The Child Emperor

Chapter 72: Extortion

Chapter 72: Extortion

After Zhang Yanghao left, no one came to bother them again, and the deposed Emperor’s first night passed peacefully. Han Ruzi lay on the cold, hard bed, tossing and turning. In his mind, the image of his first meeting with Cui Xiaojun kept appearing: her small face damp with a few strands of wet hair, and her large eyes fearful, yet calm.

No matter whose daughter she was, she was his wife. He had to bring her to his side, Han Ruzi resolved to himself once more.

Yang Feng had said he had come up with an idea, but he did not reveal it at the time, instead asking the Weary Marquis to wait patiently.

The night was cold, and there was not even a basin of charcoal in the manor. Han Ruzi could not sleep at all, so he simply sat still, wrapped in his quilt, and looked around the study. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, and based on his daytime impressions, he could roughly make out the room’s furnishings.

The bookshelves needed to be filled with books, the desk needed to be set with brushes, ink, paper, and inkstone, and there was no need to keep the incense burner in the corner. They should add a weapon rack and place a few swords and blades… Would Meng E come to teach him inner qi again? After taking Cui Xiaojun back, what would the Cui clan do? And there was Prince Donghai; if he truly succeeded to the throne, even if only as a puppet, he would pose a great threat to himself…

When Han Ruzi awoke, the sky was already bright. He lay on his side, wrapped in his quilt, his body curled into a ball.

Zhang Youcai knocked on the door and entered, rubbing his hands together and exhaling, “So cold, it’s so cold that I’m not hungry anymore. No, I’m actually hungrier than ever, I just can’t feel it, my stomach is frozen stiff. Master, you haven’t eaten all day, aren’t you hungry too?”

Han Ruzi got up and stomped his feet, “Just like you, I can’t feel the hunger.”

“We should find a plump palace maid to warm the master’s bed…”

Han Ruzi shook his head repeatedly. Last night, he had driven away all the attendants. This study belonged only to him, and he did not want outsiders to intrude.

Cai Xinghai shouted outside the room, “Time for meals, everyone come out quickly. Fresh, piping hot dishes!”

“Even Brother Cai is breaking the rules now, does he think we are beggars?” Zhang Youcai ran towards the door, “I’ll go and bring some for the master.”

As soon as he opened the door, Cai Xinghai had already brought the food. Zhang Youcai took it into his hands. After just one glance, he stopped in his tracks, surprised, “Huh, how come it’s just rice porridge and salted vegetables? This… this must have been picked up from the street.”

“It was bought with money. There are no food stalls along Hundred Prince Street, so I had to run quite a distance to buy it. Please make do with this meal, Lord Marquis. Lord Yang has already sent someone to replenish the rice, flour, oil, and firewood.”

“The food’s too plain.” Zhang Youcai looked at the steaming porridge, his throat moving as he swallowed saliva continuously.

“Bring it over quickly, I can feel my hunger now.” Han Ruzi called out.

Zhang Youcai placed the tray on the desk, his eyes still fixed on the rice porridge.

“Go out and eat, you’re making me uneasy with your staring,” Han Ruzi laughed. The thought of not having to pay respects to the Empress Dowager and not having to sit idly all day made his heart leap with joy.

The rice porridge was sweet and fragrant, the salted vegetables crisp and salty, a perfect match. After tasting it, Han Ruzi could not stop eating, quickly finishing a bowl. He then praised Cai Xinghai, who was standing at the door, “I never thought there would be such delicious food outside the palace. The best part is its simplicity. It’s just some rice and radish.”

Cai Xinghai laughed, “Lord Marquis, you must be truly hungry. Once you’ve had enough of it, you won’t find it so good anymore.”

Yang Feng walked in and asked Han Ruzi, “Are you done eating? Let’s go.”

“Where to?” Han Ruzi stood up, thinking that Yang Feng was going to get Cui Xiaojun.

Yang Feng glanced at the simple study. “No matter what, you are a marquis. Let’s go and get everything that a marquis’ manor should have.”

“What should a marquis’ manor have?” Han Ruzi had no knowledge of this.

“Just follow me,” Yang Feng turned around, and Han Ruzi followed him.

