The Devil’s love

Chapter 303 - Dinner Party

Left with no other choice, Elizabeth let him carry her bag to her new room. She didn't want to see Jason as she was still embarrassed over what had happened but since they would be staying in the same place and also work together, it would be inevitable to avoid him.

….. ​​

Elizabeth's new room.

Placing the bags down, Jason explained, "This is your new room, Kiara's room is right next to yours." Pausing for a while, he added, "My room is right next door so if you need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call."

"Okay, thanks."

"It's alright, you don't have to thank me. You should rest first, I'll help you arrange the computers later." Without waiting for her reply, Jason was about to leave the room when she stopped him.

"Jason I–" Pursing her lips, she stopped midway and lowered her head.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" he inquired.

Contemplating for a while, she hesitantly said, "I wanted to talk about that day—"

Awkwardly clearing his throat, he scratched his forehead. "Yeah, that day—"

Cutting him off, she quickly explained, "Let me talk first. That day when you called, Kiara was also there with me. When you started asking questions, she started helping me answer them because I was really very nervous."

"Why were you nervous? Do I scare you or something like that?" When she vigorously shook her head, he asked, "Then why were you nervous?"

"I-I don't know, I was just nervous so I decided to follow Kiara's instruction." Pausing for a while, she added, "When you asked me what I was wearing, she wrote 'I am naked' on the paper and I ended up saying it loud."

Helplessly shaking his head, Jason chuckled, "Linhou was the one who told me to ask you tha question. I guess we gotta stop listening to them and do what we feel like."

"Yes, I guess we have to start doing that." Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she added, "I was so embarrassed after that incident, this is why I did not receive your calls. I thought you would think wrongly of me and—"

"I would never think wrongly of you Elizabeth, in fact I thought I heard something wrong so I tried calling you several times but—" Looking at her, he smiled, "Anyway, let's forget about that. It was just a misunderstanding and I am glad we talked it out."

"Me too." Looking at the bags, she said, "Thanks for helping me bring them up."

"You don't have to thank me, friends always help each other unless you still don't take me as one."

"Of course not, I mean you are my friend," she quickly said.

"Great, we should hang out some time like go for a coffee or something."

"Sounds nice, I am new to this place so you can take me around."

"Of course I will." Pausing for a while, Jason inquired, "How did the attack happen?"

"I really don't know but everyone was rescued safely which is a relief. To be honest, it was quite terrifying."

Nodding his head, he agreed, "Yes, it can be quite terrifying but don't worry nothing like that is going to happen here. This place is fully secured and there are guards everywhere, we all are safe."

"Grandpa Bai already told us everything about this place and our new boss."

"You are gonna love big boss, he is great and lady boss is very nice and generous too. Don't worry, everyone is very easy going here and since you have to work with me, no one will be able to bully you." Smiling at her, he exclaimed, "Unless I decide to bully you which is never gonna happen."

Without waiting for her reply, he added, "You should rest for a while, I'll come back later and help you unpack."

After Jason left, Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the bed. After clearing things out with Jason, she felt quite better and light headed.


Ning and Yichan place.

Living room.

Sitting beside Roger, Yichan inquired, "Where is Ning?"

"She is in the kitchen." Looking at him, Roger inquired, "Do you always come home for lunch?"

"Whenever Ning is home otherwise I go to her office or she comes to mine and then we have lunch together." Pausing for a while, he added, "Ning told me what happened outside the hospital today."

"Oh, it was nothing serious."

"Thank you for standing up for her when I wasn't around, I really appreciate it," Yichan remarked.

"You don't have to thank me, Ning is not just your wife but also my sister. If I won't protect her then who will, right?"Pausing for a while, Roger added, "And don't worry about Angella, I'll take care of things that side."

Placing his hand on his shoulder, Yichan asked, "Are you okay?"

Taking a deep breath, he slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, I am fine. I just did not expect to see her all of a sudden."

"Angella tried to contact me today."

Scrunching his brows, Roger snapped, "What? When?"

"Today, she called up in the office and asked for me. When my assistant told her I wasn't there, she came in the office and created a ruckus there. The guards threw her out but she refused to leave. Later a few men arrived and took her away, I think your father sent them," Yichan explained.

Helplessly shaking his head, Roger sighed in dejection. "I am sorry for the trouble you had to go through, I—"

"You don't have to apologize, it isn't your fault. I just don't want Ning to stress about it."

"Yes, let's not involve her in all of this. It will be best if we don't tell her anything," Roger stated.

Just then Ning arrived. "Lunch is served, I'll go call Yitian down." Before she could go upstairs, she saw Yitian coming down the stairs. "There he is, I was about to call you down."

"Alright since everyone is here, let's have lunch together."


Dining area.

Looking at Yitian was just playing with the food with the fork and was barely eating anything, Yichan raised his brows. "What happened? Are you okay?"

When Yitian slowly nodded his head, Ning quickly added, "He is having a headache."

Touching Yitian's forehead, Yichan remarked, "You don't have a fever, did you eat something outside?"

"Maybe he ate something in the college cafeteria," Roger stated.

"I'll give you medicine later, have that and then get some sleep, okay?"

"Yi, will you go back to the office after lunch?" Ning inquired.

He nodded his head and answered, "Yes honey, I just have an important meeting. I'll be back as soon as I am done with that, okay?"

"I am planning to throw a dinner party soon, what do you think?" she asked.

"That is a good plan, who are you inviting?"

"Just our friends, family and grandpa's including grandpa Jiang," she answered.

Widening his eyes in shock, Yichan almost choked, "You are planning to invite grandpa Jiang and grandpa Yang together?" When she nodded her head, he sighed, "Babe I don't think it's a really nice idea."

"I agree with Yichan, I think they don't get along quite well," Roger remarked.

"I will just ask grandpa to behave, I know he is the wildest amongst the two of them. I am throwing this party because I want everyone to be together and have a great time, it's gonna be fun," she explained.

"But the doctor said you need to take a rest, I don't think throwing a party for so many people is a nice idea," Roger suggested.

Pouting her lips, she gave Yichan a look without saying anything.

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed. How could he not know what that look meant? And how could he say no to that beautiful face and pout? "Fine, let's throw a party but you are not allowed to do everything all by yourself, you have to let aunt Lin and other helpers help you out."

Sticking her thumb out, she grinned in satisfaction. "Deal, I'll do everything that you said."


An hour later.

After Roger and Yichan left, Ning brought her laptop down and started working in the living room while Yitian sat right beside her in a daze.

"Yitian, what happened? Is everything okay?" When he did not say anything, she placed his hand on his. "It's fine, you can talk to me about anything."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he was about to say something when a guard entered the mansion.

"Madam, someone is here to meet the young master," the guard informed.

"Who is it?"

"Wang Liying."

"Send her in," Ning instructed before giving Yitian a weird look.

After the guard left, she crossed her arms in the front. "You fought with Liying didn't you?"

Vigorously shaking his head, he answered, "No sister Ning, we did not fight."

Just then Liying entered the mansion along with the guard.



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