The Conquerors Path

Chapter 54: My Beautiful Life!?

Chapter 54: My Beautiful Life!?

‘why is this happening to me?’

currently in front of me stood the disguised Razellia, who was holding my hand, my instincts screamed to run but alas i am helpless

during this time my brain worked at rapid speed to find a way out

‘hey system tell me why this is happening’

[Host how would you feel when you are alone for thousands of years without anybody and suddenly found love?]

[you are lucky that she didn’t start raping on the spot]

‘fuck you!, i can see that what i want to know is that why am I not affected?’

[Host did you forget the ability you earned, the one to adapt]

‘so that’s the reason, i can’t believe that it was that powerful’

[in truth that power should not be able to handle the element of destruction but due to your soul being of a higher level, that power worked]

‘oh, i see’

getting the information i needed my brain quickly started to cook up a plan for my safe escape, looking at the girl in front of me i angrily asked

“excuse me, do i know you?”

‘oh..god please work!’

hearing my angry voice and seeing that she was being a nuisance, Razellia let my hands go, though reluctant

seeing that i sighed but still the level of her love still keeps ringing on my head, after letting me go she looked at me

“i am sorry, you just looked like someone i know”

“yeah, it’s no problem”

saying so i moved towards the dining hall to take my food, as i sat in the chair a women came to take my order, at the same time Razellia came and sat in front of me

“do you need something?”

“yes, could you tell me your name”

i looked at her ‘warily’, as though she was an enemy

“why would someone as strong as you need my name”

since she could stop me from moving it’s quite clear that she was very strong, so i was planning on going through that route

“oh my, please forgive me, i lost my cool back then, my names Raya, what’s your’s?”

“the names Austin what do you want?”

i planned to just ignore and be wary of her for now

“it’s nothing i was just a bit intrigued, don’t worry i am not your enemy… no one could harm you”

though i didn’t hear the last part, my body instinctly trembled for some reason


i could only give her a small nod and focus on ny food, once it arrived i pulled my hood down and removed my mask and started eating the food

but even then i felt a very powerful stare on me making me uncomfortable, i could only put my head down and focus on my food, it was a good move as i didn’t have to see the huge smile on Razeilla’s face

after eating my food and wearing my mask i looked at Razellia who still sat in front of me

“can i do anything for you?”

“yes you can you tell what you think about the Godesses Razellia?”


this is dangerous, i could speak bad about her or good

‘fuck it, i will speak the truth’

“Raya, i don’t know what you want but to me i think that the goddess Razellia is both pitiful and amazing”

this time it was Razellia that was suprised

“why?, isn’t it said that she’s the bringer of destruction, that she’s an emotionless women, th-that she’s just dangerous, that only the witches will really care for her”

the more Razellia spoke the more intense the aura around her became, her breathing to increased


i called her and she looked up at me, i could see her trembling eyes, for once i decided to tell what i thought

“i don’t know why you are asking me this but let me tell you, i only believe in things i see not what i hear, i know that the goddess Razellia was human and she became incapable of touch”

“i don’t know much about gods but i know that for a human that’s painful, plus she also became the goddess representing Silvie even though she was human, it must have been hard for her”

“but she still moved forward and lived, plus i don’t think anybody who worked to help others are bad, hence to me she is amazing”

as i finished talking i could see a stupefied look on her face, she was like that for a minute before she gave a wide smile

“i knew it, you really are my fated person”

“what do you me-“

before i could finish i felt the space around me tremble, the next think i know i am standing in a hill and Razellia is standing in front of me

“what’s going on?, what are you doing?”

i directly looked at her with a questioning look, but she onky gave me s smile, the next moment a light spread from her, i had to close my eye’s due to it

when i opened my eye’s again the teenage girl from before disappeared, in front of me now stood a women, she looked to be in her 20s

she had dark black eyes and hair, her face was beyond beautiful, she had a black dress on her body sticking nicely to her curvy body

“yo-you are”

seeing the women in front of me i reacted in “suprise”, after all her statue was present in her temple, seeing my expression she smiled

after that she raised her hand, immense mana started to come towards my direction, a huge magic circle formed above me

‘what’s going on?’

even before i could speak Razellia did

“in the name of destruction, curses and misfortune i Razellia De Hydra hearby acknowledge you as my equal, from now onwards you are under my protection and providence, your enemies shall be mine and none shall live to hurt you”

as soon as she finished the magic circle flew directly into me and at the same time new system messages arrived


[Host has been blessed with the supreme blessing of the supreme Godess Razellia De Hydra

>From now onwards no curses and misfortune shall work on the Host

>If the host is to show his blessings, he shall become the holy son of all witches]


[Host had earned the new element “destruction”]

as soon as the messages were over my body started to sway, just as i was to fall Razellia caught me into her embrace, my mind became foggy as i lost consciousness

holding Austin Razellia looked at him with burning eye’s, she wanted nothing more to take him away but she knew right now he’s just a child

she has to wait till he grows up, hugging Austin she sat on the floor, she tightly held him in her embrace and gave him a kiss on his forehead

“don’t worry my love you will essentially fall in love with me”

at the same time in the churches and temples of the Goddess Razelllia the saintess and the other higher ups were going crazy

They had juat found out that they now have a holy son!!

“find out our holy son at all cost!!”

the saintess of the Goddess Razellia roared


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