Since Cai Xinghai already had his official duties, it was inappropriate for him to accompany the Weary Marquis outside. Little eunuch Zhang Youcai ate three big bowls of porridge in his room and saw that the Weary Marquis and Yang Feng were leaving. He put down his bowl and hurriedly followed them out of the room, “Wait for me!”

Another little eunuch came out of the room across from them, frowning and constantly tugging at his clothes, seemingly unhappy, but he also followed the Weary Marquis.

“Who are you?” Zhang Youcai asked in surprise.

“I’m Du Chuanyun, known as the Flying Dragon Hero in the pugilist world. What’s your name?”

“I’m Zhang Youcai. Oh, you’re that kid from last night. You’re from the pugilist world. How…how did you become a eunuch too?”

“Ugh, I’m not a eunuch! I’m just hiding my identity to protect your master.”

“But you can’t take my place.” Zhang Youcai felt threatened and hurried a few steps closer to his master. “Since you’re hiding your identity, why did you tell me your name and nickname? Now the secret’s out.”

“Hey, you ungrateful guy…”

The two teenagers bickered as they walked. When they reached the gate, Yang Feng shouted, “From now on, keep your mouths shut until we return to the manor, understood?”

“I won’t talk if he doesn’t,” said Zhang Youcai.

“Just don’t provoke me,” Du Chuanyun remained defiant. He was older, though he had a slender frame, not much different from Zhang Youcai.

There were two horses tied up outside the gate, one for Yang Feng and one for the Weary Marquis. The other two could only follow on foot. Zhang Youcai did not mind, but Du Chuanyun felt it was unfair. He was about to speak but closed his mouth when he saw Zhang Youcai’s eyes rolling.

Han Ruzi had only learned to ride for a few days in the palace, so he was barely able to control his mount. The road was covered with snow, so he did not dare go too fast.

Yang Feng did not urge him either, riding alongside him and saying, “The Manor of the Weary Marquis is managed by the Nobility Management Department of the Ministry of Rites. If you need anything, ask them. As a marquis, you have no fief, but you have a stipend from the Ministry of Revenue in the amount of taxes collected from eight thousand households. This is not bad, enough to be compared with some feudal lords. As a member of the imperial family, you also have a stipend from the Bureau of Imperial Clan Affairs. Since they are not willing to take the initiative to deliver your rightful dues, we’ll go ask for it.”

“Are we able to get it?” Han Ruzi had never asked anyone for anything, so he was not very confident.

“You’ll find out soon. We shall also visit the Capital Prefectural Office and the Capital Patrol Department. There was such a big commotion in Hundred Prince Street, yet they did not even bother to check—a true dereliction of duty. Finally, we’ll pay a visit to the Imperial Guards’ camp and file a complaint against the Yulin Guards and the Tiger Guards.”

“But we already promised Zhang Yanghao…”

“Just don’t mention his name.”

Yang Feng had arranged the day’s events quite fully, but Han Ruzi had no confidence in his heart. He secretly thought that since those government offices were not willing to fulfill their duties, going there rashly might not yield any results. When he was the emperor, he was just a puppet, and now that he had become a deposed emperor, people cared about him even less.

However, he did not say anything, wanting to see what methods Yang Feng would use.

After leaving Hundred Prince Street, the streets began to liven up, and the snow on the road had been trampled away. People came and went. Nobody recognized the deposed emperor, and they only gave the three eunuchs a few extra glances.

Han Ruzi had never seen so many people before. There were quite a few people at his ascension to the throne, but those guards, ministers, and eunuchs were almost like puppets. They either stood still or moved in step, unlike the people on the street who walked and talked without having to care about the business of others.

Han Ruzi quite enjoyed the atmosphere of the streets, only feeling that it was overly noisy, which his ears, accustomed to tranquility, found somewhat unbearable.

Zhang Youcai became excited again, his mouth never closing, and his eyes staring straight ahead. Du Chuanyun, who walked beside him, would occasionally ridicule him.

The Manor of the Weary Marquis was located in the northern part of the Capital city, while the Ministry of Rites was outside the southern gate of the Imperial Palace. After circling around for nearly half the time, they arrived after more than an hour.

