The dragon's harem

Chapter 702 The true essence of curses

Chapter 702 The true essence of curses

The Abominable Yeti and the dragon stared at Doma, their eyes glowing blue as their cold magic slowly leaked out in a hazy mist.

Doma's eyes flashed pink as she lifted her hands with open palms, cursed magic engulfing her whole body as she smiled. "My rat." She licked the snow off her lips.

The ground shook beneath the slaves' feet as they ran away. Loud laughter came from behind them, silencing the sky. They stopped and looked back, seeing shards of ice floating in the sky.

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Doma's laughs filled the sky, sending a bone-chilling shiver through their bones.

BAM! Doma's body flew through the air at a blinding speed with shockwaves bursting around her as she smacked back into the ground.

BAM! Doma's body flew through the air at a blinding speed, with shockwaves bursting around her as she smacked back into the ground.

The white dragon ran after her like a big cat, mowing down the trees as he rushed forth with the Abominable Yeti sitting on the back of his neck.

Doma lifted her arm, pointing forward with her palm open, "Paper, paper cut. Frozen snow, thin layers upon layers of pain. Frigid ash, blasting demons art." The falling snowflakes in front of her condensed into sharp blades and flew toward the dragon at a blinding speed, cutting all the trees on their way.

Uncaring, the white dragon charged headfirst into the slashes; his front limbs and wings got cut into pieces before he could realize it.

^Wait! I'm resistant to cold and ice.^ He gasped as his blood tainted the ground, and his limbs flew forward toward Doma.

With a flick of her arm, Doma smacked the dragon's front claw away as if it were nothing. The curses gushing out of her body crackled like thunder.

The ice slashes weren't cold magic attacks; they were a curse. Just as paper can cut the skin, she applied that unfortunate event on a wide scale and integrated it into thin sheets of ice. Paper shouldn't be able to slash a human, and ice shouldn't be able to slash a white dragon. But it works as a curse.

The horrifying nature of Doma's magic isn't the extent of her raw elemental damage. But it's the implications of the true essence of the phenomena the curse conjures.

Have you ever walked into a room and couldn't remember what you wanted to do there? Have you ever zoned while walking only to find yourself a fair distance away from where you wanted to go?

Have you ever heard of a war starting over a stupid reason? What about the misfortune coming out of nowhere? Getting kicked out of your job due to something outside your control. The pain of losing someone, even though you hated them. What about the lingering anger and unrationalized hatred toward something you can't explain?

Even what seems like positive emotions and events could be cursed. The sickening love toward someone, only for you to start ruining your life over it. Even the hatred you might harbor when met with not the same love. Grief, jealousy, compassion, solidarity, and even society itself.

They are all shackles that hold a person's rational thoughts and beliefs. You might choose to compromise to keep a relationship. Harbor an idea you don't believe in just to fit in society and gain their trust and protection, like religions. You lost your job and suffered for a few months or years, only to get a far better job and make up for those years.

Doma manipulates those curses of all shapes and sizes, shifts and twists them to her will, and uses them to fight.

A man praying to a god, hoping for good fortune, and seeking a blessing. Or another finding hope in the dark path, learning witchcraft and sorcery to fend off what harmed him, fighting fire with fire. There isn't any other way to fend off Doma's curses besides holy magic or curse magic of higher power and refinement than hers, and she's the cursed queen.

The dragon rushed forward, stopping above Doma, and growled. His deep grunts shook the ground as his limbs regenerated in the blink of an eye.

Doma glared at the dragon's head with a smile as he glared back at her, their mana clashing between them to the point the Abominable Yeti felt sick.

With a deep grow, the dragon swung his massive claw at Doma's torso. She ducked down, dodging the attack.

With a strange force engulfing her fist, she punched the dragon's claw upward and kicked his wrist with a spin, ripping it off.

The dragon's claw regenerated as he swung again at her instantly.

Doma laughed as she dodged his attacks, "Impressive regeneration. You aren't a normal dragon." She flew above his claws and touched his snout with her palm.

After constant years of abuse, the mere movement of the abuser's hand could trigger fear and terror in the abused's soul. [Lingering Terror]

The dragon jumped back as fast as he could, his tail trembling as Doma glared at him with a grin, wigging her finger and calling him toward her.

"Come to mommy, little dragon," She giggled, "I won't skin you alive,"

"Illusion, no a curse of fear?" He growled, channeling a wave of magic across his body. Only the arrogant pride of the dragons could keep him standing on his feet.

Without saying another word, Doma waved her hand in a downward motion.

The Abominable Yeti could feel the fur on his back stands, and without thinking, he jumped off the dragon's neck.

A massive black lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck the dragon, exploding in a blast.

