The Child Emperor

Chapter 73: Outside the Gates of the Office

Chapter 73: Outside the Gates of the Office

The Ministry of Rites was in complete chaos, yet Minister Yuan Jiuding managed to rise above the turmoil, heading off to the Hall of Diligent Administration for a policy discussion. The presiding Vice Minister Ning did not dare to take charge of such matters. He anxiously paced around, and only managed to calm down after a quarter of an hour. He sent someone out the back door to the Hall of Diligent Administration to find Minister Yuan, and forced a junior clerk to go out and inquire: Why has the deposed emperor not stayed quietly at home but has come instead to the Ministry of Rites?

The junior clerk strode out righteously, and came running back shortly afterwards. He whispered a few words to Vice Minister Ning, who became furious, summoned the Director of the Nobility Management Department, and berated him vehemently. The Director kept apologizing, his face red and ears burning, and finally threw the problem back: “Please give your instructions, Lord Ning. I will carry them out to the letter.”

Vice Minister Ning was choked up and unable to speak. Waiting outside the door was the first deposed emperor since the founding of the Great Chu Dynasty. There was no precedent setting out his stipend and privileges. The key issue was that nobody knew the real intentions of the imperial court. Being too kind or too harsh to the deposed emperor could both potentially lead to serious offences.

All Vice Minister Ning could do was to continue berating the Director of the Nobility Management Department: Why didn’t you report this troublesome matter earlier?

The Director kept admitting his mistake and apologizing. When his superior’s anger subsided, he cautiously reminded him: “You might not have noticed, Lord Ning, but I mentioned this in the official document I submitted yesterday. Marquis Juan was just conferred his title yesterday, so the associated affairs are bound to take some time.”

Vice Minister Ning choked again, blaming the Weary Marquis for causing trouble. A junior clerk nearby softly said: “According to the steward of the Weary Marquis, there’s nothing left in the Marquis’s Manor. They’ve run out of rice, flour, oil, and firewood. The Weary Marquis has been hungry for a day, so he came to ask for some things.”

Assistant Secretary Ning’s anger shifted back to the Director of the Nobility Management Department. “You useless fool, do you want to starve him to death? Who gave you such a decree? Even if… the manor should have been sealed off. How could you let him out?”

The Director nodded continuously, “You’re right, sir… You’re right…”

Vice Minister Ning sat there pondering, suddenly realizing, and said sharply, “This isn’t my responsibility!”

Even if the Manor of the Weary Marquis had to be sealed, it was not the business of the Ministry of Rites. Vice Minister Ning broke into a cold sweat. He even harbored thoughts of withdrawing. The officialdom was dangerous; a surprise blow could come from anywhere while he was making his way.

At the entrance of the government office, Han Ruzi had been waiting for nearly an hour. He was a bit tired sitting on his horse, but he kept his body straight. It was quite interesting to observe the reactions of the people around him.

Several gatekeepers had retreated behind the threshold, peeping out. Ten soldiers, however, couldn’t abandon their posts. They had to keep their heads high and chests out, standing still and looking at each other, while stealing glances outside with the corners of their eyes.

The Ministry of Rites was a significant government office. There were many people on official business coming and going, but at this time, not a single person dared to enter through the main gate. They kept their distance. Many people came from nearby offices to take a look at him.

“From now on, everyone will see me even more as a foolish ruler,” Han Ruzi knew, it was likely very difficult to change his image.

“Since the imperial court says you are a foolish ruler, you should honestly play the role of a foolish ruler, and use this reputation to gain some benefits for yourself.” Yang Feng didn’t care about image at all. He shouted at the entrance of the Ministry of Rites, “Why hasn’t anyone come out yet? Isn’t the Weary Marquis a marquis conferred by the court? Who has been embezzling the goods that the Ministry of Rites has withheld?”

Several officials at the entrance knelt down and gestured to Yang Feng, silently begging him to stop shouting.

Yang Feng then loudly said to the crowd, “Later, we will go to the Ministry of Revenue for our salaries, to the Bureau of Imperial Clan Affairs for justice, to the Ministry of Justice to file a complaint, to the Ministry of Personnel for personnel, to the Ministry of Works for timber. Is no one going to fix up the dilapidated manor? Let’s also go to the Ministry of War… to the Ministry of War for tea.”

With each department he named, a group of people ran away in the distance. Before long, almost all the spectators had fled.

Han Ruzi was extremely embarrassed and could only give a helpless smile to Zhang Youcai and Du Chuanyun.

