The Child Emperor

Chapter 166: Volunteers

Chapter 166: Volunteers

Prince Donghai personally ascended the city wall to look across the river. His heart sank, and he began to regret staying in Shattered Iron City.

The horizon was filled with the dark tents of the Xiongnu. Cavalry squads rode unrestrained on the opposite bank, observing the southern shore. Some Xiongnu even stood at the river’s edge, pointing at Shattered Iron City.

Prince Donghai felt like he had been spotted, possibly even targeted by archers. Despite the river between them, he didn’t feel safe. He turned and asked a nearby officer, simultaneously taking cover behind the parapet.

“Are there really a hundred thousand of them?”

“Based on the number of tents, it’s estimated to be around seventy to a hundred thousand,” an officer replied, this conclusion drawn from multiple scouts’ observations.

“So many!” Prince Donghai had heard the figure before but was still shocked. Back in Mayi City, with twenty to thirty thousand Chu troops as backup, he thought a hundred thousand Xiongnu were too few. Now, the number weighed on him as heavily as a mountain. Trying not to show his fear, he forced a smile, “It’s snowing now, which will make supplies difficult. The more Xiongnu there are, the sooner they’ll retreat, right?”

The officers nodded, one adding, “But Shattered Iron City must hold out as well.”

The blunt truth stung. Prince Donghai struggled to maintain his smile and turned back to look at the opposite bank. “You have a plan to defend the city, right?”

“Yes, General Chai has two plans. The Xiongnu have been observing Riverwatch City, likely planning to cross the river there. When they try to clear the stones, the beacon tower on the eastern hill can push down logs to reseal the passage.”

“Good, that’s a solid plan. It should hold the Xiongnu for a few days. What’s the second plan?”

An officer pointed west towards Flowing Sand City, “The river is freezing. Once the ice is thick enough, the Xiongnu will likely cross there. General Chai plans to set an ambush at Flowing Sand City to hit their vanguard and blunt their advance.”

“Excellent.” Prince Donghai, unfamiliar with military leadership, felt a bit relieved knowing the officers had plans.

Having spent enough time on the wall, he tightened his cloak and descended, “Make sure the gates are secure and the walls are strong. Don’t give the Xiongnu any opportunity.”

Back at the general’s residence, a group of noble sons awaited him. About a dozen of them stepped forward to greet him humbly. Among them, Prince Donghai felt more at ease, guessing their purpose. With a cold nod, he entered the main hall.

As expected, once the servants had withdrawn, the noble sons surrounded Prince Donghai, speaking all at once.

“Quiet,” Prince Donghai commanded, pointing around until his finger landed on the son of Marquis Shengjun, “Lou Ji, you speak.”

Prince Donghai’s choice was deliberate, as Lou Ji’s father held the highest title among them.

Lou Ji, familiar with Prince Donghai, spoke directly, “We should leave Shattered Iron City while we still can. The Xiongnu won’t cross the river immediately. If we ride quickly, we can reach the pass in less than two days.”

Prince Donghai’s finger moved again, stopping at the nephew of Chancellor Yin Wuhai, “Small-eyes Yin, your thoughts?”

Despite his nickname, Small-eyes Yin’s eyes were not small, he was just constantly squinting with a smile. Now, wide-eyed, he nearly shouted, “Shattered Iron City can’t hold! The Northern Protection General won’t bring reinforcements! We can’t wait to die here; we need to escape quickly!”

“Do you all think the same?” Prince Donghai asked.

The group nodded. Lou Ji added, “This is just an isolated city beyond the border. Is it worth defending? If we retreat first and the army follows behind us, bringing back thirty thousand Chu soldiers would be a significant military merit.”

Prince Donghai thought for a moment, “You have a point. Let’s discuss this with Chai Yue, as he is in charge of defending the city.”

“But you’re Prince Donghai, appointed by the Northern Protection General to oversee everything,” they argued, relieved by Prince Donghai’s response.

Prince Donghai stood, frowning slightly, “There are nearly five hundred noble sons. Surely more than just you want to retreat. Gather more people, and we’ll pressure Chai Yue together.”

“Right, everyone wants to retreat. Why should we be the ones to stand out?”

Soon, over fifty noble youths gathered at the general’s residence, ready to follow Prince Donghai to see Chai Yue. They all wore pleased expressions. Dissatisfied, Prince Donghai named a few more to join them, sending Lou Ji and others to fetch them.

Zhang Yanghao, Xie Ying, and Ding Hui arrived, trembling with fear. They had abandoned Prince Donghai at Riverside Village and feared retribution.

To their surprise, Prince Donghai welcomed them warmly, “At times like this, let’s forget past grievances and be friends.”

The three were so moved they nearly wept, kneeling to apologize, only to be lifted by Prince Donghai.

The group set out to see Chai Yue, attracting much attention along the way.

