The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 131: Grandmother Asimi

Chapter 131: Grandmother Asimi

Late Afternoon - Mid Summer : Asimi's Estate

Not long after Mothers ominous message, we finally made it to the estate.

"It has been a while, Young Miss." A massive light orange dragon towering nearly 52 meters tall was guarding the gate.

"It's been a while, Orion. Sorry I left you alone with Mother that whole time.." Oddly enough, Mothers face had a bit of guilt on it.

"Haha, it seems like you haven't changed." Orion looked at her with a warm and oddly fatherly smile.

"Hey, I'm a grown woman now. I even have my kids with me. How could you say nothings changed?" She gave him a smug smile.

Orion looked over and checked me out before walking up to me. "My name's Orion Cirillo, nice to meet you." He pressured me with his aura with his greeting. It was quite oppressive but honestly far less than I had anticipated.

Understanding what he was trying to do, I looked up and gave a smirk. -He doesn't know who I am, huh..- "The name's Vasilias Ragnarok. Don't you think it's a bit rude to look down on me like that?" Using my aura to pressure him, his knees buckled and the ground shattered.

(Aura pressure is basically using aura to simulate increased gravity on someone (it isn't actually changing gravity**))

Although he collapsed down and lowered his head, he managed to hold it off the ground.

Once he got the message, I eased up on my aura and he shifted around to a proper kneel. "I'm sorry I failed to recognize your excellency."

"Hoho~, to think you'd kneel in front of my son on the first day.." Mother looked at the scene with satisfaction. "I figured you would at least wait a couple days."

Orion immediately broke into a nervous sweat and stood up. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

-He definitely didn't know who I was..-

"Well in any case, I think if we make any more noise, Mother will come out and tackle me.."

"Haha, right. Please head in, everyone. If any of you ever need anything, please just ask." He gradually moved over and opened the gate for us.

Inside the walls of the estate were several beautiful statues of dragons and two very large flower gardens.

-Those two dragons feel.. familiar..- Although I couldn't tell why, I felt an odd familiarity with two of the statues. One was a smaller statue of an ice dragon and the bigger was.. -What kind of dragon even is that..-

The dragon was covered in scars and simply looked like a monster. Even though it was just a statue, it felt intimidating and oppressive just looking at it. -Why does it feel familiar though..-

"Ah did you notice our beautiful statues?" Mother started to brag a bit. "The outer few are the dragons that assisted Bahamut, with the statue in the middle being of Bahamut himself!"

-That explains why that small statue looks familiar.. but why is..-

*SLAM* Immediately grabbing my attention, the huge door to the estate was slammed open.

Behind the door was a huge 43 meter dragon that looked just like Mother.

"My sweet grandbabies!" She darted down the walkway and stopped right in front of Krystallo and I. "You two are so cute!!" After hesitating for a moment and looking us up and down with a warm smile, she pulled us closer and gave us a big hug.

"M..mother.. be careful.." Mother looked a bit nervous.

"Oh! Sorry. Did I use a bit too much strength?"

"Hehe! I like your strong hug!" Krystallo’s face was covered with pure childish joy.

"Oh you cute little thing.. just let your grandmother know if you want anything. I’ll be sure to get it for you!"

*Gasp* "Can I get a cookie then?" Krystallo’s eyes lit up.

"Of course sweetie!" Asimi reached out and patted her on the head as she glanced back towards a young maid by the door.

Giving a strong nod, the white and blue haired maid ran back inside.

"So." She slowly turned to look at me. "Just like your Father said, youre a truly stunning piece of art… Although I'd love to have a serious talk about what happened, we can do that later. For now, let me just spoil you two kids." She reached up and rubbed my head like she did to Krystallo.

-Man that feels.. pretty good..- Something about her touch made me feel an odd sense of security, similar to when Mother would praise me. "Hehe.." I gave a childish smile as I enjoyed the head rub.

"Gosh you two are so cute!" She quickly reached out and hugged us once again. After what felt like a few minutes, she finally let us go and noticed Ilios. "So who is this little guy.."

"That's Ilios. He's pretty special but we will need to.. be behind closed doors to talk about that."

Asimi slowly looked up at me. "Haha, how ominous... Well, it seems like you brought two maids with you as well." She looked back at Maria and Chloe. "You two can go ahead and go inside, my maids will show you around."

After that, Chloe and Maria went inside and we followed behind them not long after.

We got a short tour of the massive estate, showing us our rooms and where we would eat as well as a massive living room that we could relax in our dragon form in.

The room was a large but cozy wooden room with several huge cushions and a large fireplace that used artifacts to turn on and off.

-Its really cozy..- The nice warmth and comfortable cushions made me even more sleepy than I already was but it was a bit too early for that.

After we finished the tour, Asimi, Mother and Father left to talk privately for a bit. I took that time to explore a bit on my own but there wasn't anything too interesting besides a fairly decent sized library. -Ill check you out later..-

After finishing my exploration I walked back into the living room and laid down on a cushion.

As I curled up, Ilios hopped in his signature spot and I nearly immediately started to doze off.

-Man this cushion is.. really comfortable..-


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