The Conquerors Path

Chapter 61: Fighting Together(4)

Chapter 61: Fighting Together(4)

Hey Guys!!, I’m back!

First of all thanks for waiting for me to return and second of all I have already said this before, I started this novel to get away from the stress of my school’s study, I didn’t expect it to gain recognition, so I thoughts to continue writing.

>the reason I couldn’t write this while was because I had my main exams going on, it had just finished, so I plan to write again

So thanks for your patience and enjoy!!


‘ohhh, finally i got some breathing space’

looking at the batch of monsters falling into the wide gap created be {worlds crack} i can say that i would have few seconds to rest

if these were normal monsters with mana then i could only run but the one’s in front of me have no intelligence, they could only move like mindless beasts

with my current strength fighting them might be cumbersome but it could earn me more amount of affection points from Eleanor, turning around i could see Eleanor watching everything from the back

her calm eyes displaying worry for me, i just waved my hands at her, telling her not to worry, after that i ran straight into the group of monsters


i could hear Eleanor screaming from behind me but i just avoided, i knew that she had understood my purpose, while i do have the strength to fight this tide i could not do it protecting Eleanor

i am not that strong yet, the only other way is to make sure that the focus of these monsters where on me and Eleanor knew that

without any hesitation i applied mana to my leg and jumped high, flying towards the center of these monsters, i placed 3 arrows on my bow and fired it

each of them flew with a shining blue light and exploded creating a gap for me to land on and just as i did thousands of those monsters started to run and surround me

“{firey thunder}”

i quickly cast a tier 5 spell causing a thunder bolt to come from the ground creating a hell of fire to surround me, hundreds of monsters burned and turned to ash

and those who survived still started to run towards the fire reducing its size, at the same time i continued to fire several arrows taking the life of those who tried to surround me

time started to slip by as more and more monsters began to die as those with weaker power level fell stronger ones began to take their place

from all my directions monsters still continued to rampage, monsters which fell with one arrows now required 3 or more, some started to dig to the ground and attack from below the ground

at several instances i was just a bit away from getting a severe injuries, my mana started to run low and i had scratches and blood at several places of my body but there was no end to these monsters

i could fell the pain and the blood that flowed from my finger tips, even at this time i could see the distressed look on Eleanor’s face and the laughter of that demon

my mental strength too started to take a hit, i started to miss some arrows that i fired, i looked towards the time above 45 minutes left until this hell finished

taking a deep breath I placed my arrows back and cast the spell {sonic distortion}, the ground started to shake and the monsters which was close to me were all shredded

gaining a few seconds i took out the potions from my space ring and drank it, after that my mana and injuries recovered but my eyes was bloodshot, even if the mana recovered my head still hurt

to fight like this continuously and to remain alret all the times taking a toll on my body, the rest i got finished within seconds as the monsters continue to attack

this time i took the sword from my back to fight, there’s something that i learned about the ‘perfect body’ a few years ago, each humans bodies are built to match a certain limit

your muscle arrangements decides on which weapon suits you, hence they decide if you are ‘talented’ in that weapon or not

but for me i noticed that it was a bit different, due to the ‘perfect body’ my body is fit to use any weapons, it means that i am ‘talented’ in any weapons i use

smirking with bloodshot eyes, i held the sword in my hands, my body instinctively moved to hold the weapon at the perfect position, i may not be a sword master or it may not compare to my bow

but i can use the sword to survive, i am sure without any hesitation i swinged the sword in my hands and monsters began to be split

“come on!!”

i roared as i began to fight, i moved from my passive defense to an aggressive assault, my mana may drain faster but i will survive

without any hesitation i kept swinging the sword in my hand, the monsters which attacked me from all sides started to fall, each of their death turning them into sand

i started to fight without minding my defense, i could see the faces of each monster i kill, wounds quickly started to appear on my body again

one of the monster aimed its claws to my head, and i dodged it as other three claws aimed at my heart, throat and lungs, clutching to my sword tighter i swung it in a full circle, deflecting them all

i quickly applied a spell creating several orbs around me the strikes which i could nor defend were taken in by them, quickly i gained a ground to fight, blood started to sweep from my body

yet i still continued to battle, as the time decrease so did the aggression of the monsters increase, their eye’s turned red as they continue to come at me without a stop

all the orbs around me had been destroyed, there was only a few seconds left, i was barely fighting on, my arms and legs were stiff and my mana almost dry

‘there’s only one thing i can do!’

taking in all the mana i had i quickly casted the one special move i learned for the sword, the mana quickly surrounded me as i casted {sword orbit}

i moved the sword around me in orbits, it looked like a barrier of small silver like stars were protecting, all those monsters which attacked me started to disappear, just as i moved the sword for thr last time the bell rang

time was up and i survived, i let out a sigh as i fell to the ground, my body ached all over and i was barely conscious, i took out a bottle from my space ring

opening the bottle a sweet scent came, i quickly gulped it, the sweet taste of nectar passed through my mouth to my stomach, after drinking it my mind started to clear up

the injuries started to heal and my bloodshot eyes started to return to normal, in return, my stomach growled in hunger


it’s at this time i heard a clapping sound looking up i could see the demon clapping with an impressed look

“i am impressed, it pains me to say this but you are one of the top most talents i have ever seen, it’s a pity that your would die in the next round”

“as a recognition of your strength i shall give you 5 minutes to prepare, consider this an honor”

after saying that the bastard dissapeared


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