The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 137: Political Struggle

Chapter 137: Political Struggle

Early Evening - Late Summer : Asimi's Estate

After finally getting situated after the fight, I did all I could to treat my own injuries.

My bleeding was pretty extreme but with a little bit of mana and focus, I could make it slow down.

As for the broken ribs, I simply used some mana to reposition them and temporarily wrapped the breaks in small metal rings so I didn't have to worry about the bones moving while they healed.

-My wing is going to be a project though..- Before I could get started on it, I looked around to check and make sure everything was alright.

Mother was starting to finally have her senses cleared up, Asimi was getting her neck and other injuries treated and Father and Krystallo were still asleep.

"Is there something you need Sir Vasilias?" Chloe walked up to me with a face full of worry.

"No, I was just seeing if I was going to be needed for anything before I did a pretty difficult surgery."


"Just fixing some broken bones and my wing." I motioned back towards my wing that was limply laying on the ground.

"Are you sure you don't want me to-"

"I'm fine, my treatment will be far better than whatever the 'professionals' can do, but I need you to keep people from interrupting me for a bit though."

"O..okay. If you need anything please just ask.."

"Thanks." Turning away from her, I closed my eyes and focused on my mana once again.

-Oh man..- I was quick to find out that the injury in my wing was much worse than I anticipated.

The bone was practically pulverized and the cartilage was absolutely shredded.

Normally this would be a really bad situation, but using the base of my other wing as reference for how things should look, I had quite a bit of confidence.

-Now time to find all of the bone fragments and cartilage..-

It wasn't a fun process but after several hours, I managed to allocate all of the bone fragments into their original spots and reposition the shredded cartilage like a ridiculous puzzle but quite a few chunks were missing.

-They're probably somewhere over there..- I glanced over towards where Eugene's destroyed body was laying.

There were huge trails of blood and shredded flesh spread throughout the courtyard leaving an extremely gruesome scene.

"Haah.." -It could be anywhere..- Figuring it was too much effort to try and find the fairly small chunks of bone, I instead tried something I had never done before.

-I guess it wouldn't hurt to try..- I was going to try and simply recreate the missing chunks by mimicking patterns and copying my other wing but it turned out to be a serious project.

I ended up spending the next several hours just trying to create small amounts of bone and piece the ball of fragments into an actual bone.

Thankfully, as I was doing that, the cluster of fragments and cartilage had started to actually heal back together.

Once morning started to roll around, I had done about as much as I could. My wing still wasn't maneuverable and the bone still had thousands of tiny cracks, but at least it was in one piece and healing properly again.

"Holy sh*t.." I was mentally drained beyond belief. -I knew it'd be hard to recreate something as complex as bone but holy sh*t..-

"Are you okay Sir Vasilias?" Chloe quickly ran up and looked at me with a face full of worry.

"Is something wrong?" My voice accidentally had a bit of irritation in it.

"You just haven't said anything in several hours and even stopped breathing for a while so.. I.. got worried.."

"Hm? I stopped breathing? When?" I was genuinely confused.

"While you were focusing on your healing."

-Did I get so focused I forgot to breathe?- "Well, I'm fine for now. How is everyone else doing?"

"Your father and sister are still asleep and your mother has been pacing back and forth waiting for you to finish your treatment."


I looked back behind me and noticed Mother was looking at me with eyes full of worry and concern.

Feeling guilty for her worry, I slowly stood up to go and comfort her.

Before I could even stand up all the way though, Mother came running over. "Please stay laying down so you can treat yourself sweetie.."

"Haha, I'm fine Mother. I'm mostly healed now." I looked at her with a warm smile as she moved up and lightly hugged me.

Her loving warmth quickly spread to me and eased up my pain a bit.

A warm smile quickly came to my face as I enjoyed the moment.

- Asimi Ragnarok ~

*Creak* I leaned back in my chair with a smile on my face.

It had only been a month since the big event and things were already going extremely well.

News of the event still had not reached the public but some people started to raise their voices towards Eugene and Basilias sudden disappearance.

Thankfully though, I managed to uncover a whole slough of charges for both Eugene and Basilia and since Antonia had no direct relatives and worked under me (the Ragnaroks), I was able to bury her existence all with relative ease.

"Haah.." -It feels truly wonderful having him gone..-

Eugene was someone who had always hated the Ragnaroks. He always viewed us as an obstacle between him and his radical endeavors.

His final goal was to use his authority to slaughter the halfies in Bahamut, innocent or not and we Ragnaroks had always opposed it.

The Ragnarok family was also full of connections and had close family relations to many of the ancients which made it a nearly insurmountable wall.

The issue was that with the recent halfie rebellion, there was far more opposition to us.

Eugene had planned to use that increase in opposition to finally tear us down.

Once he learned about Vasilias's identity, Eugene was likely planning to barge in and kill us off and then frame Vasilias for it. It would have been the perfect plan to not only tear down the Ragnarok family name but also bring the Ragnarok family supporters onto his side.

But, thanks to Vasilias obliterating his plan, I was able to catch him for some monumental crimes, some of which also involved quite a few of his followers and supporters which made this event a double win for us politically.

Things were going extremely well, but there was still one issue I hadn't figured out what to do with. -How am I going to handle Vasilias's identity..-

If we released any of his information with this event, it would, at a minimum, raise some skepticism.

The only way around it would be to not include his name at all and say Eugene and Basilia were killed by me and Orion.. -But the nobles will never believe that..-

"Haah.." -How troublesome..-

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in."

The one at the door was Doris, my newest personal maid.

"Is there something urgent?" I looked up at her over my desk piled high with papers.

"I just thought I would come to report an.. observation."

"Which is?" I was pretty curious what would make her act so uncomfortable.

"I believe Vasilias is hiding something." She looked nervous but seemed confident.

My complexion quickly darkened. "What do you mean.."

Noticing my irritation, she quickly stiffened up. "Ever since he supposedly healed, he has been spending every waking moment with his family."

"What's wrong about that?"

"Well.. nothing.."

-Why is she acting so nervous..- "So you think he is hiding something since he is spending more time than usual with everyone?"

It wasn't until after I said that, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized his unusual change in routine after the fight.

"Haah.. If he wants to tell us, he will. Until then, it's better to not suspect anything, okay?" I flashed a somewhat motherly smile at Doris.

"Right.. I'm sorry."

"Well it's a good learning experience for you, no need to be sorry." I quickly hopped up from my desk and patted her on the head. "How about you take a break for the rest of today, you've earned it." A warm smile came to my face seeing Doris's face immediately lighten up. She reminded me of Zachari when she was young.


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