The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 436: Heirlooms

Chapter 436: Heirlooms

“Wait, something is not right with my assumption...” Fang Yu thought to herself as she compared the Genie from the future timeline and the Genie that is the current Yama Successor.

First of all, the future Genie is a Djinn, while the current Genie is a Yama Successor!

How could it be possible for a very talented person like the current Genie to be enslaved by Solomon in the future?

“What if their names are just similar?” Fang Yu could only shake her head she knew that right now, there is no way to prove that the two are similar.

“Besides, the current Genie is already dead while the future Genie is a living Djinn, so technically speaking, those 2 should be different right?”

Upon thinking of these facts, the only thing that Fang Yu could do was sigh.

“Sigh, I guess the only way for me to know the truth is to confront the Yama Successor Genie later. If I can talk to her, then I can really know if she really is the Djinn Genie!”

“But if she really is the Djinn Genie, then how would I be able to explain all the inconsistencies like difference in status and the difference of their lives? Ugh, I don’t like to be in situations like this...”

At that moment, Fang Yu decided to put the matter at the back of her mind for now.

What Fang Yu needed to do now is to discover what is the hidden objective of the final trial, and to win it.

Oh, and speaking about Fang Yu’s mind...

“Now that I remember it, there is that treasure chest that the future me placed inside my mind!” Fang Yu exclaimed as she started to inspect her mindscape.

She began to become excited as she thought to herself,

“The future me said that most of her memories are sealed inside the treasure chest... If that is true, then surely she also had some memories about the Final Trial!”

“If I can access that memories...” Fang Yu licked her lips as she stared at the treasure chest with greed. “Then winning this final trial will be a piece of cake for me!”

But no matter what Fang Yu did, the treasure chest in her mind would not budge at all.

Fang Yu remembered that her future self said that some conditions are required in order to loosen the seal of the treasure chest.

“What the f**k are these conditions that I need? S**t, I am drawing blanks in here!” Fang Yu muttered angrily as she could only let go of the notion of opening the treasure.

She casted the chest a longing look as she swore to herself that she will loosen this seal during the Final Trial!

“Just you wait!”


One hour later.

Fang Yu stood in front of the door as she waited for the arrival of Princess Christina.

While she waited, Fang Yu ruminated on one more important thing that she discovered in her stay earlier.

Fang Yu discovered that it was possible for her to increase her cultivation even if she was inside the Final Trial.

She tried to enter the next Sub-Realm, and she found out to her surprise that she can actually enter it!

Of course Fang Yu did not enter it first as she had no time to break through it for now.

But this confirms the fact that Fang Yu can still cultivate.

But Fang Yu was not sure if the increase in cultivation will be brought over to the real world.

“What if all of these were an illusion only? What if once I leave this trial, my cultivation will be back to normal? S**t, I have no way to prove that now...” Fang Yu knew that she will know that answer to that once she left the trial.

The sound of the door opening jarred Fang Yu’s thoughts, which prompted her to look forward.

She wore a wide smile on her face as she greeted her escort who she started to be fond of already.

“Princess Christina, you look really nice toda- Hey, who are you?”

Fang Yu’s smile turned into a frown as she saw that the one in front of her was not Princess Christina.

Instead, there was a teenage guy standing in front of Fang Yu, and from the way his eyes looked at Fang Yu, he seemed to extremely ‘interested’ in her.

This guy has the same blond hair as the princess, only his hair reached his shoulders.

He was wearing a crisp suit which complemented with his gentlemanly posture.

His handsome face and bright smile was so dazzling that Fang Yu imagined that she was seeing the personification of the sun right now.

The guy’s eyes widened as he saw the beautiful Fang Yu in front of him.

Fang Yu’s eyes then narrowed as she saw the guy checking her out in just one-tenths of a second.

“Holy... this guy is an expert in picking up girls!” Fang Yu thought inwardly as she began to subconsciously idolize this guy.

“If he can teach me his ways, then maybe I can ensnare more women!”

“Greetings beautiful Hero.” The guy said as dipped his head down. He tried to touch Fang Yu’ right hand, maybe in an attempt to kiss it, but Fang Yu moved her hand back to avoid his touch.

The guy tried to not look offended, but Fang Yu could see his eyes slightly twitching. He still continued to smile at Fang Yu as he said,

“I am Crown Prince Christiano, the one who will be the next Golden River King.”

“Oh that’s impressive.” Fang Yu replied as she looked around her. “I thought it will be Princess Christina that will fetch me. Why are you the one who came here?”

