The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 185

185 A Knife To The Throat

Somewhere in Viscarrian...

Carefully walking her horse through the forest that paved way for them to pass, lonely cricket sounds can be heard from behind the trees, giving the dark quiet forest some company, but in Anna’s chest, her heartbeat was calm and steady, even though her mind and eyes remained at alert.

The twigs were crunching under the horse’s hooves as they ventured deeper into the woods. What aided the forest with a bit of light was the full moon that shone like silver against the darkness of the sky.

The humming sound of the cold wind as it blew its frosty air, made Anna shudder slightly and she felt happy about the fact she wore a cloak, else she won’t be able to survive how cold it was starting to get outside.

And it wasn’t even snowing yet.

Judging from the directions she had gotten on the way, most of the people she interacted with on her way here led her towards this path, claiming the old Hollow tree would be in this direction and she followed it. But after walking for what she assumed to be hours, there hasn’t been any sign of a Hollowed tree nearby.

“Or did I make a wrong turn?” She quietly asked herself, feeling skeptical on whether it’d be better to change route or if she should stick to this direction. Her mind was too preoccupied in finding Gemma to even worry about herself.

As much as she tried to push those thoughts at the back of her head, she couldn’t stop herself from wondering what the kidnapper might be doing to her. For the kidnapper to send those presents in the envelope only made Anna worry further, and because of that, her will to find Gemma grew stronger.

The worried look on her face gradually switched to a look of determination as she stared ahead of what lies in the forest. No matter what, she would try her best to find this Hollow tree and ensure Gemma’s safety.


Building up her courage, she continued, knowing there was no turning back and the more they kept walking, the more she sensed a strange presence around the path, and to prove her point, the horse suddenly grunted as it’s nose flared a bit, alarmingly taking a step back as though it wasn’t willing to go any further.

Sensing the horses fright, Anna could tell the stranger was close by, probably watching her from behind the trees in silence, but Anna made no move to scrutinize as she got down from the horse.

Noticing its undeniable panic, she gave the horse’s back a gentle rub in an attempt to calm it down.

“It’s okay.” She whispered softly to the horse, keeping the tone of her voice low and slow. She knew that whatever brought her here was probably waiting in that direction that appeared denser from the rest. Else, why would the horse be so hesitant to move further.

Taking a deep breath as she stared at the narrowed path ahead, she mustered up the courage and continued on foot without having the horse follow her. Based on how the horse kept rubbing one of its feet on the soiled ground, it almost felt like it didn’t want her to go there, and when Anna tried to ignore, it blocked her path to her quick surprise, stopping her from going.

“It’s dangerous right? Trust me, I know.” She softly said to the horse, “but for Gemma’s sake, I have to go.” She smiled at how caring the horse was, and maybe it got used to her since this was the same horse she rode on with Roshan the other day.

“Wait here and shhhh.” She placed her index finger to her lips, signifying that the horse should remain silent, and to her utmost relief, it did.

“I’ll be back.”

With that resolved, she moved past the horse and dared to take a step into the darker part of the forest. It was this dark cause the canopies were too big that they stopped any source of light from penetrating in, giving it that eerie and disturbing look.

She felt goosebumps start to appear on her tender skin and her heart raced. This was crazy but she was doing it. She was determined to do it and also, she wanted to see the person who could stoop so low to kidnap a child, all in the name of trapping her.

After walking for a few more minutes, she came across an open area and that’s when her eyes widened.

The tree before her was an old big tree that stood in the center, in order words, it appeared to be a dead tree that still stood alive in the middle of the forest, with not a single leaf on it. Scanning it further from where she stood, Anna’s eyes landed on the main body of the tree that appeared empty, or hollow in the center.

She couldn’t tell if it was really empty since the inside of the tree appeared dark and nothing could be seen. Standing before an ancient tree like this, she felt like she was standing before history itself, but it was not the type that appealed to her heart.

Something about the death of this tree made her think rationally, until a voice interrupted her.

“Look what we have here.” The deep dark voice resonated through the forest, leading birds to fly off from the branches they were resting on.

“Just as predicted. You’ve always been an obedient little human after all.”

“Show yourself!” She raised her voice a bit while glancing at every direction she heard the voice from, already getting tired of this hide and seek game that the stranger was playing with her, “I’m here like you asked, but are you afraid to show yourself to an ordinary human?”

Truth be told, he was scaring the wits out of her, but knowing how it was easy to smell fear, she chose to remind herself of the things the stranger had done, which in return, replaced most of her fear with anger.

“Afraid?” That word seemed to have struck a nerve, “I’m right here.”

Spinning around immediately, the sight Anna was welcomed with, wasn’t a good one as the kidnapper stood not too far from the Hollowed tree, holding little Gemma in his grasp and threateningly placing a silver knife to her throat.

“No!” Came the alarmed cry that left Anna’s lips at the sight before her and she involuntarily stretched her hand forward as though she wanted to reach for her.

Gemma remained in his arms, her eyes already red from crying a lot as her mouth was clasped with Luderick’s hand, and the other, holding a knife to her throat.

She was scared.

“Gemma.” Anna softly tried to draw her attention to her, “you’ll be fine okay? I’m here now, no one will hurt you. Just stay strong.”

Lifting her gaze to Luderick, she wondered why she never suspected it’d be him, but standing before him right now, she wasn’t surprised.

“Let her go, I’m here like you asked.” She said to Luderick, hoping he would lower the knife from Gemma’s throat but he didn’t do any of that. Infact, he looked ready to spill blood as his horrifically dark eyes remained on Anna.

He was looking different! In a scary kind of way she nearly asked what the hell did he do to himself???

“Listen...Lu... Luderick, she’s your niece, can’t possibly hurt your niece, she’s only a child.”

“If I do hurt her then it’ll be your fault little human.” He agreed with himself, “seeing as I can’t hurt her, then if I do end up hurting her then you’ll be the one responsible for her death.”

“What do you want from me?” Anna proceeded to ask the man who was now smiling deviously in her direction. It sent her stomach churning in return cause he was starting to look nothing like a human would. Even his aura was suffocating and if she wasn’t mistaking, she sensed black magic.

“Your blood.” He responded, “give me your blood.”

“My what??”

“Over there.” He withdrew the knife from Gemma’s throat so he could point at a small bowl that was kept on the ground, as well as the knife placed beside it.

“Don’t worry, I came prepared. What I need you to do is simple, use that knife to cut yourself until that little bowl fills up with your blood.”

“No!” Anna refused before she could even process what her response would be, and a deafening silence followed as though her refusal had stunned him.

How does he expect her to cut herself and give him her blood?? Was he insane??

“Don’t make it harder than it already is human,” his gaze fell on the necklace around her neck and his eyes surprisingly widened at the sight.

“Aveline.” He chuckled, “I see you’ve remembered your past self.”

“No wait!” He was about to slit Gemma’s throat but stopped at Anna’s quick cry.

“Why are you doing this?”

“No time for questions and answers,” his tone finally turned serious, “do the needful or face the consequences.”


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