The Child Emperor

Chapter 165: Chaos at Divine Hero Pass

Chapter 165: Chaos at Divine Hero Pass

Meng E sat quietly in the room. She was adept at waiting.

Zhang Youcai ran into the room, lighting a candle. Seeing an extra person suddenly there, he almost screamed. Recognizing her vaguely, he exclaimed, “You are… you are…”

Meng E was dressed in a coarse prisoner’s outfit, her face weathered, looking decades older. If they had met outside, Zhang Youcai would never have recognized her as the former palace maid.

“Yes, it’s me. Get me a soldier’s armor.”

“Ah? Okay.” Zhang Youcai turned to find the armor, then felt something was off and turned back. “How did you get here?”

“The Weary Marquis invited me.”

Zhang Youcai scratched his head, suddenly understanding, “Oh, the master had me write the character ‘Chen’ on the wall to find you, right?”


Zhang Youcai scratched his head again, puzzled by the connection between the Weary Marquis and Meng E. “How did you end up in Shattered Iron City?”

“Someone paid me to serve a sentence for his wife,” Meng E replied, tilting her head slightly as she observed Zhang Youcai. “Any more questions?”

“No more.” Zhang Youcai hurried out, soon returning with a lighter set of armor, placing it on the table. He quickly packed a bundle and waited outside.

Not long after, Meng E emerged, looking slightly smaller than an average man but appearing every bit the soldier in armor. Her face, weathered, made her look like a man in his thirties.

Zhang Youcai laughed, “If you had dressed like this earlier, I wouldn’t have recognized you.”

“Call me Chen Tong from now on.”

“Alright, Chen Tong. Why the surname Chen? Did the master find you, or did you find the master? Do you still have contact with the palace? Why didn’t you join the ‘Unfortunates’ back then? Brother Cai is also here, do you want to see him? The master won’t let me go with him, but with you protecting him, I’m relieved.”

Meng E ignored all his questions.

Han Ruzi recognized Meng E at once, not because of his keen eyesight but because he had been expecting her. Upon seeing the unfamiliar face, he immediately guessed who it was.

The group of more than twenty set off, traveling all day. At night, while resting at the camp, Han Ruzi had his first conversation with Meng E after their meeting, brief and to the point.

“Protect my safety, don’t let me be killed by assassins. If I regain the throne, within five years after ascending, I will lend you an army. But you must ensure that the attacked country deserves it.”

“Alright,” Meng E agreed without hesitation, without a hint of negotiation, and remained in the tent. Once a palace maid, now a soldier, both identities were disguises.

No one knew this “new recruit.” Everyone assumed she was a trusted aide assigned by the Northern Protection General and paid no attention.

When they arrived at Divine Hero Pass, a thin layer of snow covered the ground, and the guards were much stricter. After carefully questioning their identities and checking their documents, they were allowed into the city and guided directly to the administrative office of Divine Hero Pass.

The city was in chaos, with masses of civilians trying to enter the pass. Countless carts and carriages clogged the streets, clashing with soldiers. Han Ruzi and his group had to dismount and walk to bypass the obstructions.

The office was even more chaotic, with numerous servants and soldiers coming and going. Several carts piled with belongings stood at the entrance.

“Is this… are they fleeing?” Cui Teng, who needed a stamp on his pass to leave the city, followed them to the office. Hearing about the approaching Xiongnu army, his first reaction was to flee, yet he now scorned others for trying to escape.

Lin Kunshan hadn’t come along, and only Han Ruzi knew that General Wu Xiu was no longer in the city. Hence, he was  puzzled as to whose belongings these were.

Their guide, a junior officer, asked the Northern Protection General and his group to wait at the entrance while he went inside to report. Before leaving, he asked, “Is the Xiongnu army really here? With hundreds of thousands of troops?”

“There is indeed an army, but the exact number is unclear. We should have more definite information by tomorrow or the day after.”

The junior officer sighed, shook his head, and went inside.

With so many people coming and going, Han Ruzi and his group stood aside. Many others also waited outside the office, hoping for an audience. Du Chuanyun, with his sharp eyes, was the first to spot a familiar face in the crowd. “Hey, isn’t that… Fang Daye! Old Fang!”

Fang Daye, moving his bulky frame, squeezed through the crowd to greet the Northern Protection General.

He had left Shattered Iron City before news of the Xiongnu arrived and traveled slowly due to his age. The messenger Han Ruzi first sent had arrived ahead of him. By the time Fang Daye reached Divine Hero Pass, the city was in a panic, and the governmental office was paralyzed. He could enter the city but not leave, so he waited at the office like everyone else, hoping for someone to stamp his documents.

Cui Teng agreed, “Don’t worry, come with us into the office. I need to leave the city too, so we can get our travel documents stamped together.”

Dressed plainly and without weapons, Fang Daye looked like any ordinary old man, yet he maintained a dignified demeanor, nodding to everyone and only slightly bowing to the Northern Protection General.

No one came out to meet them for a long time, infuriating Cui Teng. “What’s going on? Even if they don’t know who I am, they should come out to greet the Northern Protection General. I’m going in to see.”

Cui Teng strode into the office, with Han Ruzi and the others following.

