The Devil’s love

Chapter 119 - Disappears

The whole Zhang family was in chaos when Guiren gave up everything and walked out taking nothing with him.

Guiren was the supposed sole heir of the Zhang family and was specially trained to become the head at a very young age. ​​

When Guiren refused to come back and take charge of everything until everyone accepted his wife, father Zhang continued taking care of the company. There was no way the Zhang family would let a commoner enter their family.

Guirens parents stopped bugging their son thinking that he would come back when he was bored with the woman by his side but when a couple of years passed by, they started panicking. They didn't want to lose their son but at the same time, they refused to accept his wife.

"Guiren my boy, you are finally home." Mother Zhang couldn't stop her tears when she saw her son.

"I am not back, your husband forced me in. My wife is still waiting for me so I have to leave as soon as possible." Guiren couldn't stand the way his parents looked down on Meili. Guiren was aware of all the consequences when he married Meili. He knew his family would never accept her but his love for Meili was too strong to let her go. How could he let go such an amazing person, the woman he loves for a mere company? So he decided to let go everything and start a new life with Meili but you would've thought that grandpa Zhang would give him half of his shares and all of grandma Zhang's shares. After adding the number of shares which he already had, Guiren became the largest shareholder of Zhang corporation. He actually had enough power in his hand to kick out his father and take his position back but he chose not to.

He didn't want Meili to be a part of a family who looked down on her. They were happy and doing well separately.

"What are you saying? You came back after so many years and you want to leave already? I will prepare all your favourite dishes and you have to stay for dinner." Mother Zhang grabbed Guiren's arm and dragged him inside.

"Prepare Meili's favourite dishes as well. She likes mushrooms and steak is her favourite. Also make sure that everything is spicy, Meili loves spicy food." When Mother pursed her lips and frowned, Guiren asked, "What? You don't wanna make my wife's favourite dishes?"

Shrugging her hands off, Guiren added, "I don't want them, you can save your favourite dishes for your husband."

"Is that the way you talk to your mother? Zhang Guiren, where are you manners?" Father Zhang shouted.

"Not letting your daughter-in-law in and accepting her even after so many years, where are you manners?" Grandpa Zhang snapped.

Father Zhang pursed his lips and frowned. "Father I-"

"Keep shut, I don't know what you both are so proud of. Meili is such a sweet little wonderful girl but you people are too full of yourself to figure that out." Grandpa Zhang was out of the country when Guiren brought Meili home. In his absence, his son and daughter-in-law insulted Meili and Guiren left home. By the time Grandpa Zhang came back, eveything was already a mess. He asked Guiren to return back along with Meili but the latter turned him down saying that he would never take his wife to the place where no one valued her.

"It's okay grandpa, I'll handle this." Guiren said before walking towards his father.

Without saying anything, the father and son duo made their way towards the study room.


Study room.

"Why didn't you turn up when I called you last week?" Father Zhang asked.

"My wife was having periods cramps and I had to take care of her." Guiren answered.

"Why are you so stubborn Guiren? Why can't you make things easier for your parents?" Father Zhang asked.

"You see, I don't have all day so make it fast." Glancing at his watch, Guiren sighed. "Look it's already five, I should be with my wife right now but I am here."

"I need you to come back and take over the company. It's high time now Guiren and things aren't as simple as they were. There are many people eyeing over the position and-"

Cutting his father off, Guiren said, "Then give it to them. Since you can't handle it and I don't want it, isn't it better to give it to someone who will actually treasure it?"

"You-do you even know what you are saying? How can I do that? It should be you who is supposed to take charge of everything but you what did you do? Gave up everything for a mere woman? We had selected so many capable and outstanding women for you but you had to act all rebellious and marry someone insignificant." Father Zhang shouted.

"Well, there is nothing you can do about that. I already married her and she is already my wife. So no matter how hard to yell at me or curse my wife, nothing is going to change."

Guiren's cool attitude was getting into father Zhang's nerves. The CEO position was actually in a very tight spot and that is why he wanted Guiren to take over as soon as possible.

When Father Zhang did not say anything, Guiren got up and decided to leave.

"Is it because of her? What if she is gone? What if she suddenly disappears one day? Will you come back?"

Clutching his hands into a fist, Guiren glared at his father. "Touch her and I'll make sure that you lose everything you have now. Keep your hands and dirty intentions off my wife."


Ning and Yichan's place.

"So what are you worried about?" Ning asked.

Meli sighed and helplessly shook her head. "I don't know Ning, he is going there after so many years and I am a bit nervous."

"Why are you nervous Mei? I think Guiren will handle them well." Nuying said.



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