The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 437: Always Interrupting Before the Good Part

Chapter 437: Always Interrupting Before the Good Part

Fallen Heart Kingdom, Alliance Continent.

“This Immortal Heart that they gave me is a rare treasure!” This was what Veronica said as she stared at the beating heart that she was currently clutching right now.

“Dum dum, dum dum...” Even if the heart that was in Veronica’s grasp was not connected to anything, it still continued on beating as if it was still inside its owner’s body.

“According to the Fallen Heart King, I can only fully use the effects of the Immortal Heart once I fuse it with myself...” Veronica stared at the beating heart for a second before she said,

“Hmph, you think I am just going to believe that? It sounds like a load of bull!”

Veronica then looked around her, and there she could see countless corpses all laying down on the floor.

Some of the corpses wore expensive and elegant clothing, which showed that when these corpses were alive, they probably possessed high statuses.

“Tsk, forcing me to marry the Crown Prince of this Kingdom? How audacious!” Veronica laughed as she kicked the corpse that was in front of her.

“If you did not piss me off greatly, then maybe you and everyone in this Kingdom would have been still alive...”

If anyone heard what Veronica said, they would have been too scared to stay and they will surely run away.

After all, every dead person that was around Veronica were all the officials of the Fallen Heart Kingdom!

And now, all of them are dead!

Even the King, the Queen, the concubines, the Princes and all the Princesses were all dead too!

Their faces wore expression of horror and fear, which just served to make the situation more terrifying.

“Tsk, since I have nothing to do here, then maybe I should I pay a visit to the neighboring Kingdom...” Veronica tapped her mask as she thought to herself,

“So which one should I visit first? The Dragon Emperor Kingdom, or the Golden River Kingdom? Hmm...”

The only sounds that could be heard inside the palace was the occasional squeaks of mice feasting on the flesh of the dead, and the rhythmical sounds of a mask being tapped regularly.

“Tick, tick, tick....”


“Okay, all of you really must love the color Gold.” Fang Yu muttered as she stepped inside a wide hall. “After all, everything that I can see right now is just gold...”

“We do not just love gold... we revere it...” Crown Prince Christiano said as he led Fang Yu to a large table in the middle of the hall.

The table had countless chairs around it, with each one being occupied by people wearing gold-tinted clothes.

Fang Yu knew just from their outfit that they most likely are the highest officials in the Golden River Kingdom.

Fang Yu then extended her gaze, and there she could see the people that she gave more focus.

She saw Princess Christina flashing her a smile, with an empty seat at the princess’ left side.

A young kid was seated at Princess Christina’s right side, and just like the Crown Prince and the princess, this kid also had blond hair.

Fang Yu smiled a little at this kid, who in turn blushed as he put his head down.

“Ufufu, how adorable...” Fang Yu thought to herself as she looked at the end of the table.

There, she could see a man whose features were greatly similar to the Crown Prince, the princess and the kid.

But unlike the aforementioned three, this man had a certain aura in him that makes him look extremely noble and respectable.

His eyes held a steely gaze on them, which could have made anyone that this guy was staring at to be scared.

But Fang Yu was no wimp, so she had no problems receiving the man’s scary gaze.

“Impressive...” The man said as he stood up.

His body began to glow like gold as he said,

“Of all the countless heroes that have been summoned by the Golden River Kingdom in the past, there are very few of the that can withstand the King’s gaze. You are now one of them.”

“Thank you for the praises Golden River King.” Fang Yu replied with no traces of arrogance or humility in her voice.

Her voice was so neutral that one might think that she was just being apathetic right now.

But the man did not seem to be offended as he sat down laughing.

“Hahaha! You really impress me young hero! I am the Golden River King, yet you do not act subservient or arrogant against me! I prefer people like you the most!”

“I am glad that the Golden River King is delighted.” Fang Yu replied quickly.

She looked around her, and she found out that except for her and the Golden River King, everyone in table looked extremely pale. Princess Christina looked like she was about to vomit while the kid beside her was crying quietly.

Even the Crown Prince who looked extremely regal earlier was now trembling madly.

The Crown Prince gritted his teeth as he saw Fang Yu’s gaze landing on him.

The Crown Prince found it hard to believe that the murderous killing intent that his Father let out did not even affect Fang Yu even by a single bit!

Fang Yu was just standing there, acting like nothing was happening even when she was under that terrifying gaze of his father!

“She’s truly a Hero...” The Crown Prince muttered weakly as his doubts about Fang Yu vanished.

Just like the Crown Prince, all the other officials were doubting about Fang Yu’s abilities as the Hero.

But with what the Golden River King did, everyone has no choice but to accept Fang Yu’s abilities!

Fang Yu smiled as she saw that the looks given to her right now changed from disdainful to respectful.

She sashayed gracefully on the floor until she reached the empty chair at the left side of Princess Christina.

Fang Yu sat on this seat without any hesitation.

She then comforted the pale Princess by patting her back with her left hand, while she raised her right hand to gain everyone’s attention.

“Everyone.” Fang Yu said as she saw that everyone of them was looking at her now. “I know it might sound presumptuous, but I need your help to know everything about the troubles that this Kingdom is facing in, especially against the Demonic Kingdoms.”

Fang Yu’s countenance looked extremely regal as she continued talking.

“As such, I will appreciate you telling me everything that I need to know in this meeting. I... I will be extremely grateful for all the help you will give me!”

Fang Yu’s speech managed to calm everyone down, and they began to look at Fang Yu with admiration.

The Golden River King smiled as he looked at Fang Yu with an extremely warm gaze.