The two gate guards stepped forward to block them. Cui Teng kicked one over, and Du Chuanyun seized the other’s spear and threw it aside, pushing the guard back several steps.

The servants and soldiers moving belongings stared but did not intervene, while the civilians outside cheered.

Cui Teng swaggered into the office, shouting, “Where is everyone? Come out and greet the second son of the Cui family!”

The guards at the entrance exchanged glances but didn’t stop the intimidating soldiers.

The main hall was empty. Cui Teng headed straight to the rear courtyard, bumping into the junior officer who had guided them. Grabbing his collar, Cui Teng demanded, “Do you know who I am? I’m the son of the Grand Marshal of the Southern Army, Grand Tutor Cui, and even the Emperor has to be polite to me. Who is Wu Xiu to not meet us?”

The junior officer, confused about this person’s identity but intimidated, said, “Young Master Cui, Northern Protection General, please follow me, Wu General is waiting.”

Cui Teng released him, stepping aside, “Brother-in-law, after you.”

The rear hall had tea prepared but was empty. Han Ruzi left the guards outside and entered with Cui Teng, Du Chuanyun, Meng E, and Fang Daye.

The junior officer hurried off, soon returning with a military clerk and then stepping aside.

“I am the Chief Clerk under General Wu. I didn’t know the Northern Protection General was coming, forgive me for not welcoming you properly…”

Cui Teng stepped forward, “Enough with the formalities. The whole pass knows the Northern Protection General is here. Where is Wu Xiu? Bring him out.”

The clerk, with a troubled expression, said, “Well, General Wu… is occupied…”

Han Ruzi approached, “General Wu has returned to the Capital. Who is in charge now?”

Cui Teng, surprised, exclaimed, “That scoundrel left quickly!”

The clerk, more shocked, turned pale, “You… you…”

“This is the Northern Protection General,” Cui Teng reminded coldly.

The clerk quickly corrected himself, “How did the Northern Protection General know…”

“Did General Wu leave the command seal with you?” Han Ruzi asked.

The clerk nodded.

Typically, the main general would appoint a deputy to manage the army in his absence. Wu Xiu leaving the seal with a clerk indicated his intent to keep it secret.

“Hand it over,” Han Ruzi ordered.

Only then did the others realize the Northern Protection General intended to seize a command seal again. Cui Teng, delighted, added, “Yes, hand it over quickly, or I’ll have to search you.”

The clerk, pale-faced, hesitated. In times of peace, he could manage, but in chaos, he couldn’t make decisions. “The seal… is not with me.”

“You dare deceive us! You just said it was, now you deny it?” Cui Teng raised his fist.

The clerk initially nodded, unable to explain before being threatened. Covering his face with his hands, he stammered, “The seal was taken by General Han.”

Cui Teng lowered his fist, “General Han? Which General Han?”

“General of the Left of the Northern Army, Han Tong.”

“Han Tong?” Cui Teng, familiar with many nobles, quickly recalled, “The son of the Martial Emperor’s seventeenth prince. Brother-in-law, he’s your cousin.”

Han Ruzi had heard of Han Tong. After the Champion Marquis Han Shi became Northern Army Grand Marshal, he recruited many clan members, including Han Tong, who served as General of the Left and was highly trusted.

Seizing the seal just became more difficult.

“When did General Tong arrive?” Han Ruzi asked, following the clan’s habit of using given names.

“This morning, two hours before you.”

Han Ruzi sighed inwardly, realizing he had just missed the chance. If not for staying to stabilize the Chu army in Shattered Iron City, he would have arrived earlier.

There was no use regretting it. Stabilizing the Chu army was a necessary task. Even knowing he’d be late, he would have made the same choice.

“Where is General Tong now?”

The clerk, flustered, replied, “Checking the warehouses in the east city.”

“Take me to him.”

The clerk shook his head, “I must sort General Wu’s belongings and send them out of the city by nightfall. If anything is missing, I can’t bear the responsibility.”

Cui Teng and Du Chuanyun stepped forward, ready to act. The Chief Clerk, shielding his head, refused to relent. He was loyal to Wu Xiu and would only follow his orders. Handing over the official seal was one thing; losing his personal belongings were another.

Fang Daye intervened, asking, “Are these things to be sent to the cCapital?”

The clerk nodded, bewildered by the elderly man’s presence.

“Have the travel documents been prepared?”

The clerk nodded again.

“Show us.”

The clerk shook his head, placing his hands on his stomach. Cui Teng and Du Chuanyun knew what to do. Each grabbed an arm while Cui Teng retrieved a wooden case from the clerk’s robe. Opening it, he found the documents. “It’s so hard for us to leave the city, yet Wu Xiu prepared his documents for his personal belongings in advance. He should be reported for this.”

Fang Daye took the document, glanced at it, and saw the clerk’s name on it. It seemed like he intended to flee. Fang Daye didn’t ask further. He simply tore up the document and said, “You need a new document. Take us to meet the General of the Left.”

Han Ruzi hadn’t expected Fang Daye to help. He had only brought him to help him expedite his own travel documents.

Fang Daye, like an old lion, breathed heavily and coldly said, “I need to leave the city too.”

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