The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 138: Elder Hall Reforms

Chapter 138: Elder Hall Reforms

Late Afternoon - Late Winter : Asimi's Estate

It had been nearly 7 months since the event, and Bahamut's political realm was completely unrecognizable.

About a month after the event, Asimi finally spread the word of Eugene and Basilia’s plans and started exposing some of their crimes.

At first, many of them discredited it and considered it simple slander but once Asimi released news of the trial along with the announcement of Eugene and Basilia's deaths, people quickly realized it was far more serious than they had thought.

Some people were quick to ask who killed them, but Asimi responded that she and Orion worked together and used artifacts to kill them. According to Asimi though, some nobles and the other elders continued to question her, but her public response at least silenced the masses.

The trial progressed smoothly after that as Asimi continuously released more and more evidence and even wrapped Eugene's top supporters into it when they tried to defend Eugene.

The trial turned out to be a political slaughter with nearly 60 of Eugene's top supporters getting sentenced to death along with him.

At the end of it all, Eugene and Basilia's deaths were officially justified by the trial and the Ragnarok's political power skyrocketed.

On top of that, the elder hall underwent a massive change as well.

Halfies that rallied in support for the trial ended up rallying behind two half breed leaders. Those two halfies ended up jumping through a few political loopholes and managed to get elected into the, now open, elder hall positions as well.

Bahamut had started to enter an era of balance between the half breeds and pure dragons although the blatant discrimination was still seen everywhere.

-Its a step in the right direction though..-

As for me, over those 3 months, I spent all of the time I could with my family.

I spent my days playing with Ilios and Krystallo, doing combat training with Father and teaching Mother science.

I had a lot on my mind as time passed, but after having a couple months to think and sort out my feelings, I believed I had come to a conclusion.

"Haah.." -How am I going to tell them though..- I glanced across the garden at Krystallo who was absolutely exhausted after playing with Ilios and I for several hours.

Over the past few months, she had gotten incomparably stronger and far better at using mana. I was truly proud of how well she was learning everything but, although she didn't know yet, the time for her to go to the academy was steadily approaching.

Tonight was the night that Mother broke the news to her, and the night I voiced my thoughts to them.

"Sir Vasilias! Miss Krystallo! Your parents have called you!" Maria came out to call us in while wearing a wide smile.

-She must be happy with the changes from the trial..- Quickly hopping up to my feet, I let Ilios hop on my back and went to get Krystallo up. "Are you alive?"

She was laying on her back on the grass. "Of course I am.. I'm just.. catching my breath."

"Well Mother and Father called us so let's go."

"Ah.. right.." She reluctantly rolled over and followed after me.

We quickly made our way back into the estate and down the hall to the living room.

"They are inside." Maria motioned towards the door and gave a deep bow.

As I walked in, I noticed Mother, Father and Asimi were all waiting for us.

"Did you guys have fun?" Mother watched Krystallo walk over to a cushion and plop down.

"Haha, she went a little harder than she normally does." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hmph.. if you and Ilios weren't so stupidly fast I would've won!"

"Haha, you'll get there soon enough, sweetie." Mother showed her motherly smile. "Well, the reason I called you two here was to tell you something important."

Krystallo reluctantly looked over but was too exhausted to actually turn.

"Krystallo, in a couple of months you will be taking the admissions test for Atlas Academy."

Krystallo immediately stiffened up and her expression darkened. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, you don't have a choice. It will be a good experience for you though, I promise you'll have fun there." Mother wore a slightly threatening smile in response to Krystallo's resistance.

"That means Brother is going to go too right?" She looked over at me.

"Well, not exactly." Mother quickly shifted her attention to me. "Since you are.. well.. so far beyond your age group.. we, as your parents, have decided to let you choose if you wish to go or not. Another option is for you to choose to enroll at a higher year."

"Well, about that.." -How do I phrase this..- "So I've been thinking a lot over the past several months, and I think it's time." I stood up and lowered my head. "I would like to ask for permission to 'leave the roost' for a few years."

I spent the last several months spending so much time with everyone in preparation for this, but it didn't make it any less awkward.

It felt like the air around me froze when I asked.

"Haha, you don't have to act so worried Vasilias." Asimi looked at me with a proud and loving smile. "We knew this question was coming for a while now."


Mother glanced at Father before turning back to me. "Although we are a bit worried to let you off on your own while you're so young, you're not only far bigger, but also far smarter and stronger than any of us were when we left the nest." She looked at me with a proud smile.

"Brother you can't leave me!" Krystallo ran up and hugged me in a panic.

"Haah.. I didn't say I was planning to leave forever did I? I just want to explore some of the world for a few years.."


"I'll be sure to visit a lot as well if that makes you happy." I reached down and lightly rubbed her head.


"So, what made you want to leave?" Father finally voiced his curiosity.

"Well, at first it was because I was worried about the issues my presence and identity would cause the family but after the trial passed it changed to me simply wanting to explore.." On top of wanting to genuinely explore the world some, the main reason I wanted to leave was that I had far too many questions and far too few answers to just about anything.

Over the past several months I went and explored the Ragnarok library but most of the books were unnecessary to me or were things I already knew so the only other thing I could do would be to leave the nest and look for the answers elsewhere.

To go along with that, with how much stronger the family name got after the trial, I didn't have to worry as much about everyone's well-being after I left as well.

"Hoho~, he truly does resemble you." Asimi poked fun at Mother.

"Oh shush.." Mother looked a bit embarrassed before she looked back at me with a proud but slightly worried smile. "Well, we have no reason to keep you from doing as you wish, just promise me something… Please be careful.."

"Haha, of course. It's not like I'm going to be gone forever, plus I won't be leaving for another month or so." It seemed like Mother was a bit sad so I had to clarify that I wasn't leaving right away.

Krystallo's eyes were fast to light back up. "Then you will play with me every day until you leave as payment!"

"Haha, alright. I promise." I couldn't help but give a warm smile towards Krystallo, but my emotions felt a bit conflicted. -I wish I could stay but.. I have too many questions that I need answered..-


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