Zhang Youcai, however, did not mind and even instigated further, “Blankets, the blankets in the manor are as thin as single-layer clothes. Charcoal, there is not a single bit of charcoal in the manor. Silk cloth, is the Weary Marquis supposed to wear only this set of clothes?”

Du Chuanyun did not fall behind, “Horses, we need more horses.”

A group of horsemen approached from a distance, causing the last bunch of spectators to flee.

The horsemen were brightly armored, clearly palace guards. But they were obviously not there to deliver horses. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the Ministry of Rites, they surrounded the Weary Marquis and the three eunuchs. The gatekeeping soldiers retreated and ran inside the gate with their spears and halberds, hiding inside with the officials. If not for the strict laws of Chu, they would have closed the gate.

Zhang Youcai became scared and moved closer to Du Chuanyun, not daring to make a sound.

Han Ruzi felt a bit scared, but his face remained calm, and his posture became straighter.

Yang Feng remained calm, looking up at the sky, seemingly ignoring the horsemen ten steps away.

The horsemen did not speak. Their long halberds pointed straight up, as if they could stab their targets as soon as they lowered them.

More horsemen arrived one after another, forming three inner and three outer circles. In the end, a military officer arrived. The knights made way, and the officer came straight to the front of the Weary Marquis’s horse, dismounted, and knelt in the snow to kowtow.

Han Ruzi, not skilled in horsemanship, had been sitting on the horse for too long and couldn’t get down. He hurriedly had Zhang Youcai help the newcomer to stand up.

The newly appointed General Liu Kunsheng’s face was flushed, and he refused to stand up. Kneeling on the ground, he said, “The insult that the Weary Marquis suffered last night was due to my lax military discipline. Please punish me.”

Han Ruzi glanced at Yang Feng and spoke in a gentle tone, “As far as I know, those men are nominal palace guards who are usually unrestrained and have become lawless. This has nothing to do with you, General Liu.”

Liu Kunsheng, with the help of Zhang Youcai, stood up. His face was still very red. He came to Han Ruzi’s horse, but his eyes were looking at Yang Feng, “If the Weary Marquis has a matter, a minor clerk could have been sent here to explain. Why did you have to brave the wind and snow yourself? If there was an accident…”

Yang Feng said, “General Liu may not know, but the Weary Marquis’s manor is currently empty. The personnel to which we are entitled have not arrived yet. Where could we get a ‘minor clerk’? If there was one, it would be me.”

Liu Kunsheng’s face turned even redder. He used to be just a Captain of the Palace Gates and was not good at this kind of bureaucratic maneuvering. With no other choice, he whispered, “Could you… please dismount to talk?”

Han Ruzi glanced at Yang Feng again, and Yang Feng signaled him not to move. He then said, “We are here waiting to meet the officials from the Ministry of Rites. We haven’t seen anyone yet, how can we dismount?”

The other party made a request. Liu Kunsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and his face was not so red anymore. He laughed and said, “Please don’t take it to heart, Lord Marquis. The officials from the Ministry of Rites are not rude, they are just frightened.”

Liu Kunsheng turned around and waved to a horseman. Following his command, the horseman dismounted along with two others, and briskly walked into the Ministry of Rites. Not long after, they emerged leading a string of officials—vice ministers, directors, directors, managers— outside the ministry, and so on, about fifteen or sixteen people in total. The horsemen cleared a space, and the officials lined up like geese, each kowtowing in turn.

Han Ruzi, having received a hint from Yang Feng, finally dismounted from his horse. Liu Kunsheng carefully assisted, carrying the Weary Marquis down.

The officials just kowtowed, not saying a word. Yang Feng also dismounted, saying, “This was a very simple matter, but you’ve all made it so complicated. Has the Weary Marquis’ appointment document arrived?”

“It has, it has,” Vice Minister Ning hurriedly replied.

“Have the relevant documents been sent to the various departments?”

“They’re on their way; some should have already arrived,” in the winter cold, Vice Minister Ning broke out in sweat.

“Good,” Yang Feng nodded, “You see, it’s just a minor matter. I know it’s not the fault of the Ministry of Rites, but if the Nobility Management Department doesn’t issue the documents, other departments can’t work, right?”

“Right, right,” Vice Minister Ning nodded, then cast a stern glance at the Director of the Nobility Management Department.

Protecting the Weary Marquis, Liu Kunsheng stepped out of the circle of horsemen and explained, “These men are all brothers from the Stallion Guards,[1] personally selected by me. They’re here to act as the Weary Marquis’ guards.”

