The Devil’s love

Chapter 118 - Danger

Before Nuying could say anything, Muchan asked Grandpa Yue to get into the car.

Grandpa Yue groaned in frustration and was about to enter the car when Nuying inched closer and whispered, "No he is not." ​​

Grandpa Yue grinned and gave Nuying a thumbs up before happily boarding the car.

Finding grandpa's reaction very cute and funny, Nuying chuckled.

"Someone seems really very happy."

Turning towards her two friends who were grinning at her, Nuying asked, "Who me?"

"Obviously you. So-" Wrapping her arms around her shoulder, Ning asked, "Are you spilling everything out or do we have to force you?"

"W-Wait what? Pfffft what are you talking about? There is nothing to hide."

When Nuying kept on denying, Meili started examining her friend. With her eyes locked at the bluish-red mark on her neck, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Nu, what is this?"

"What?" Nuying asked.

"The mark on your neck."

Touching her neck, Nuying awkwardly cleared his throat. "I guess I fell down."

"Uh huh where? On someone's lips?" Ning asked.

"Or may be on Muchan's lips." Meili added.


"Alright, let's discuss this after doing the groceries. I have to prepare dinner for everyone and-" turning towards Nuying, Ning added, "You have a lot of things to spill."


Inside Yichan's car.

"Why do you do things which hypes up Ning grandpa?" Yichan asked.

"Huh now you don't start lecturing me, your wife is enough." Grandpa Yang snapped.

Yichan sighed and helplessly shook his head. "Now see, you are grounded. Why can't you all just stay in one place and relax? Or maybe go for a vacation? You all wanna go somewhere? I'll make arrangements."

"It's not the correct time to leave the country, I am needed here." Grandpa Yang said.

Yichan frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Grandpa Yang added, "Whatever you see is not always the complete truth. Sometimes, you have to look at things in some other way in order to find the truth."

Stopping the car, Yichan frowned deeper and asked, "What do you mean? I don't understand."

"Every coin has two sides and everything happens for a reason. There was a reason why I brought Ning with me when she was young and there is a reason why I let her marry you."

"Reason? Wait, I don't understand." Grandpa Yang's confusing words were making Yichan feel restless and strange.

"Didn't you bring her with you because her parents treated her unfairly?" According to what he had seen and heard from Ning, Yichan was pretty sure that this was the reason why grandpa Yang had brought her with him.

"That is one of the reasons why I decided to bring her with me." Pausing for a while, grandpa Yang added, "I had to protect her from everyone and I always did that in secret. I never let her know anything and let her live a normal life but things were different back then. Things have blown up after you married her. The Mo's and the Yang's are two big names. Both families are now directly connected because of you and Ning. Not only have we gained more power but also triggered a few people which can be dangerous."

"You mean that Ning is in danger?" Yichan asked.

"Ning has always been in danger, my boy but now the level of danger has indeed increased." Grandpa Yang added.

When Yichan frowned and pursed his lips, Grandpa Yang patted his shoulder. "I know you are wondering who they are and why they are after her. When the right time comes, you'll find out everything but until then, stay alert."

Looking out of the window, Grandpa Yang continued, "There is a reason why I chose you Yichan. Not because you are old Mo's grandson but because I know everything about you and what your capabilities are. After me, you are the only one I can rely on to protect her and to keep her safe. Ning is everything I have right now and her safety is my top priority."

"You don't have to worry about Ning's safety. She is my wife and I'll never let anyone harm her." There was no way Yichan would let anyone harm his wife. Even without grandpa Yang's warning, Yichan had already arranged men to follow Ning in secret but now he would double or maybe triple the security around her and be extra careful. He didn't know what kind of danger it was, but the way Grandpa Yang describes the entire thing, it didn't seem to be a normal one.

"You must be careful too my boy. You should know that marrying Ning has doubled up the threat around you. Each and every step you take has to be well calculated and you cannot act recklessly." Grandpa Yang added.

When Yichan frowned, Grandpa Yang knocked his forehead, "Don't think too much. I know you'll handle the situation well. Now don't stress over it and take me home. I have a party tomorrow and I need to make preparations."


Zhang mansion.

"Come inside and have some tea with me." Grandpa Zhang said.

Guiren shook his head and chuckled, "I am good, I'll get going now. Mei is waiting for me."

Just then, six guards approached Guiren and blocked his way.

Guiren chuckled and asked, "What is it again?"

"Young master, boss wants to see you in his study room right now." One of the guards said.

Grandpa Zhang frowned and was about to ask the guards to back off when Guiren stopped him. "It's okay grandpa, I'll handle this."

Without waiting for his grandpa's reply, Guiren started walking towards the mansion.


Inside the mansion.

As soon as Guiren entered the mansion, the maids started greeting him and started rushing here and there.

Their young master was coming back home after three years and it was a big thing for everyone.

When one of the maids informed mother Zhang about Guiren's arrival, she quickly rushed down and to welcome her only son who had left home three years ago when the Zhang family refused to accept Wu Meili as their daughter-in-law.

Not only did Guiren leave his house but also gave up the CEO position which he was being trained for.



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