Prince Christiano stiffened as he heard what Fang Yu said.

He is the Crown Prince, and people, especially women, will be squealing in joy if they are personally escorted by the Crown Prince himself.

But now there is someone who seems to be immune from that!

“Oh, my little sister had to do something else, so they had no choice but to send me to fetch you.” Prince Christiano said as he stood up, making himself look imposing and handsome.

“Ah, is that so...” Fang Yu pouted a little, which made the Prince’s heart beat a little quicker. “I really wanted to get closer to your little sister...”

“Oh really?” After hearing this, Prince Christiano’s eyes brightened as he thought to himself,

“If the hero gest closer with my little sister, then I will also have the chance to get closer to her!”

But this fantasy of his was mercilessly destroyed by Fang Yu’s next words.

“Your sister had all the qualities that I wanted for a long time! That beautiful face of hers, her long silky hair, her perfect body and her kind temperament! You can help me get closer to her right? If you do, I will introduce you to some of my friends!”

“Ah eh wait...” Prince Christiano tried to not look devastated as he gave Fang Yu a wary gaze. “Don’t tell me you...”

“Oh, I like women.” Fang Yu said with a smile as she seductively licked her lips. “That is why I am a little sad when it was you who appeared. But I still have a lot of time, so I can just find other days to have fun with the princess. You will help me, right?”

“Ah yes I will...” The Prince was not sure why, but he readily agreed on helping Fang Yu on getting closer with the Princess.

Maybe it was his subconscious telling him that even if Fang Yu likes women, he could still have chance wooing her as long as he gives in the right effort.

Bu whatever the reason is for that, he had no choice now but to assist Fang Yu.

“Oh, the meeting should start now. Please lead the way, Your Highness.” Fang Yu said as she nodded towards the Prince.

“Time is always essential, so we must not waste it on useless talks.”

“Useless talks...” The Prince forced himself to not cry as he walked, leading Fang Yu to the meeting venue.

Their footsteps sounded out as they walked, one weary and sad, while the other one excited and jolly.

It was a marvel that even just the sounds of foot hitting the ground could express this much emotion...


Dragon Emperor Kingdom.

“Hahahaha, now that’s how I like it!” Bai Huangdi, who seems to be wearing a set of armor around him, let out a laugh as he looked around him.

Scenes of destruction such as broken building, structures, and even dead magical beasts could be seen gathering around Bia Huangdi.

It does not take an intelligent person to guess that all of this was caused by Bai Huangdi!

He let out a feral smile as he checked out the armor that was given to him.

“This Kingdom truly deserves the name Dragon Emperor Kingdom! This Dragon Emperor Armor alone is already enough to make me win!”

When he saw that his cultivation had been suppressed to Third Stage, Tempering Major Realm, Bai Huangdi was extremely livid, especially at Fang Yu who was the cause of this.

But that thought of his changed when the Kingdom that summoned him, the Dragon Emperor Kingdom, gave him the Dragon Emperor Armor, which is their most important Heirloom.

Bai Huangdi felt his physical strength increasing sharply after he wore the Dragon Emperor Armor.

In a fit of excitement, Bai Huangdi immediately tested this armor, which led to the scene of destruction around him.

“Hero! Hero! Hero!” Bai Huangdi could hear chants of praises behind him as every official of the Dragon Emperor Kingdom saw his power.

Bai Huangdi’s smile went wider as he basked on all the praises given to him.

He closed his eyes as he thought to himself,

“With all the evidence that this kingdom gathered, I am highly sure that the Demon Kings are the Yama Successors, and we living followers are the Heroes. But with that kind of arrangement, I am sure that this trial has a hidden objective!”

He gripped his fists tightly as he continued on his rumination.

“From what I also heard, the other 2 Kingdoms also have their own Heirlooms. The Fallen Heart Kingdom has the Immortal Heart, while the Golden River Kingdom has the Golden Gourd.”

“Just like me, those Heirlooms will also be given to the other heroes... Since our cultivations are almost similar now, the only way to differentiate our strength is through the Heirlooms given to us!”

Bai Huangdi then looked at the Dragon Emperor Armor that he wore as he declared to himself,

“In that case, I will have to discover all the power inherent in the Dragon Emperor Armor! If I succeed, then winning this Final Trial for my master will be a piece of cake for me!”

Bai Huangdi then continued cackling, which sounded both irritating and foreboding at the same time.


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