The Devil’s love

Chapter 302 - Warm Welcome

Rolling his eyes, Jason scoffed, "Oh please, did you forget about Mary your—"

Placing his hand on his mouth, Linhou gritted his teeth, "Are you fucking kidding me? How can you even mention her name when you know Kiara will be here any minute?" ​​

Slapping his hand away, he frowned, "Do you expect her to never find out? I am telling you, to avoid future problems, you should tell her everything."

"How can you even say that so casually? Do you want me to become a single man again?" Without waiting for his reply, Linhou explained, "And I have already drawn a line with her so—"

Cutting him off, Jason scoffed, "As if Mary cares about the lines she draws. Anyway, there is no way you can stop Kiara from meeting Mary because there are only a few females who work here and you know how girls are, they like catching up and talking about random things."

"Why are you jinxing everything?" Clutching onto his chest, he groaned, "My heart is hurting."

Rolling his eyes at his over dramatic friend, Jason grabbed one of the bouquets from his hand. "Don't come running to me when things go wrong."

"What? How can you say that? Who else can I bug if something tragic happens in my life?" Placing both his hands on his shoulder, Linhou exclaimed, "You are my only brother and best friend, we have been together as long as I can remember."

"You are being dramatic again." Looking at his pitiful expression, he sighed, "Of course I will help you but before that happens, you should tell her everything."

Thinking for a while, he remarked, "That incident actually doesn't count, I mean I was heavily drunk. I could have kissed you if you were near me."

Taking a step back, Jason raised his brows. "Stay away from me, you are gonna ruin my sanity."

"What are you talking about? I am one hundred percent straight, okay? Don't question my manhood," he snapped.

Ignoring him, Jason glanced at the watch and frowned. "Shouldn't they be here by now?"

"Hmm they should, maybe they got stuck in traffic."

"Why don't you call Kiara and find out?"

"I tried but her phone is still not reachable, maybe it got lost," Linhou frowned.

"Then we have no other choice but to wait for them."


Hailman college.


Sitting beside Yitian who was busy reading a book, Liying gently tapped his hand.

Taking his eyes off the book, he grabbed her hand and smiled, "Hey, are you done chatting with your friends?"

"Yes." Contemplating for a while, she inquired, "What are you reading?"

"It is a book."

"A baby book?" When he nodded his head, she frowned, "Why are you reading it?"

"Just for some extra knowledge," he answered before closing the book. "What happened?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she remarked, "Your extra knowledge is creating some confusion."

Scrunching his brows, he inquired, "What kind of confusion?"

Looking around, she answered, "People are thinking you are reading a baby book because I am pregnant."

Looking at his hand which was tightly clasped with hers, he raised his brows, "I didn't know holding hands can lead to pregnancy."

When she frowned and slapped his hand away, he chuckled and moved closer. "Why do you have to listen to what others are saying?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she remarked, "Someone came up to me and said she thought I was getting fat but it's just pregnancy." Looking down, she frowned, "Do you think I am getting fat?"

"What? Of course not, whoever said that needs to get a new pair of glasses."

"She doesn't wear glasses."

Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, he added, "Well then that person needs to start wearing one." Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he explained, "You don't have to listen to what others say, okay?"

Looking at the book, she asked, "Why are you reading this?"

"Brother Yichan bought these to get some extra knowledge so I also took one as well," he explained.

Placing her head on his shoulder, she sighed, "You are weird but I still love you."

Widening his eyes in shock, Yitian's body turned stiff. He could feel his feet turning cold and his heart racing like a wild horse. He could feel a huge lump on his throat which prevented him from saying anything.

When he did not say anything, she pulled away and looked at him. "What happened?"

Grabbing his bag, Yitian nervously chuckled. "I-I have to go home, it's an emergency."


Cutting her off, he nervously said, "I'll go call and home you—I mean I'll go home and call you." Without waiting for his reply, he ran away.


Yichan and Ning's place.


Looking at the finely chopped vegetables, Ning raised her brows, "Now this is quite impressive."

"What is impressive?"

"The way you are chopping vegetables is telling me that you can cook," she remarked.

Shrugging his shoulder, he answered, "Well, I cook at times when I feel like or when I am bored."

"Hmm that is nice, Yi doesn't know how to cook but he tries sometimes and almost burns down my kitchen," she chuckled.

Washing the vegetables, he smiled, "Why does he have to learn how to cook when his wife is a fantastic cook?"

"I am flattered."

"I have heard praises of your pancakes, when will I get the honour to taste them?" he inquired.

Stirring the soup, she answered, "I make pancakes everyday because Yichan loves them. You should drop by in the morning and join us for breakfast."

"I would love to."


Thirty minutes later.

Living room.

Slumping on the couch, Ning sighed, "We just have to wait for Yi to arrive."

Glancing at the watch, Roger remarked, "It's still early, we finished cooking quite fast."

"It's because we did it together and—" She stopped midway when Yitian entered the mansion. Scrunching her brows, Ning asked, "Yitian, why are you home so early?"


Getting up, she nervously inquired, "Did something happen?"

He shook his head and answered, "Nothing happened, I am just having a really bad headache."

"Do you want some medicine?" When he shook his head, she added, "Alright, go to your room and rest for a while, I'll call you down for lunch soon."


After Yitian left, Roger exclaimed, "He resembles Yichan a lot."

"Hmm they look alike."

Looking at the frown in her face, he explained, "Why are you worried about him? He is fine."

"Yeah he said so but—" Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "Yitian is a very jolly boy, I think something happened today."

"He is a teenager Ning, you can't expect his mood to be stable all the time."

"Yeah, anyway I'll talk to him about it later."


Mo base.

"Why do we have to stay here?" Elizabeth frowned.

"What are you being so grumpy about? This is our home starting today and—"

Cutting her off, she snapped, "It's all your fault, how am I supposed to face Jason after whatever happened?" After the awful incident which was clearly Kiara's fault, Elizabeth had been ignoring Jason's calls since then. She was more embarrassed than angry.

Hooking her arms around her neck, Kiara grinned, "Oh come on, I am sure he has already forgotten about whatever happened. This is our new home from today, don't be so gloomy."

Looking at Kiara's injured arm, Elizabeth asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Raising her arm which was neatly wrapped in a while bandage, Kiara chuckled, "This? Not at all. You know I am already used to these tiny injuries."

"But still, you should be careful in the future. Let me help you do the dressing later, okay?"

"Alright girl, don't worry about it for now."

As soon as they entered the base, they saw Jason and Linhou standing near the door with flowers in their hands.

When Linhou saw Kiara, he quickly rushed towards her. He was about to hug her, he saw her inquired arm. Widening his eyes in shock, he panic strickenly asked, "W-What—how did this happen?"

"It's nothing, it—"

Scrunching his brows, he snapped, "How can you say it's nothing? It's clearly much more than just nothing."

"The bullet just—"

Cutting her off, he shouted, "You got shot?"

Vigorously shaking her head, she quickly explained, "No, the bullet just touched—"

Without saying anything, he grabbed her hand. "Come with me, I have a very good ointment which will heal it faster. Boss brought it from aboard, it's really nice."

"Okay but my luggage—"

"Forget about that for now, I will ask someone to bring it upstairs."

After Linhou and Kiara left, Jason awkwardly made his way towards Elizabeth. Giving her the flowers, he greeted her. "Welcome."

Taking the flowers, she gave him a weak smile. "Thanks for the warm welcome."

"No problem." Looking at the bags, he stated, "Let me help you."

"No no, it's alright. I'll—"

"The room is upstairs, you can't take them up alone if that is what you are planning to do."



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