The Devil’s love

Chapter 286 - "You Like Him...."

One week later.

Roger's place. ​​

"What are you doing here?"

"Thinking." Walking towards him, Kareem added, "Thinking about what I am supposed to do with you and Lucas." Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "Why do you boys keep crossing me like this? Can you not pity your father a bit? Let me do what I am supposed to in peace."

When Roger did not say anything, he added, "And now you are not going to say anything?"

"What do you want me to say? I have nothing to say, you can leave."

Roger's blunt reply made Kareem feel even more frustrated than he already was. "Is this an appropriate way to talk to your father?"

"Father." Helplessly shaking his head, Roger scoffed, "Father is such an important and responsible word. It also carries a very heavy meaning." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "Now you tell me father, what have you done for Lucas or me that makes you think that I will take your side?"

��You ungrateful brat, how can you say that? I have done so many things for you both. From your education to your daily expenses, I have paid everything. And now you are telling me that I haven't done anything for you both?" Kareem snapped.

Nodding his head in agreement, Roger remarked, "Yes that is true, I am sorry I forgot how you purposely created a vedge with my friends and made me feel guilty for years." Clenching his hand into a fist, he gritted his teeth. "For so many years I kept blaming myself and my friends for my sister's death when she was very much alive and was hiding under your roof."

"So you know about it." Shrugging his shoulders, Kareem sighed, "I thought you would never find out but anyway."

"Why did you do that dad?"

"Because I didn't want you to be friends with Mo Yichan and the others. When will you understand that they are our enemies, we are supposed to be against them not be friends with them." Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "Why is it so hard to make you kids understand such a simple thing? You people are making your grandfather so angry, I—"

"Anyway, what is done is done and there is nothing we can do to change it. Now I want you to call your brother over because he won't come if I call him. You both are going home with me and—"

Cutting him off, Roger snapped, "I am not going anywhere and neither Lucas, you can see yourself out."

"Is this your last decision?"

"I have never been so sure about something in my entire life. I choose to support the truth this time even if it means I have to be against you and grandpa," Roger stated.

Taking a deep breath, Kareem sighed, "If that is your last decision then there is nothing I can do. Don't blame me for what happens next." Without waiting for Rogers' reply, he walked out of the house.


Ning and Yichan's place.

"Girl that was really very rude," Nuying chuckled.

Banging her head on the table, Ziying groaned in frustration, "I know but I was so mad and pissed at him that I said whatever I could think of."

"Relax, I don't think Chen is mad at you," Ning remarked.

"But how sure are you? I mean though he is your twin, you both just met not too long ago and you don't know much about him," Meili explained.

Ning nodded her head in agreement. "I agree with Mei, let's just say that I feel like he isn't the kind of person who would stay angry for a long time."

Thinking for a while, Ziying curiously inquired, "Do you think I should call him or meet him in person to apologize?"

"Uh huh and tell him that you like him too," Nuying added.

Widening her eyes in shock, Ziying snapped, "What? I don't like him."

"If you don't like him then why bother whether he is angry or not? Just forget about him and stop stressing over it," she added.

"I am just worried because I think my words were too harsh, you know. Maybe I hurt him and if that is the case then it's my responsibility to apologize," Ziying explained.

Placing her hand on Ziying's, Meili sighed, "It's written all over your face, you like him."

Just then Yitian entered the house.

"Look Yitian is also here, we should ask him," Nuying suggested.

"He just came back from college, don't start irritating him with your sili questions guys," Ning sighed.

"It's okay sister Ning, you can ask me whatever you want to," he stated.

Placing her hand on her chest, Meili sighed, "Such a sweet boy."

"Okay Yitian you tell us, if you shout at someone with whom you had a really annoying first encounter, would you apologize?" Nuying inquired.

"I would definitely apologize if it's my fault but I would never stress about it. Maybe a casual 'I am sorry' when I see the person again," he answered.

When everyone looked at her, Ziying rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, I really don't like him." Glancing at the watch, she added, "Alright, I need to go now. I have a meeting in thirty minutes."

"I miss attending meetings." Helplessly shaking her head, Ning sighed, "I am really not liking this work from home thing. Yichan won't let me attend office for another month because he thinks I'll stress myself out."

"And he couldn't be more right. Rest assured babe, everything is running smoothly in the office. I'll bring over important documents for you to sign every now and then," Meili explained.

"What would I do without you? You are my angel Mei." Giving her a hug, Ning added, "But I also feel bad for pressuring you this way."

"It's okay, I really don't have anything to do at home after Guiren leaves for office. He comes back around evening and picks me up from the office on the way. Then we have dinner outside, go home—"

Cutting Meili off, Nuying added, "Have sex–"

"Hey, how did you know that?"

"I have superpowers girl," Nuying winked at her before grabbing her bag. "Alrighty girls, I gotta meet my doctor boyfriend for a checkup. I'll see you all Saturday."

"Even I have to leave now." Giving Ning a hug, Meili added, "Take care of yourself."

After everyone left, Aunt Lin brought over some soup for Ning. "You should drink this before young master arrives, he will be mad again if he finds out you did not have it with your lunch."

"Yichan worried too much, I already feel much better but he keeps insisting that I am not well." Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "What do I do with him aunt Lin, you tell me?"

"Maybe have kids so that he can be busy and worry about the kids more than you," aunt Lin chuckled.

"Kids? I still feel it's too early to think about kids."

"You both are young, financially stable and happy now all you need is to increase your family. Kids will bring more happiness in your life, you will feel like your family is complete. It will be perfect," she explained.

Scrunching her brows, Ning inquired, "Wait, did grandpa Mo and Yang ask you to tell me that?"

"Maybe, maybe not but no matter what it is, you should seriously consider it." Without waiting for her reply, aunt Lin smiled at her and left.

Slowly drinking her soup, Ning thought for a while before picking up her phone.

[Aunt Lin just told me that we should have a baby so that you can stop bugging me all the time.]

[Yichan: We can have hundreds of babies but I will never stop bugging you because you will always be the most important one for me]

Helplessly shaking her head, Ning chuckled, "He will never change."


Mo Base.

Gritting his teeth, Jason threw a pillow right on Linhou's face. "Will you stop making noise?"

Grabbing the pillow, Linhou frowned, "What noise? I am just talking over the phone with my girlfriend. You are the one being noisy."

"I am trying to work here and now 'Baby, I love you' is distracting me," Jason fumed.

"No Jas, your singlehood is distracting you. I think you are just jealous because I have a girlfriend and you don't."

"What jealous? You haven't even seen her yet," he scoffed.

Shrugging his shoulder, Linhou remarked, "We will meet soon, didn't you hear what big boss said yesterday?"

"What did he say?"

"That we have to work with the other group like a team soon. I will handle the field team with Kiara and you will handle the computer thingy with—what was her name again?"

"Elizabeth," Jason added.

Snapping his fingers, Linhou nodded his head. "Yes, Elizabeth. You have to work with her." When Jason did not say anything, he added, "I don't know if you already know this or not but I heard she hates you."



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