The Conquerors Path

Chapter 157: A Q And A

Chapter 157: A Q And A

“Oh~your a academic?”

“You could say I’m something like that”

I spoke as I looked at the disguised Celestinia, the current her had brown hair and eyes along with a completely average face, one that would be forgotten within a crowd, back in the game I had accidently come up on this spot and after I chatted with her for a long time, I was able to slowly crawl into her heart

Though I regretted it later down the line, from what I know, Celestinia is a academic, you could say that due to her divine bloodline this woman will definitely become extremely powerful in the future, it could be seen by her reaching the Draganiod level 1 at just that age of 21

But it seemed to make a curse upon Celestinia, to her, her power would grow naturally and her efforts would not matter much, hence she wanted something, she wanted to achieve something just from her pure effort, hence she ended up becoming an academic and she loves it, she would research and read into old and lost books, bringing out their meaning or their hidden intent

In fact Celestnia under a hidden name is the most wanted and the best historian and academic in the world, just the amount of books she deciphered and corrected is mind blowing, she had even brought out many copied books to light, it’s her favorite hobby and the book and things I told right now are the things that she’s working on right now

“Is that so?, then you must know about the 24th formation”

“Oh?, you mean the one that says ‘ let not the king but the people be the one that reigns?’, indeed it was quite the interesting view from a king”

“You like that phrase?”


I answered back to Celestinia, hearing my answer a twinkle of interest finally started to appear within her eyes, leaning backward, she looked at me calmly as she asked me a question

“Is there a reason that you approached me?”

Hearing her question, I was not surprised, I was sure that my gaze and me walking to her would raise her suspicion, leaning back on my own chair, I smiled calmly as I spoke

“I was just interested in a disguised girl that sat lonely in a corner”

“Oh?~that coming from one that is disguised?”

Even though surprised by my words Celestinia replied calmly, her interest in me increased a bit as she continued speaking

“I had though that my disguise was well, did you see my true look?”

Even though the question she asked me seemed normal, I could still feel a sense of weight from them, waving my hands at her I spoke

“Unfortunately no, I could say that your disguise is one of the best I had ever seen, even now I can’t see through you face”

“Indeed, I did pride my self on my magic but to think you saw through it, how~?”

“Well a gentleman never reveals his secret my lady~”

After I finished speaking both of us looked at each other with hidden smiles, we both took jabs at each other and was now at an impasse, it was then that Celestinia opened her mouth and spoke with a teasing smile

“Well…well Mr.Austin, I have to say your quite good with your words, I wonder how all your fans might feel at your historic side”

Listening to her words my eyebrows twitched in ‘annoyance’, I acted like I was caught in a net since I couldn’t see through her disguise, it was jab that was affecting, seeing my annoyed look that appeared for a moment a sense of accomplishment filled her heart but I didn’t let it last

“I think that my fans might just increase, well coming from a noble, beautiful and powerful girl as such as your self, I might reckon you might know more”

“How did you know that I might be noble, powerful and beautiful?”

Her interest was raised once again, listening to her a smug smile came upon my face, which I could see had irked Celestinia a bit, with a calm mind I spoke

“Well it was quite easy to see with some hints, like the fact that every of your movements, etiquette and wordings are filled with gracefulness points out that you might be of higher standing, and quite a high one at that, since I could see no awe or blush from when you look at me, not to be narcissistic but I am quite popular”

“Well, Mr.Austin, I think that was you being narcissistic”

Ignoring another one of Celestinia’s jab, I spoke

“There’s also the fact that you are able to use such high level magic and yet I am not able to see through it, as for the fact that I know your beautiful?, well let’s call it the instinct of a man, there’s also the fact that you yourself has agreed to the words that I spoke, and don’t get me started on some of the faults you made”

And just like that I spend a few more seconds mentioning the mistakes she had made, after speaking I leaned back to my chair and gave Celestinia a smug glance, seeing it a feeling of annoyance filled Celestinia, the desire for beating me at knowledge filled her heart, with that she spoke

“Seeing how good you are with your spotting,I could presume that you know well about everything else?”

“Skipping you identity and jumping to questioning me?”

“Well as gentleman you must know not to dive into the secrets of a woman, it’s not good and my last question take it as a challenge~”

“A challenge huh?, well I don’t like making women cry you see, well especially after you lose”

“Oh~~we will see about that”

With that both of us leaned forwards with predatory smiles as we looked at each other, looking at Celestinia, I gave her a nod as I spoke

“Sure, I don’t mind but doesn’t a good challenge always need a good reward”

“What do you propose?”

“Seeing as you do not wish to indulge your identity and seeing that you know mine, the loser would have to tell one about themselves”

After I finished speaking I looked at Celestinia as I waited for her to speak, she seemed to think about it for a moment, before she nodded her head and agreed

“Very well, I don’t mind sucking up your secrets”

“Well lets see what happens”

With that we both nodded at each other as we began, it was Celestinia who started

“Passage 2 of the 22nd rite”

“It’s not the blood of the one who dies but the blood of the ones who kills gets their blood dirty”

Hearing my answer Celestinia nodded her head, so I spoke

“The 11th formation, within the 4th passage”

“It’s not the blood of the king but of the soldiers that bloodied”

Hearing her answer I gave Celestinia an approving nod, not giving it any heed she spoke

“9th rite the second last passage”

“The blood that you have taken may not be visible in your body but it lay within your soul, forever forsaken”

I answered Celestinia’s question in a heart beat, hearing me answer so easily, she started to get serious


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