There were quite a few governmental offices in this area, all of which had grand and solemn entrances. Looking northward, one could see the towering Tai’an Palace looming above the city walls. There were soldiers guarding the entrance of the governmental offices, and ordinary people dared not approach. Yang Feng, Zhang Youcai, and Du Chuanyun were all dressed as eunuchs; as soon as they stopped, a gatekeeper came up to greet them and ask questions.

Yang Feng did not dismount and said, “Minister Yuan of the Ministry of Rites is in the Hall of Diligent Administration for deliberations of state. Which senior official is presiding over the ministry today?”

The gatekeeper was startled, realizing that this eunuch was no ordinary person. “In reply to your Grace, it is Attendant Ning who is presiding over the court today.”

“Call him out, and also call out the Director of the Nobility Management Department.”

The gatekeeper was taken aback once more, “May I ask who this distinguished person is?”

Han Ruzi was young and not dressed like an official, so the gatekeeper guessed he was a nobleman.

Yang Feng frowned, “Have your superior come out; he will recognize us.”

The gatekeeper, who had seen his fair share of the world, found the nobleman on horseback beside the elderly eunuch increasingly peculiar. As he was sizing them up, the eunuch’s horsewhip suddenly swung over, producing a crisp sound above the gatekeeper’s head, followed by an angry shout, “Get moving!”

The gatekeeper covered his head and ran into the office, as if he had actually been whipped.

Han Ruzi whispered, “Was it necessary… to do that?”

Yang Feng replied, “By following the normal procedure, it would take us at least three days to see the person in charge. Do you wish wait that long?”

Han Ruzi stuck out his tongue, “I’ll observe more and speak less.”

The soldiers and gatekeepers at the entrance of the office were all pointing and gesturing, but Yang Feng paid no mind. A man in official attire emerged from the inside and stood within the gate, looking around. Yang Feng recognized him as a low-ranking official and ignored him, but he positioned himself in front of the Weary Marquis, blocking the official’s view.

The junior official looked around, perplexed, and went back inside. After a while, an official in his fifties came out, and the soldiers and gatekeepers at the entrance immediately bowed in respect.

The official had a cold expression, looking very impatient, as if he had been rudely awakened from a deep sleep. He stood inside the gate, and the junior official who had come out earlier ran over to Yang Feng, saying, “May I know which eunuch you are, sir? Why did you not even present a name card?[1]“

Yang Feng ignored him, spurred his horse forward two steps, and revealed the Weary Marquis behind him.

Finally, the official of the Ministry of Rites inside the gate saw the visitor’s face clearly. Although others did not recognize him, the official did. He had been present during both the Emperor’s enthronement and abdication, having stolen a few glances at the time.

However, he could not believe his eyes. Rubbing them, he suddenly shouted and turned to run, startling everyone at the entrance. In their memory, their superior had never behaved in such a manner before.

The left-behind junior official did not understand what was going on, but he became more respectful in his demeanor, holding his fists and retreating, “Please wait a moment longer. I will be right back…”

The junior official turned and ran back into the office as well.

Han Ruzi couldn’t help but whisper again, “Are we just going to wait like this?”

Yang Feng snorted coldly, “You are now the most feared figure in the realm. Whichever department you stand in front of, the officials there will be scared out of their wits. Just wait; soon, we’ll get whatever we want.”

Han Ruzi was both astonished and amused, not expecting the deposed Emperor to have such a significant impact.

Du Chuanyun, who was standing on the ground, overheard their conversation and could not help but interject, “Isn’t this just the behavior of ruffians? Local ruffians often use such tactics to extort payment.[2]“

Yang Feng coldly replied, “Those who extort commoners are ruffians; those who extort the imperial government are heroes.”

Han Ruzi was speechless. Just last night, he had been trapped by ruffians, and now he was using the tactics of ruffians to extort the government. He was momentarily confused as to whether there was any difference between the rough and rowdy crowd, and proper and polite society.

[1] It was customary in ancient China for visitors to present their name cards at the door so that the host would know who it was that was visiting.

[2] What ruffians would do to extort some money from shopkeepers is to look threatening in front of their shops and scare potential customers away. The shopkeeper would then pay them money to get them to go away.



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