The Golden River King sloshed his wine glass merrily as he thought,

“Maybe with her help... we can escape the shackles put on this Planet! Countless generations have tried to escape their torturous fate in this planet, but they all failed! But right now, maybe success is a possibility!”

The Golden River King’s gaze to Fang Yu began to turn greedy as he thought to himself,

“No matter what kind of person you are, I will still use you for the benefit of everyone in this Planet! This is a fate that you cannot escape from!”


“Ah, so that is how it is then...” Fang Yu muttered sullenly as she casted the everyone in the table a sad look. “What a pity...”

Through some subtle inquiries, Fang Yu found out that nobody in the Abandoned Planet could practice cultivation.

Every living being in the Alliance Continent and the Evil Axis Continent are unable to practice cultivation.

This made Fang Yu pity them, as this made it impossible for any of them to leave their planet.

But after more talks with the officials, Fang Yu realized that it was only the commoners that do not have any powers or special abilities.

According to what she heard, the Royalty of each Kingdom can access some sort of supernatural ability from their Heirlooms of each Kingdom.

For the Dragon Emperor Kingdom, their Heirloom was the Dragon Emperor Armor.

It was said that this armor was left by the Dragon Emperor, who was the onethat established the Kingdom.

All the Royalty of the Dragon Emperor Kingdom receives a blessing from the Dragon Emperor Armor, which grants them superior physical prowess compared to other people.

As long as these Royalty train, they can possibly shatter rocks with just their bare fist!

Fang Yu stopped the urge to roll her eyes at this claim, as she remembered that she can already do that when she was still at the Body Refinement Stage.

But nobody from the royalty of the Dragon Emperor Kingdom was able to wear the Dragon Emperor Armor itself.

The only one who can wear this armor was the Hero that will be summoned by the Dragon Emperor Kingdom.

According to historical records, once the Hero wears the Dragon Emperor Armor, he/she will experience a massive boost in strength that he/she can shatter mountains just with his/her bare fist!

Even the whole continent itself could be destroyed as long as the Hero wearing the Dragon Emperor Armor willed it to!

One can say that the Dragon Emperor Armor can turn its Hero into a massive Juggernaut that will tear down everything on its path!

As for the Fallen Heart Kingdom, its Heirloom was the Immortal Heart.

This heart was said to come from an Immortal that was slain by the founder of the Fallen Heart Kingdom.

This founder then carved out the heart of this Immortal which he turned into a treasure and then he left it on the Fallen Heart Kingdom.

The royalty of the Fallen Heart Kingdom receives the blessings of the Immortal Heart which grants them large amounts of life force.

This life force was so large that their lifespans are long. Not only that, but the royalty can also use this life force for other special abilities!

Just like the Dragon Emperor Armor, only the Hero of the Fallen Heart Kingdom can use the Immortal Heart.

It was said that once the Hero uses the Immortal Heart, the Hero will be basically unkillable!

Even if the Hero’s head was cut off or his body was torn apart, the monstrous amount of life force inside the Immortal Heart will quickly heal the Hero back up!

Fang Yu could not help but blink quickly as she heard about the Heirlooms of the other two Kingdoms.

How could she have known that something like these things actually exist in the Final Trial?

“Wait, don’t tell me...” At this point, Fang Yu already realized why the Kingdoms needed to summon Heroes to fight for them.

From the looks of it, only those with cultivation can wield the Heirlooms of each Kingdom.

But since the locals of the Abandoned Planet could not cultivate, nobody in the Abandoned Planet can use these Heirlooms.

Those that can only use it are the Heroes, as they are ones that have cultivation.

“So I presume that the Heroes of the other two Kingdoms received the Heirlooms already?” Fang Yu asked nonchalantly as she chewed some of the bread in front of her. “Oh my, this bread tastes quite good!”

“It is highly likely, Hero.” The Crown Prince replied quickly, maybe in an effort to impress Fang Yu.

“But do not worry Hero, as right now, we will also bestow the Heirloom of the Golden River Kingdom to you!”

“Now that’s more like it.” Fang Yu thought to herself as she looked at the Golden River King expectantly.

Out of all the Kingdoms, Fang Yu still had no idea on what the Heirloom of the Golden River Kingdom was, or even its effects.

Now, Fang Yu was looking at the Golden River King as she silently urged him to start explaining now.

But before the Golden River King could speak, someone came rushing into the hall.

From the way his clothes looked like, Fang Yu determined that he was a messenger.

The Messenger’s face was pale and sweaty as he took some deep breaths to cool himself down.

Once the messenger found himself to be able to speak, he faced the Golden River King as he said,

“Your Majesty, there is an extremely bad news that just arrived right now!”

“What is it, Finnigan.?” The King replied calmly as he looked at the Messenger solemnly.

The messenger took some more breaths to calm himself down. It was only when his face looked normal that he started to speak again.

“We received the news that every royalty in the Palace of the Fallen Heart Kingdom were all killed! And they were killed by the Hero that they summoned!”




Sounds of panic could be heard as the officials could not believe what they just heard.

It was a well-known fact that the royalty of the Fallen Heart Kingdom were long-lived. Not only that, but they can also easily heal from their injuries compared to other people.

As such, it was a great surprise for them to know that almost all of them had been killed now, and the murderer is the Hero that they summoned!

But the bad news did not end there, as the Messenger continued talking.

“According to our spies, after the Hero killed the royalty of the Fallen Heart Kingdom, she left the Kingdom in order to head somewhere. And according to our spies, the place she was going to come next is most likely here in the Golden River Kingdom!”



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