The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 130: Smooth Flights

Chapter 130: Smooth Flights

Early Afternoon - Mid Summer : Central Bahamut Space Rune

After splitting up with Abbie, I traveled through the void back to the central Bahamut space rune.

A problem I ran into was that I had no clue where anything was while I was in the void with the exception of where the runes were so I had to go to the only other rune I knew how to get home from.

Once I got out of the void and was back in Bahamut, I started my flight back to the estate.

-I could just bump the thrusters and get there super quick but.. I'm gonna take my time today..-

For whatever reason, I felt like taking my time and enjoying the view and the wind.

"Doesn't the wind feel nice, Ilios?"

Ilios was holding his head up high to enjoy the air. His fur being blown around by the wind was truly beautiful. "Woof.."

Seeing him agree, I couldn't help but feel happy. -He's just so cute..-

After flying for a bit longer, I flew over the wide channel between the central island and the mainland.

Once I got close to the shore of the mainland, my aura noticed something. -What kinda idiot..-

Flying up towards me quite quickly was a small, meter wide, block of ice.

Below the block, I could see a group of 4 young looking dragons, around Krystallos age looking up at me with devious grins.

-Haha, you guys picked on the wrong dragon!- Once it was about to hit me, I reached out and caught it then used ice magic to increase the size of it a good bit.

Too nervous that if I actually threw it, I might kill one of them, I ended up just letting gravity do the work.

-Have fun dodging that!-

Paying the group of kids no mind after I dropped it, I continued to the estate in high spirits.

- Kostas Aetos ~

"Truth or dare?" A group of noble and non-noble friends in our group were playing truth or dare.

"Dare!" It was finally my turn and of course I wasn't going to be a wimp and choose truth. -I’m a noble Aetos after all!-

"The next halfie that flies over us, I want you to hit with your ice magic." A close friend of mine, Romano, was the one to give me the dare.

"Hehe, challenge accepted!" -Its not like halfies can dare offend me after all!-

"Haha, I feel a bit bad for the next halfie to come by. So who's next?" Peter, one of the non-nobles of the group, had a look of excitement as we continued the game.

It wasn't till quite a while later that we finally saw one fly overhead.

"There's one! He's pretty high though."

"You dare doubt my abilities?! I'm a great Aetos, there is nothing I can't do!"

"Haha, well go give it your shot then." Romano poked fun at my confidence.

"Hmph.." As I walked out into the shallow water, I looked up at the halfie. -He is really high.. but.. I think I got it..-

Swimming to the bottom of the shallows, I turned over and created a decent sized block of ice.

-Hooh..- Calming my mind, I used earth magic to strengthen my muscle and used extra water magic to try and give the block a bit of extra speed.



The block zipped through the air and was on track. -Its a hit!-

"Haha, I told you I would hit hi-" As I was getting ready to brag, I noticed the dragon caught it. -Wait.. he's a lot bigger than I thought..-

Although I got a little nervous, I didn't worry about it. -Who am I kidding, a halfie can't touch me! I'm a great noble dragon!-

Confidence welled up in me until the sun vanished and the area around us became dark. -Huh?

"RUUUUN!!!" Romano was the first to yell.

-What is he..- Slowly looking up, I noticed the problem.

A massive, mountain sized chunk of ice was falling towards us.

"AHHHH!!" Peter and the others started screaming as they ran.

As they ran, I just sat there, floating in the shallow water and watched as the massive chunk of ice fell towards my face.

-Is this.. the end?-


- Vasilias ~

Finally making it home, I talked to Chloe and Maria for a bit to pass time before Krystallo, Mother and Father were finally ready.

"Is everyone ready?" Mother was the one to do the final check up.

"I believe so. Well, Chloe, Maria, if we need to slow down, just let us know."

"Okay!" Chloe, who was in her pale pink dragon form, gave a joyous nod.

Although Maria stayed quiet, she shared the enthusiasm.

"I think we're all ready Mother."

"Alright! Well, follow me then!"

Once we got up in the air, it was a fairly smooth flight, but the direction we were going was interesting.

"Are we going to the central space rune?" We were heading north east.

"No, we are just flying over it. Your grandmother's estate is just a tad south of the elders hall."

-Ah, so that's why we are going this way..- (The elders hall is at the northernmost part of the mainland)

As we kept flying, we eventually started getting close to the space rune and a massive chunk of ice slowly crested the horizon.

"What the.." Mother audibly expressed her confusion.

"Is that all ice?!" Even Father looked shocked.

"I.. think so.. What a ferocious amount of mana that must've taken.." Mother was simply awe struck. As an ice affinity dragon, she had a special understanding of the difficulty it would take to make something like that.

I simply stayed quiet, nervous that if I said anything I might expose myself.

As we flew over it, I looked down and noticed several large dragons around the base talking to a much smaller, sky blue dragon.

-Hey that's the kid that threw the ice at me.- He was incredibly pale but from the looks of things seemed uninjured.

A smug smile slowly crept onto my face. -Hehe.. Hopefully that taught him a lesson.-

After that, we kept flying for a while. It wasn't until a huge estate even larger than home came over the horizon that we got close.

The scale was otherworldly. Our estate was completely incomparable to it. -What the actual f..-

"Well, that's where we will be staying for a bit."

Everyone except Mother and Father stared at the estate in awe.

"Oh, I should give you two a fair warning." Mother looked back at Krystallo and I. "Your grandmother has always wanted grandkids so.. be careful.."

-What is that supposed to mean..-


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