The Conquerors Path

Chapter 62: Shaken Feelings

Chapter 62: Shaken Feelings

‘finally that bastards gone!’

seeing that i have a few minutes of rest i laid on the floor for about a minute before i got back up again, even if my injuries are all healed my body still needs to rest

standing up i headed towards Eleanor who was currently sitting in the barrier i created, i had to place her correctly so that she could see my battle

even now she’s unable to move her body, that’s what so disgusting about the poison rectal needle, its paralysis would last for about a week and there’s no antidote to it too

you have to wait naturally for about a week before your okay, the only thing that’s not worrying is the fact that the poison only works on origin level 5 or below, if Eleanor had her original power then this wouldn’t have happened

walking closer towards her i could see her looking at me, her eyes looking me up and down, trying to search for any injuries, i could only smile and wave at her, when i reached her i got rid of the barrier, before i could speak Eleanor did

“i’m sorry”

as she said that tears started to fall from her eye’s, i have never i mean NEVER seen her shed any tears and now she did, before I could even ask the answer she already started answering

“becau-beacuse of m-me you had to drain yo-your potential, bec-because of m-m-meee”

the more I head her talk the more confused i became, it took me a moment before i understood what happened and when did, i was speechless, it seems that she misunderstood my burst in strength as a forbidden technique

she taught that i had used a technique to draw in my potential to earn more power, hence reducing my potential, i was about to refute her when it hit me


‘why should I remove the misunderstanding?, i could used this to my own advantage’

putting on a ‘bitter’ smile, as if trying to hide my pain but I couldn’t, i knelt in front of Eleanor, i took her hand and came face to face with her, using my other hand i washed away her tears

“why are you crying teacher?, how could my great master whom i respect and admire with my whole heart cry?”


this time Eleanor responded, she couldn’t understand, why?, why is he going this far, to her who worked alone to have such support, she couldn’t hold in the guilt, she the teacher caused her disciples potential

“Why did you not run away, you could have survived more easily…..why. didn’t I tell you to run”

i ‘smiled’ to her words holding her face, I looked directly into it


“it’s quite simple actually it’s because i love you Eleanor”

my words were soft but in this silent world it was thunder that rang into Eleanor’s ears, for a moment she couldn’t respond, she was totally floored

“you mean as a teacher ri-right?”

this was the first time that I had called Eleanor her directly instead of teacher or master, this was the first time that something like this happened, she as a reputed imperial had many suitors that chased after her

when she had become famous and her beauty had spread, there were several men that wanted to take her hand in marriage, but she had not pain any attention to them

she who had gotten to her position alone, due to the issues she faced to grow, she had huge distrust to others especially men, no matter how much sincerity the others had showed her she still stood silent

as such time had passed by and she was still single, she could have never bring herself to trust anybody, she knew that this was a problem but she couldn’t solve it, even among other imperials she was not lax

time passed by and the feeling of loneliness set into her life, that’s when she thought of taking a disciple to fill that void, that’s when she had met Austin, a boy who kept claiming that he would be like her

it’s from then that she found out an outlet to supply her ‘love’, he had filled up the hole left in her life, so she had sweared to protect him no matter what, to her, her disciple is always right

she had seen him just as a child but right now right here when that child had unhesitatingly fought to save her life, when he did not hesitate to sacrifice his potential for her, even after he had won, the first think he did was check upon her

And right now all bloodied up he knelt in front of her and confessed, for a moment her hart started beating faster and her body heated up, it was the first time this had happened so she wanted to know

seeing the flustered appearance of Eleanor i really anted to laugh but i held it in, putting on a playful smile I shook my head, then i held one of her hands and put on the most serious expression i could

“the first time i saw you Eleanor was when i was a child and i was in awe of you, i had always admired you and I had always loved the bow”

“then by a stroke of luck…”

‘which i manipulated’

“you became my master, you don’t know how happy i was back then, i couldn’t sleep for day’s”

‘because I wanted to get stronger’

“slowly but surely the more i spend my time with you the more I was infatuated with you, at first I thaught it was bad and wanted to supress it but when i had spend the time away from you there wasn’t a moment i didn’t think of you”

“so i decide no matter what happens in the future i would make you mine”


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