"How unlucky you are? To get struck by lightning, did someone pray against you? Is it the accumulation of Karma?" Doma smiled.

The Abominable Yeti growled, grinding his teeth. Doma's curses were too complicated to grasp, and he couldn't even predict the nature of her attack, let alone how to dodge it. He only survived as the attack targeted the dragon and not him.

He rushed forward, conjuring a spear of ice, and threw it at Doma. "GRWA!" Doma dodged the spear, caught and threw it back at him.

"I never saw it before!" Doma shouted as the Yeti dodged the spear. "Someone so unlucky, so cursed that their enemy caught their spear or arrow and threw it back! How pathetic could it be? Tell me!"

She flew at him, swinging a kick. The dragon dodged several lightning bolts in the back as some still hit him. Doma's curse against him still didn't stop.

The Yeti dodged Doma's kick as it barely hit his face, but she twisted her ankle, grabbed his hair with her toes, swung his head around, and stepped on his face, cracking the ground.

"Now you get stepped on? How pathetic," Her eyes started glowing with a pink light.

The Abominable Yeti growled, swinging his arm to grab her leg. But the moment he was about to do that, she started running around with him, stomping his head on the ground several times before kicking him away.

The heartless monster sat up, bowling his eyes out in sorrow. It took him a few seconds to wake up and punch himself, "This extreme sadness is a curse. Get over it," As he wiped his tears. He could only see Doma's face a few inches away from his as she floated upside down.

With glowing pink eyes and a smile, she made a box with her fingers. "Want to see true sadness, devastation? True curses?"

"Your techniques are mere illusions that hurt the mind! They aren't a reality!" He growled in his language, but the queen of curses could understand him by sniffing his emotions.

In the box made of her fingers, she showed him an image of his mate getting railed by another male. "It's happening right now. You're fighting for the clan, and he's taking the chance. How unlucky you are."

The Abominable Yeti froze in place as she shifted the image, "The one left at the clan is already nominating another Abominable Yeti in your place. You were always replaceable, useless, a mere ape between hundreds of apes. You aren't special and will never be,"

"GUU!" The Abominable Yeti extended his hand to grab the image between Doma's fingers, but she pulled it away and burst laughing.

As Doma laughed her guts out at the Abominable Yeti despair, a massive white drakaina emerged out of nowhere, and the white dragon rushed in with his scales burned from the lightning.

^Another one?^ Doma thought as she danced between their claws. ^This one is a great wyrm. It's a dragon and his mate.^ A smile crossed her face.

The white dragon couple planned it from the start. It is a plan to kill Doma and take her forest as their nest. There is no way a brat elf could beat a great wyrm and wyrm at the same time.

Doma spun around, kicking the two dragons in the face, and jumped into the sky, staring down as they flapped their wings, reaching toward her with their claws.

^I see, a decent plan for the stupidest kind of dragons. I might lose a lot of equipment if I had to kill you two here with raw power. The forest and my hut would get wrecked.^

An unbelievable amount of cursed magic rushed out of her body.

[Curse Expansion: Witch's cursed domain]

Doman's expansion, Witch's cursed domain, isn't like any other elemental expansion, as it isn't set to a single element. It isn't limited to a range but instead covers anything Doma can sense or see, bathing them in a curse of her choosing and forcing it to take effect.

She chose a primordial curse, the curse of existence. Everything is cursed to exist in the world, to suffer and wither to the torture of time and the elements. Objects get abused, crushed, and used above their will, and living things have to strive for survival.

"Fate binds everything with what's written for them. They can't change their fate and must follow it. This is everyone's inescapable curse. You're forced to breathe to stay alive. You're forced to eat, to feel sadness and happiness. You're forced into this game of doing good and bad in a slim hope of reaching either heaven or hell. You didn't have a choice. And never will." She floated beside the two dragons as time seemed to slow to a halt as they reached out to a shade of her.

"How pathetic, how sad, and how pitiful. Even the mighty dragons are slaves to their own fate, unable to break free." She waved her hand, pulling the two dragons' souls and putting them in a small jar.

Doma canceled her expansion, and the two dragons fell dead where they stood. They lost their lives without even knowing it.

"GWAAA! WAAAA!" The Abominable Yeti screamed his lungs off and ran to the forest, crying his eyes out. Doma stared at him with a bored face.

"What I showed you is a lie, but you'll only discover that after you kill your mate and your children." She giggled, turning to look in the other direction as her curses sucked the two dragon corpses into small jars.

"I'm a curse in and of myself. There is a reason why people don't stray into my land. They'll only suffer." She teleported, landing in between the running women and children slaves, glaring at them with glowing pink eyes.

"Your turn,"

Everyone froze in place, not daring to take a single step as she showed up.


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