“Isn’t that inappropriate? They are palace guards…”

“That’s perfectly fine. They have been idle these past few days, so let the Weary Marquis use them first. We can discuss more about it later.”

Han Ruzi understood well. Liu Kunsheng was acting on orders but presented it as his own personal decision. This would make it convenient if the guards were to be withdrawn from his service in the future.

Yang Feng took a step forward and asked, “General Liu, who do these Stallion Guards listen to?”

Liu Kunsheng was taken aback, “Of course… they should follow the orders of the Weary Marquis.” Seeing Yang Feng frown, Liu Kunsheng immediately raised his voice and addressed the knights, “From now on, you are the guards of the Manor of the Weary Marquis. All your actions must obey the Marquis’ orders. Do you understand?”

The horsemen answered in unison.

Only then was Yang Feng satisfied.

At some point, a small sedan chair had arrived outside the circle of horsemen. Four sedan bearers, their faces covered in sweat, stood at the front and back of the chair, clearly having run here urgently.

“Lord Marquis, you must be tired. Go in and rest for a while. Please return to your manor for now. All issues will be resolved immediately.”

The sedan was not large, but it was comfortable, with two small charcoal braziers wrapped in cotton covers, one at the feet and one on the seat.

Han Ruzi sat inside the sedan, lifting the curtain, and Liu Kunsheng immediately leaned in, “Does the Lord Marquis have any instructions?”

“I hope I haven’t caused you any trouble.”

Liu Kunsheng smiled, and whispered, “How could you? You have actually allowed me to render meritorious service.”

The person most troubled by the Weary Marquis’ visit was the Ministry of Rites, which found itself without a proper response. The delay lasted for an hour, causing a commotion that was widely known. Afterwards, someone was bound to be punished. Liu Kunsheng, who on the surface seemed rushed and deferential, was in fact there to defuse the situation. Once the Weary Marquis left, he naturally would be credited with meritorious service.

Han Ruzi also smiled, feeling that Yang Feng’s harassment of the Ministry of Rites must have ulterior motives.

Du Chuanyun, following the sedan, quietly said to Zhang Youcai at his side, “Being a eunuch is not easy. The master rides a horse and sits in a sedan, while the eunuch can only follow on foot.”

“Hah, what’s the big deal? Meeting a good master is a lifetime’s fortune. If you end up with a bad one, well…”

Du Chuanyun looked at the empty horse led by Yang Feng in front of him, thinking that a “good master” should let his tired attendant ride a horse.

At the main entrance of the Ministry of Rites, a group of officials watched as the Weary Marquis was escorted away by the Stallion Guards. It took a while before they stood up. A minor clerk couldn’t help but say, “Why is he even more formidable than when he was in power?”

Several glances swept over, scaring the minor official into shrinking back.

Yang Feng’s commotion had immediate effects. There was a constant stream of people entering and exiting the Manor of the Weary Marquis, bringing a large amount of utensils and food. Dozens of appointed servants and manor clerks stood at the gate, respectfully welcoming the Weary Marquis.

On the street, two rows of people were still kneeling. As soon as they saw the sedan of the Weary Marquis, they kowtowed and begged for mercy. It was said that they were the troublemakers from last night.

After sending the Weary Marquis into the manor, Liu Kunsheng left, leaving behind twenty Stallion Guards. Although the number was not large, with them guarding the door, no one would dare to cause trouble again.

Back in his study, Han Ruzi let out a sigh of relief. Even though he was demonstrating his power from horseback, it was still quite tiring.

Yang Feng closed the door, keeping Zhang Youcai and Du Chuanyun outside, then turned around and said, “With such a fuss, everyone should understand that the Empress Dowager has no intention of killing you. The trouble should be largely eliminated.”

“Only largely? Who else wants to kill me?”

“Perhaps those who intend to oppose the Empress Dowager.”

Han Ruzi immediately thought of the Cui clan, but he couldn’t figure out how executing a deposed emperor could benefit the Cui clan, “Tomorrow is the fifth day of the month, preparations need to be made early for the arrival of the Lady.”

Yang Feng smiled, “Hasn’t that been prepared already?”

Han Ruzi was taken aback, Yang Feng said, “Who is more qualified than the imperial guards to escort the carriage of the deposed empress?”

Han Ruzi suddenly realized, admiring Yang Feng endlessly. It turns out that this show of power accomplished more than one thing.

[1] It was mentioned earlier that the Imperial Guards consisted of five separate guard units. So far we’ve seen the Yulin Guards, the Tiger Guards, and the Stallion Guards.



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