The Devil’s love

Chapter 287 - Complicated

"Huh so what if she does? As if I like her, I hate her too," Jason snapped. After finding out that Elizabeth is actually a woman, a beautiful woman, Jason stopped playing around with her and started using less harsh methods to deal with her. But Elizabeth on the other hand kept attacking him and didn't stop being rude to him which pissed Jason off.

"But bro what you did wasn't really great either, Kiara told me Elizabeth kept crying for hours after you wiped out her computer." ​​

Scrunching his brows, Jason snapped, "Hey that was a mistake, I didn't intend to do that."

"Mistake or not, you still wiped out everything she had." Pausing for a while, Linhou added, "I don't wanna add to your guilt but Kiara was telling me that Elizabeth lost the only picture she had of her family because of you. She spent hours trying to recover it but couldn't—"

Widening his eyes in shock, he anxiously inquired, "Wait what? A-Are you serious?"

"That is what my baby told me and she doesn't lie. In fact, she is also really pissed with you," Linhou explained. Without waiting for his reply, he got up. "I am going now, you can work in peace."

"Wait Linhou, you were not joking about the photograph thing, right?" When he shook his head, Jason inquired, "Do you know when we will be meeting the other group?"

"Big boss said that we will go to their base soon but I am not really sure when."


Ning and Yichan's place.

"Brother Yichan is not home yet?" Yitian inquired.

"He has an important meeting so he will be coming late today." Passing him a glass of orange juice, Ning inquired, "How is college?"

"Everything is nice and smooth."

"And how is everything with Liying?" When he did not say anything, she chuckled, "Come on, you can tell me anything you want to."

Helplessly shaking his head, Yitian sighed, "I just realized that I don't understand women."

"Wait what?" Pinching his cheeks, she asked, "Aren't you too young to say that?"

"No, really sister Ning why is everything so complicated?"

"Okay big guy, walk me through it."

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves down, he started explaining, "So today at college, a guy asked Liying out and also said that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole class."

Scrunching her brows, she inquired, "What? I thought you both are dating."

Yitian shook his head and answered, "No we are not, I mean I like her but I have never asked her out because I don't know if she feels the same about me. I just want me to be sure before taking any step. What if I ask her out and she doesn't feel the same way? That will not only ruin our friendship but also make things awkward."

"Alright so what happened after that? Did she go out with that guy?"

"No, she didn't." Pausing for a while, he further explained, "I was sitting right next to her when the guy asked her out but instead of answering that guy, she looked at me and asked if I had anything to say or not. Why will I have anything to say? So I shook my head and said I don't wanna say anything."

"And then?"

Scrunching his brows, he answered, "And then she said yes to that guy. He wasn't even handsome you know, I am not being an ass but I am ten times more handsome to him but—anyway, that is not the whole point. Later when we were hanging out, she kept talking about that guy and about their stupid date which was quite frustrating so in order change the topic, I asked what she wants to eat for lunch and then you know what happened sister Ning."

Pursing her lips, she shook her head, "No I don't know honey, you tell me."

Gripping a fistful of his hair, he snapped, "She got mad at me, she started telling me how ignorant I am and that I don't care about her feelings. I mean, I just asked her what she wants to eat and now suddenly I am ignorant? How does that even make sense? Then she started whining about how I did not say anything when that guy asked her out."

"What should have you exactly said? Did she say something?" Ning inquired.

"I don't know, she was saying something like how I wasn't affected at all when that guy asked her out or when she said yes. I was so confused but before I could ask anything, she just left me alone. Later when I did not see her anywhere, her friend told me she left early. And now she is not even receiving my call." Slumping on the couch, he groaned in frustration, "This is one of the reasons why I never mingled with girls back in the States. They are so hard to understand."

Helplessly shaking her head, Ning chuckled, " Alright come here, let me give you a head massage and some advice."

Placing his head on her lap, Yitian sighed, "I really like her you know but she is so hard to understand, what do I do sister Ning?"

"Firstly, women are not complicated, you men mess things up and say that we are complicated. Secondly, the key to every budding relationship is talking about your feelings and being open about it. Now until and unless you don't tell her about your feelings or be expressive about it, how is she going to understand?" she explained.

Scrunching his brows, he inquired, "But what happened today was different, why did she behave that way?"

"Hmm let's take what happened today as an example. When that guy asked Liying out in your presence, she was expecting you to react."

"What kind of reaction?" he frowned.

"Hmm how do I explain that?" Thinking for a while, she answered, "She was expecting you to be angry or—"

Just then Yichan entered the mansion. "What are you guys talking about?"

When Ning saw Yichan, she turned towards Yitian and whispered, "Something like this."

Looking at her husband, she answered, "Hmm nothing, I was just telling Yitian about Josh who wants to take me for lunch."

Scrunching his brows, Yichan inquired, "Who is Josh?"

"Josh is an old college friend."

Thinking for a while, he confirmed, "Is Josh the guy who wanted to date you when you were in college?'

"That was a long time ago, everything is normal now," she explained.

"That is true, so what did you say?"

Massaging Yitian's forehead, she answered, "I am meeting him for lunch tomorrow and—"

Cutting her off, Yichan scoffed, "You are what? You are meeting Josh for lunch, how can you do that to me Ning?"


"So does that Josh know that you are married? D-Does he know that you have a handsome husband? Does he have any idea that if he tries to come close to my wife, I will kick his ass and break his face?" Gritting his teeth, he snapped harder, "Josh, give me his number, I will—"

Looking at Yitian, Ning explained, "So I was talking about a reaction like this but not so dangerous and threatening."

"Wait, what is going on?" Yichan frowned.

Ignoring him, she continued, "She isn't being complicated but you are being an idiot. Open up or at least let her feel that you like her through your actions. Don't be so stiff and cool about it, she will not feel secure if you keep acting this way."

Pausing for a while, she inquired, "Okay, you tell me how you felt when that guy asked her out in front of you?"

Thinking for a while, he frowned, "I felt very angry, I would have seriously broken his face if no one was around."

"And how did you feel when she said yes?"

"I felt very sad and angry, maybe a little hurt too," he answered.

Pointing towards his chest, she explained, "Now you felt everything in here, right?" when he nodded his head, she added, "You have to express the way you feel honey, she can't read your mind, remember?"

Thinking for a while, he asked, "So you think it's my fault, sister Ning?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she answered, "I don't know, I just said what I had to, now you have to think and decide whether you are wrong or not." Looking around, she frowned when she did not see Yichan. "Now where did your brother go?"

"Maybe he is looking for Josh's number in your phone," Yitian chuckled.

"I'll go and check on him, let's have dinner together after Yi freshens up, okay?"


Yichan and Ning's room.

When Ning entered the room, Yichan was busy scrolling through her phone. Snatching the phone from his hand, she inquired, "What are you trying to do?"

"I am looking for Josh's number."

Tossing her phone aside, she sighed, "You are seriously unbelievable at times Yi."

"My wife is going out for lunch with some Josh and I am unbelievable? How is that even fair?"



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