Chai Yue resided in a northwest tower, conveniently observing enemy movements. He was discussing the ambush plan at Flowing Sand City with a dozen officers when he heard Prince Donghai was coming with a group of noble sons. His heart sank. The Chu army’s stability was tenuous; if the noble camp led a revolt, the entire army might collapse. Even if the Northern Protection General were here, he might not be able to control them.

Refusing to meet wasn’t an option, so Chai Yue let them in. The officers stepped aside, thinking the same: if the noble sons fled, they wouldn’t risk fighting either. Everyone would race back to the pass, competing to see who could move fastest.

Over fifty people climbed the tower, standing rather than kneeling with Prince Donghai present.

Prince Donghai said, “General Chai, we have a matter to discuss.”

“Please, go ahead,” Chai Yue rose to greet them politely, aware he couldn’t afford to offend any of them.

“Why must the Chu army defend an isolated city beyond the border?” Prince Donghai asked.

Chai Yue had explained this to many soldiers. He repeated, “Though Shattered Iron City is isolated, it is a Chu city. Since the time of the Martial Emperor, Great Chu has maintained an assertive posture against the Xiongnu. Abandoning this city would signal a shift from offense to defense…”

Lou Ji interrupted, “Aren’t we defending here in Shattered Iron City?”

Chai Yue smiled, “It’s different. Shattered Iron City, backed by mountains and rivers, offers open terrain. Once reinforcements arrive, we can switch from defense to offense. If we let the Xiongnu take this city, retreating to Divine Hero Pass makes it harder to launch offensives.”

“Fine, you defend the city. We…” Lou Ji glanced at Prince Donghai, hastily stepping back. Among them, rank was paramount; speaking out of turn was overstepping.

Prince Donghai nodded, “General Chai’s reasoning makes sense. You plan to ambush at Flowing Sand City?”

“Yes,” Chai Yue said, puzzled by Prince Donghai’s attitude, “The Xiongnu are feigning interest in Riverwatch City. I believe they’ll cross the river from the west within three days. Flowing Sand City, though in ruins, is still usable. After dusk, I’ll send a Chu force from the ridge to Flowing Sand City, unseen by the Xiongnu…”

“Enough. You make the plans. I’ve brought you a squad of volunteers.”

“Volunteers?” Chai Yue was confused, looking at the over fifty noble youths who had come along.

Lou Ji and the others exchanged looks, suddenly realizing they were the “volunteers.” Panic set in.

Prince Donghai sternly said, “You’ve all have enjoyed state stipends since birth. The nation has supported your families for generations. Isn’t it time to repay that debt?”

They were speechless, more shocked than ashamed. They never expected such words from Prince Donghai.

“General Chai, please issue the orders. If necessary, I’ll lead the charge myself.” Prince Donghai felt a twinge of nervousness. If it were Han Ruzi or Fang Daye, he wouldn’t dare boast. But Chai Yue should understand the “unspoken rules” and act accordingly.

Chai Yue, equally shocked, was greatly relieved, “These volunteers will suffice. Shattered Iron City needs you, Prince Donghai. You must stay and command.”

Prince Donghai nodded solemnly, then turned to the stunned noble sons, “Make your families proud. Fight bravely.”

Leaving the noble sons behind, he descended the tower. Chai Yue ordered armor and horses for them from the noble camp. This incident ensured the officers’ compliance with the ambush plan.

Prince Donghai felt satisfied, having both punished the cowardly nobles and taken revenge against those who had once betrayed him.

Back at the general’s residence, Lin Kunshan came to see him. Upon entering, he smiled and saluted, “Prince Donghai, your strategy is brilliant. It both taught a lesson to the cowardly and stabilized the army. Your prestige will greatly increase.”

“Do I need such prestige?” Prince Donghai felt no need to hide his ambition from the fate seer. “They care only for their lives, not for Chu’s cities. I care.”

Lin Kunshan smiled, “The Chu empire, beset by internal and external troubles, needs a royal scion like you to turn the tide.”

Prince Donghai snorted.

Over two hundred miles away, another person also cared about the Chu empire’s territorial integrity.

Led by the chief clerk, Han Ruzi and his party reached the east warehouse but found no sign of General Han Tong. They learned he had taken some supplies to the north gate and had left recently.

They hurried to the north gate, where people and vehicles were blocked from exiting. No amount of shouting could open the gate.

Han Ruzi had the chief clerk report his arrival. After a long wait, the clerk returned, confused, “The General requests to see the Northern Protection General alone.”

Sensing something amiss, Han Ruzi said, “Alright, but I need a bodyguard.”

“That… should be fine. I’ll ask.” The clerk hurried back, puzzled by the lack of kinship between these royal cousins.

Du Chuanyun tightened his belt, ready to accompany Han Ruzi, who stopped him, “You stay. Chen Tong, come with me.”

Meng E nodded. In front of others, she never spoke to avoid revealing her identity.

Du Chuanyun, both surprised and disappointed, couldn’t believe this ordinary soldier was more skilled than him.

The clerk returned, inviting the Northern Protection General and his attendant up the tower.

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