The Conquerors Path

Chapter 156: Target Locked

Chapter 156: Target Locked

‘So, what now?’

I was a bit confused for a moment as I thought, it’s then that I looked at the current time, seeing that it was still early morning I smiled with a hidden glint in my eyes, looking at the current date and time, it would seem that I had left at the perfect time, whistling to myself, I walked towards a certain teleportation room

Since I was in disguise and had hidden my ring, I had to wait in line like anybody else but it was a small price to pay for my privacy, after my ‘outstanding’ performance, I am sure that there’s a lot of eyes watching my moves, trying to keep tabs on my movement and to be honest it was tiring

But if someone asked me if I regretted what I did, then no, since the reward I got in return for it is mouthwatering, I have to say that Xavier is quite a good lad, because with the rewards I got I will be able to move some of my plans forward, I just hope that thinks don’t become too shit

‘Nah, who am I kidding, things will definitely got to shit’

Chuckling to myself I moved along with the crowd, since it was morning the line wasn’t huge, I quickly reached the front and paid the Academy points for my transport, well since I had some lovely ‘friends’, I was able to get a load of points they had, well as top students it was nothing to them and who was I to say no to their help?

With a blink my eyes were again blinded with white light as I disappeared and appeared in another room, quickly walking out, I could see fewer students in this area, with a quick walk I reached in front of a huge library, it had three levels and was huge as a mansion

The library belonging to the Babylon Academy is one of the biggest and best in the world, though again you have to pay a certain price to read, and some of the levels are restricted for others, nothing in this world is free after all, I quickly entered inside the first level, where I could see a huge amounts of books that stretched in a huge line

The books almost seemed endless, reaching the front I saw a guy sitting the front, from his looked he seemed to be about 20 years old, a student who must be taking the job of receptionist job to earn some points, reaching the front I politely asked for the access to the first level, without much drama he took the points as he allowed me to enter inside

Walking inside the large floor surrounded with books, my heart started beating faster at the thought of the person who I was going to meet, after a few seconds of walking I reached near a reading lounge near the area of the historic books, where some students could be seen seated and reading, quickly looking through it my eyes landed on a figure that was seated in a lonely corner

She was seated in a four person table yet none seemed to be able to see or feel her, the woman looked completely average with every average features but I know that it’s a disguise, something which no body in this Academy will be able to see through, even when I was looking at her my senses seemed to be missing

It was as if she was hiding her presence, I squinted my eyes, as I looked at the book she was reading, seeing it a smirk came up my face, taking a history related book I walked towards her, feeling a presence approaching the said woman raised her head and looked at me, for a moment a sense of surprise flashed through her eyes

Not minding anything I walked towards her area while carrying a book about a certain kings biography and sat in front of her and as I did I activated my read function, I have to be sure after all


Name: Celestinia Graciers Kreen

Sex: Female

Age: 21

species: Dragon

Talent: 10/10

Power: Draganoid Level 1

Title: The Dragon Princess, The Academic, One Who Loves Control…..etc

Love: 0%

Description: A woman with a great pride, strength, intelligence and ruthlessness

>A person who finds her life a bit bored and is looking for some excitement in life, she’s incredibly proud of her knowledge and achievements

>Currently she’s curious about the host due to Scarlet whom she considers her sister, wouldn’t hesitate to kill you in the most brutal way possible if she found out that you might hurt Scarlet, in reverse if she ever fell in love with you she wouldn’t hesitate to break her relationship with Scarlet to take you

Difficulty: SSS(If you fail, I don’t mind visiting you in hell once in a while)


Seeing her information my eyes lit up for a moment, it seems that I was right, in the game she was among the list of unconquerable along with my aunt but that changed when one person did conquer her and that was me and 2 years of my gaming value came down in a hitch

That’s right she was the last person I conquered and the last time I played the game since she ended up taking me away and killing the girls that resisted it, it was due to her I ended up fucking losing everything!, this woman is a one of the Yandere I know!, she might be one of the most beautiful woman in this game but she’s also the one that’s very hard to play with

One wrong move and I will end up dead without even knowing how but no matter how much I don’t want to I must conquer her, truthfully I would love to stay away from this girl but the past issue did create a grudge in me, imagine how would you feel when you had conquered one of the best character after 2 years of hard work only to end up losing everything?

‘Yeah, I remember breaking the entire gaming counsel that day…..’

Shaking away my dark thoughts, I smiled and gave a nod to Celestinia who eyes me for a moment, she nodded back to me and focused on her book, I too did the same as I looked at mine but I didn’t read the book in my hand, I only pretended that I did, as I pretended to read, I asked the system to play some music in my head, like this half an hour passed, it was only then I heard a calm disguised voice

“So kings Mordian’s Autobiography on the 32 formations on ruling?”

Hearing the question and forcing down my yawn, I looked back at the disguised Celestinia, as I spoke

“AH!, yes, I was quite curios about his 12th formation, the path of rite, I wanted to see if it would have any connection with the book Ruel Of The 32nd Rite, I always had a suspicion that here might have being some copying in between”

“Oh?, you have read Rule Of The 32nd Rite?”

“Indeed, it was quite entertaining”

‘Well, it was bullshit that I could tell’


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