The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 184

184 Getting To Know The Truth

“It’s over??” He could hear murmurings amongst the crowd as they all carried questionable looks on their faces, some whispering to one another and some staring like they were seeing someone from another planet.

Apparently, it was the first time most of the guests were having a closer glimpse at the devil’s son as he just stood at the stairs, looking calm but holding the authority and dignity of a ruler, seeing as his tranquil gaze settled on them all.

“I am not in the best mood to continue this event,” he explained in a more audible tone that still left everyone questioning what the case might be. It was very strange for the family ball to be called off so abruptly and based on the history of Family ball’s that occured in the Viscarrian palace, this is the first time that a family ball had to be called off.

“I apologize for the inconvenience, but it’ll be certain to everyone that the event is only postponed for the time being, like I said, I am not in a suitable frame of mind to continue but I won’t ignore your presence, which I thank you for. It was nice having this moment with all of you.”

After he finished making his statement, even though a lot of people were still puzzled by it, they also appreciated the fact that he chose to come down and see all of them.

Not only that, they equally understood since he barely came down the stairs when the whole event started, and knowing he would be the heir to the throne, no one could question his decision and could only bow their heads politely before taking their leave.

As for the rest of his family, except Levi and Azazel, they were all struck by the ordersity he had in calling off the family’s traditional ball. It has never happened before and to think Roshan would play a stunt like this on such an important occasion was way more upsetting than being lashed out at.

When everyone had successfully exited the building, the elder lady was the first to raise her tone at the disobedient Demon who still stood at the top of the stairs.

“Where are your manners?” She started, “ending the family ball without even being present was not your calling! This is a disgrace to our royal tradition. All you’ve been doing is dragging the Astaroth name into nothingness! How disreputable of you to–”


She involuntarily held her tongue when Roshan’s glacial stare fell on her. That calm look in his eyes had entirely vanished and he tilted his head to the side, patiently waiting for his dear Aunt to finish, but unfortunately, she didn’t.

“Are you done?” He asked with a noticeable derision in his tone, “I don’t see how you get to question my authorities Aunt, considering the fact that you are nowhere near my level of power.” He added cynically, earning gasps from different angles as no one expected Roshan to hit a nerve with his retort.

“What did you say?”

“You’re not too old to have activated your hearing loss Aunt, but that isn’t even the point now.”

He brushed it off before coming down the stairs to stand before everyone. Azazel and Levi could already tell that this won’t end well and his presence alone had left everyone tensed. Even the maids and servants have hid away due to his unbearable aura, as though he was the angel of death hunting for his next prey.

Standing before everyone, Roshan’s hazel-green eyes scanned each and every one of them, as though he was searching for something and that’s when Gravion found the courage to speak.

“What is the issue that you had to call off the family ball without giving anyone a quick notice?”

“Anna.” He uttered, “Anna is missing, and so is Gemma.” He responded to Gravion’s question, earning several gasps from each direction as their hands flew to their mouths in disbelief.

“Gemma’s missing?!” Came the shocking exclaim from Letitia who’s eyes had grown apprehensively wide.

“What happened to Anna?”

Ignoring all the questions they threw at him, Roshan’s eyes scanned the demoness who stood together. One by one like he was still searching for something until his gaze fell on Roseline, and when she met his stare, an unreadable smirk formed on his lips.

“Come out.”

All eyes instantly followed Roshan’s ray of sight to see he was beckoning Roseline over. The rest of the demoness instantly gave way for Roseline since none of them wanted to end up in Roshan’s bad books.

“I already said I have nothing to do with this.” She reminded him, but Roshan just stared like she uttered something foolish.

“I never asked if you were a part of it, or not. I asked you to come out.”

Seeing as the demoness was still hesitant on coming forward, he was done being lenient and to Roseline’s shock, an unknown force dragged her feet forward till she found herself standing before Roshan, and when she thought that was it, he made her go on her knees, leaving everyone startled and he did all that with his eyes only.

“Now I ask..” he crouched before Roseline, “where is the letter that you found in Gemma’s chamber?”

At the mention of the letter, Roseline’s heart seemed to stop beating as she lifted her gaze to look at the glacier whose eyes were still holding her in position.

How did he know about the letter????

“What.... what letter?” She managed to ask, trying to hide the shock that had taken over her when he mentioned the letter to her.

“How does a letter look like Roseline dear.” His calm tone was currently scaring the wits out of her that she trembled slightly at his tone. Goodness knows how he got to figure out the letter Anna had left. She was super sure he never saw it before stepping out of the room, so how...

“Don’t worry, I’d rather save my energy than punish you, so just tell me where you kept the letter,” he demanded in a cool tone, “and lying to me is pointless, cause I always figure out the truth based on how I tend to get it from you, so think about your decision carefully before trying to lie.”

He was actually petting her right now, but for some reason it frightened her poor soul until her lips trembled in defeat.

“I....I burned it.” She confessed before lowering her gaze, but Roshan wasn’t done yet as he lifted her face up with his hand. A look of seriousness flashed in his irises that it sent a spine-chilling feeling up Rose’s back.

“What was written on it?”

“I_I can’t remember.”

“I can make you recall if it’s difficult to remember what the letters held, but it won’t be an enjoyable experience cause..”

“An old Hollow tree.” She blurted before she could even stop herself. She couldn’t understand how someone can be so overly intimidating as Roshan, now she understood why many fear him,

“She wanted you to meet her at the old Hollow tree but I just assumed she was trying to flee with you and....”

“You know I didn’t have the intention of punishing you,” he caught her off after getting the truth out of her, ....but now I’ve reconsidered”

“Wait...what??” Roseline shook her head, “I wasn’t a part of this, you can’t punish me!”

Ignoring her protest, Roshan stood straight, walking away from her and his guards immediately held her down.

“If anyone pleads on her behalf, then you might as well join her in the dark dungeon!”

And with that, he silenced all the words that could have come at him. At least he knew where Anna was and based on Freya’s word, Luderick must be behind all of it.

That skunk!!!

Without waiting for even a second, he dashed out of the palace.


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