing that they had not drawn any attention, he adopted a stern expression and spoke gravely, “Ni Huibo, are you aware that you’ve reached the late period of the second level?”

“I am aware.”


Ni Xianjian nodded, fixing his gaze on Ni Huibo. He murmured a few words, his lips barely moving.


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