The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 31

C31 – Agreement

Teng Si’s words were meant as a friendly warning, yet they rendered Ni Xianjian momentarily speechless.

The main house in the capital had merely offered them a glimmer of hope. To truly earn the right to return, they would need to distinguish themselves from the numerous branches. After all, no one was concerned with whether they were the true direct lineage of the Ni family.

Ni Situo’s cultivation skills were decent, but as Teng Si had pointed out, they weren’t quite strong enough. While pondering this, an image suddenly flashed through Ni Xianjian’s mind.

“Ni Huibo.”

He whispered the name to himself and was instantly reminded of the reserved young man from the rundown courtyard. If his memory served him correctly, the last time he had sensed Ni Huibo’s condition, the boy had already advanced to the late stage of the second level.

“Could it be that destiny itself is favoring the Ni family?”

The spark of enthusiasm that had dimmed in Ni Xianjian’s heart flared up once more.

Ni Huibo was only sixteen, yet he had reached the late stage of the second level. Not only did he surpass the offspring of the branches, but he was even slightly ahead of Teng Feimei, the prime minister’s disciple. Though he had only recently entered this stage, it’s important to remember that in the realm of cultivation, each minor level represents a significant hurdle.

As these thoughts filled Ni Xianjian’s mind, his face lit up with even greater delight, and he couldn’t resist bursting into hearty laughter.

Teng Si watched Ni Xianjian with a mix of astonishment and confusion, but he refrained from asking questions. Instead, he calmly stated, “Ni, the decision is yours to make. In three years, if you wish, we’ll reconvene in the capital.”

“Agreed! Brother Teng, I appreciate you sharing this information with me. In three years, we’ll reunite in the capital!”

Teng Si’s return to the capital was already set in stone, and he had made all the necessary preparations. The following morning, a carriage pulled up to the Ni family estate, flanked by a retinue of guards.

At dawn, there was a knock on Ni Huibo’s courtyard door. By then, he had finished his morning routine and was tending to his plants, a habit he couldn’t shake despite having embarked on the Immortal Path, where cultivation should be his primary focus. Ni Huibo set aside his shears, brushed the leaf fragments from his hands, and went to answer the door.

​Ni Huibo swung open the door to find Teng Feimei standing erect on the doorstep.

Sunlight spilled over her shoulders, blending seamlessly with her goose-yellow dress. Her long black hair, slightly curled, fell casually around her, exuding an air of effortless grace.

Caught off guard by the sight, Ni Huibo momentarily lost himself in a daze.

“What are you staring at, you fool?” Teng Feimei teased, covering her mouth with a giggle.

Ni Huibo spun around, his cheeks flushing, but he quickly regained his composure and insisted, “I am not a fool.”

Teng Feimei’s nose crinkled as she boasted, “Not a fool? Let me be honest with you, I was the one who kicked that stone at you last night.”

“I know.”

“Then why did you chase after it?”

Ni Huibo lifted his head, meeting Teng Feimei’s gaze, and chose to remain silent.

​After a lengthy pause, Teng Feimei cleared her throat and turned away first, saying, “You truly are a fool, not even blinking an eye. Now, let’s talk business.”

No sooner had Teng Feimei finished speaking than she reached into her waistband and pulled out a jade pendant.

The pendant was a pure, vibrant green, devoid of any impurities, intricately carved with numerous delicate patterns. At first glance, it appeared complex, but upon closer inspection, it revealed a unique and captivating beauty. Regrettably, the pendant was damaged, with a noticeable break on one side; otherwise, it would have been an invaluable treasure.

“This jade pendant is for you. If you ever make it to the capital, take it to a place called Immortal Pavilion to find me, understand?”

“I understand.” Ni Huibo, momentarily taken aback, then accepted the jade pendant, which still retained a trace of warmth.

“Alright, I must go now, or my father will start searching for me. Don’t forget, when you come to the capital, be sure to look for me!” Teng Feimei bit her lip, attempting to look menacing, but the effect was rather endearing. Realizing this, she frowned slightly, raised her fist in a playful gesture, and then turned to leave.

A rare smile graced Ni Huibo’s face as he gazed at Teng Feimei’s retreating figure, then glanced at the jade pendant in his hand. He felt a mix of happiness and disappointment.

After a moment, he carefully hung the jade pendant at his waist and returned to the small courtyard to continue caring for the flowers and plants.

Sunlight streamed through the entrance of the courtyard, casting a warm glow on the slightly weathered red wooden door.

A refreshing breeze wafted by, bringing with it a faint fragrance that meandered into the courtyard. Ni Huibo’s hands stilled momentarily as he caught the scent, but he quickly resumed his task.

With Teng Si’s departure, the Ni family swiftly settled back into its usual pace of life.

The imminent competition among the three great families demanded thorough preparation. Beforehand, the urgent task for each family was to select their representatives. In the Family Competition, each family could send only five participants, making the contest fiercely competitive.

In light of this, all eyes were fixed on the upcoming Family Competition in three days. The individuals who distinguished themselves would earn the honor of representing their family in the grand competition three months later.

Each family boasted numerous young members, each with varying levels of talent, making it impossible for all to receive the same opportunities. In such an environment, those with greater access to resources would naturally progress more swiftly.

The more talented you were, the more the family would invest in you, providing a wealth of resources to help you ascend to higher realms.

This competition was designed with that goal in mind. Those who excelled would gain a chance to enter the Martial Hall’s forbidden grounds, which housed an array of advanced cultivation methods amassed by the family over generations.

This was all in preparation for the future showdown among the three great families.

Motivated by such incentives, the Ni family had grown considerably calmer, with the younger generation striving to enhance their strength.

Ni Xianjian, the family patriarch, was pleased to witness this dedication. Yet in his heart, the selection of the five representatives was already a foregone conclusion.

The other family members continued to exert themselves because, to date, only four prodigies had been identified, leaving one spot open. But Ni Xianjian had already made his choice for the final candidate long ago.


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