The dragon's harem

Chapter 701 Fragment from the past: Queen of Curses

Chapter 701 Fragment from the past: Queen of Curses

"No…" The woman cried, moving away from Doma.

"Don't be…" Doma said, but stopped as her head hunched back, about to sneeze. "Acho!"

BAM! The moment Doma sneezed at the woman, she blew her skeleton out of her back, shattering the wagon's door and only leaving a pile of flesh in place.

Doma pulled a handkerchief and cleared her nose. "I should've worn more clothes, but…" She shivered, "But who would bother," She stared at the pile of flesh ahead of her with a smile, "Sorry, you're already dead,"

She walked over the pile of flesh and out of the wagon, leaving a trail of bloodied footprints. Most of the slaves ran away and Yetis are winning, she didn't control the monsters, they were natural predators around here and their presence was a well-kept secret since they were so meticulous about killing everyone and not leaving survivors. Who would survive a gang of ten-foot-tall apes in the middle of freezing snow?

The apes had just finished killing the slave warriors and the driver as they looked toward the carriage. Their faces paled as they saw Doma there, they weren't intelligent, but even they could tell that she was a problem. Every time they clashed with her, she ended up toying with them. All of the Yetis have now developed a primal fear of pink. In this white and brown forest, seeing that pink hair was enough to trigger terror in their bones.

Doma turned her head toward them, "Carpet,"

They immediately turned heads and bolted away, but one of them fell down, feeling something grab him by the leg.

The Yeti stared down, seeing a hand of snow pulling him toward Doma. He screamed and cried, but she started clapping, "Come here! Carpet! Come here, carpet!" with a smile on her face.

She approached the terrified yeti and looked at it with a smile, "What fine fur, I did need one for the study room," She pulled the scalpel and cut a small wound on her hand. "But I won't waste you like this."

She drew a large circle in the ground with her blood filled with magical scripts in less than a minute and then approached the woman's pile of flesh, took the heart and liver, and walked back to the circle where she put them in the middle.

The yeti started struggling left and right as she approached him, "Come, baby, time to cut you apart." She grabbed him by the ear, dragged him over the blood circle, and pulled a large kitchen knife out of her pocket.

She looked around with a sore face, "It's really annoying to find the lines of magic in the ground with such weather. Don't you think so?" She sat on the yeti's shoulder as she looked everywhere.

"Ah! Found it!" She quickly stared back at the yeti with a grin and turned the yeti to face the line of magic. She then took the knife and slowly sliced the monster's throat, letting him flail on the circle as he bled out.

"When a monster is killed like this, all of their mana crystallizes into a crystal that can be used in magic. It's basic witchcraft," She watched the monster die and his stomach bulge as the crystal formed.

As the monster let out his last breath, she waved her hand and stored the corpse in a magic pocket to skin later.

BAM! From between the trees, the noble Amile flew in with a terrified face, behind him the Abominable Yeti flew in riding a massive white dragon, "GUGA!!!" The monster screamed.

The moment they all looked toward the wagons, they saw Doma standing there and stopped in their tracks.

Both the noble and the Abominable Yeti started sweating, their hands shaking as she glared at them.

The dragon glared at Doma, cold wind gushing out of his body and froze the blood on the ground.

"No wonder the snowstorm grew stronger," Doma stared at the dragon with a smile, "It usually doesn't get this snowy or cold,"

She turned toward them and took a step forward, "White dragons are the dumbest of dragon kind, the most bestial and violent." She slowly lifted her hands, "You're a wyrm, so you should understand when I tell you to get out of my domain."

Amile stared at the destroyed wagons and gasped, "Where is everyone?"

"I killed the woman, the slaves other than the dead ones have escaped." She pointed back, "Yetis killed them,"

He growled, flying away as fast as he could, "Fuck this…"

CRACK! Something forcefully stopped him and he looked down, seeing Doma grabbing him by the ankle with a crazed smile on her face. "Why are you running?" She swung him down, smacking him back to the ground.

Amile smashed on the ground and bounced back, his eyes jolting left and right as he searched for Doma with his fists burning with a crimson blaze.

"GWAAA!" The Abominable Yeti growled at the white dragon to run away, but the dragon didn't move an inch. Even he wasn't stupid enough to turn his back on Doma.


"You're slow for an idiot who tried to traffic slaves through my domain. I thought rats were supposed to be fast and nimble," Doma said, standing with her back leaning on Amile's back.

SWOSH! Amile spun rapidly, swinging a backhand toward her face. Doma, being quite shorter than him, ducked down easily and avoided the strike, her foot spun alongside her body and kicked Amile in the side, sending him rolling.

Amile rolled on the ground, coughing blood. Even though she didn't use any magic or curses, her kick still shattered one of his ribs over the enchanted leather armor he was wearing. Such strength could be well over 90.

SWOSH! A fire burned beneath Amile's feet as he blasted toward Doma as fast as he could, "Like this would stop me!" He swung a fist at her face but she easily dodged with a smile on her face.

He didn't stop, swinging fists and kicks at her but she kept waving through them as if she was dancing, her hands in her pocket. "Told you're slow," She grabbed him by the robe and pulled him closer, "Use AOE magic, you can't beat me in a fistfight," She glared at him with glowing pink eyes.

Amile's strategy wasn't bad, in fact, it was a good one. With Doma looking like a little girl, him being a grown man who had trained in martial arts for decades, he should've been able to overpower her in hand-to-hand combat. To make sure he won, he even enchanted his attacks with magic, but even with that, he didn't seem to be reaching her.

He lunged back, glaring at her with a worried face. ^I knew it was a losing battle to challenge her in magic, that's why I'm trying to beat her in close combat,^ He growled, lifting his hands as his staff spun around his body, unleashing a blazing flame that rose several meters into the sky.

"That's it! Use the empty space, don't hold back, human!" Doma laughed.

"You little bitch," Amile pointed his staff at her, [Hellish Blast]

CRACK! The moment he fired the spell, Doma's barefoot crushed his nose, sending him flying through the trees.

"Using a beam? Are you stupid, how is that supposed to hit me?" She ran after him, and the moment he was about to stop she kicked him into the sky. As he slowed down in the sky, she appeared above him and punched him back to the ground.

As Amile hit the ground, he coughed blood, several of his ribs and bones had shattered and his organs had started to fail as if hit by three bulls in a row, he couldn't even hold his bowels down.

Doma landed beside his head, "Still alive? You're durable for a wizard," She pulled a tiny glass tube from her pocket and pointed it toward him. "I see if I can make a chimera out of you," With strange black magic rushing out of the tube, she sucked him inside and closed it. "One sample gathered. This what you get for trafficking people on my domain," She stored the tube and turned toward the white dragon.

"So, what would you do, big one?" She smiled, "I'll let you go for a hundred scales and five claws. Give me two fangs as well and I might be bothered to heal you before you leave," She glared at him, her blue eyes burning with a pink light inside.

"Was that a curse?" The dragon growled, even the dumbest kind of dragons had intelligence that far surpassed the perception of humans and elves.

"Inspired by druids," Doma stared at him with a smile, licking the snow landing on her lips, "Sacrifice magic to get physical power,"

The white dragon nodded, "Get ready," He growled at the Abominable Yeti on his back, "One wrong move and we'll die."

Waves of cold magic started swirling around the dragon and yeti as a dark-pinkish aura engulfed Doma as she lifted her hands, she canceled the strength curse and was ready to fight with magic.


Far away, the slaves ran deeper and deeper into the forest, unknown to them, rushing toward Doma's hut.


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