The Conquerors Path

Chapter 53: My Fated One

Chapter 53: My Fated One

—-Razellia’s pov—-

Razellia the goddess of destruction, curses and misfortune, to others she is a cold faced women one who doesn’t have any feelings the bringer of destruction, that’s what the world knows about her

but she wasn’t always like this, she still remembers her past, an era before the peace and security of the world of Ether

the era of wars, famines and death’s, during that era she was just an orphan, trying her best to survive, eating scraps off the street, barely surviving

it was during this time a warm couple took her in, those time’s was really peaceful but her happiness soon to came to an end, in a world where the goddesses still hadn’t set their power in, strength was the most important factor

Razellia too recognized that fact after losing the warmth she had received, after that she worked hard to gain power, to her power became everything

as long as she had strength she would be happy, so she worked, made a new path of witches, her name spread far and wide, she become one of that Era’s powerhouses

but it wasn’t enough she wanted the power to rival the gods, so she still kept on trying, until she started working on new curses and a new element

it was during this time that her experiment went wrong, the curse she created effected her bestowing her a new element but her body was too weak to handle it

it’s at this time that she met the goddess Silvie, she along with her sister Goddess was fighting the war, back then she gave me a choice to either die or accept the curse losing her path of humanity for undying power

at that time i didn’t hesitate to choose power, after all what has humanity ever given me?, but who would have thought the very power i earned was my curse?

after gaining the power, i lost the ability to feel, all those i was were just black auars on people, deriving me the power to feel

I lost the power of touch, at first it was alright I had the power i desired, i thought that i would be fine…wrong!!, i was soo wrong

I got the power but i had no one to protect that power with, no one to share my feelings with, no one that i can fall in love with…

after the first hundred years everything started to fade away, they had won the great war and she had fulfilled her desire, but why did she feel empty?

unlike the other naturally born gods, she was human, she knew the worth of love and touch, from then on she could only helplessly watch people touch each other, lovers holding hands and mother’s bearing their children

she had got the power but was it worth it?

her life from then on was just a dull grey life, only the other gods were able to talk to her, she even created a another personality, going around the world pranking others, maybe she might find it

the thing she lost…..her feelings

but no her despair followed her, she really was the bundle of misfortune, like this thousands of years passed and i just became even more dull and lifeless

I had countless worshippers, yet i didn’t have what I desire, i had given up all hope and just continued to live

it was just 2 days ago during a simple meeting by goddess Silvie that something happened, Goddess Silvie had come bragging about some sort of love detector she made

saying that one could find their fated lived one from it, but the problem was that it may or may not work at times, out of curiosity i tried it, surprisingly the orb glowed and showed a certain inn

back then i just shrugged it off not minding it but a certain fire of hope had burned in my heart, the next day i wore my different persona and set out to that inn

‘it’s been 2 day’s’

currently i was sitting at the dinning hall of that inn, nothing noteworthy had happened, i found no one special

‘i simply brought my hopes up’

shaking my head i was about to leave when i detected something different, i raised my head to see what it was, i saw a cloaked figure with a mask

but what was different was

‘he has a different colour!!’

he wasn’t like the other full black aura that i saw around others, he was shinning in my eyes, i could see that the person was a 14 year old boy

‘what’s happening?’

my heart started beating faster, i could feel my body heat up, i haven’t felt this in year’s, looking at the boy i could see that he was surprised seeing me

‘does he know me?’

seeing the boy i almost released my aura, almost killing the people here, the boy seemed to leave


seeing him leave i paniked and arrived in front of him, during that time the boy raised his hand to stop mine, i could have stopped his hand from touching mine

but something in me prevented it, i wanted to know, and like that our hands touched but nothing happened

‘how is this possible!!’

i couldn’t believe it i took the boys hand in mine, a soft warm hand, the feeling of touch, this is the feeling of ….love

i looked into the boys purple eyes

‘so you are my fated one?, then i am never letting you go’


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