The Bloodline System

Chapter 1471  Getting Back On Track

Chapter 1471  Getting Back On Track

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


As Gustav, Aildris, and Endric supervised the unloading of the rescued alien children and former slaves on the surface of Planet Solquix, there was a palpable sense of relief among the group.

They had landed in a vast plain just outside the capital city. The alliance officials who would receive the refugees had already been anonymously contacted with no idea that Gustav Crimson, the universal fugitive, was behind it.

The area was bustling with activity, temporary shelters glowing under the evening light, and medical tents buzzing with the sounds of care and relief efforts.

"Alright, we've done our part here. It's time to move," Endric stated.

"My ship took a beating; repairs will be required for full capabilities to be restored," After Gustav said that, a glow covered the entire spacecraft, causing it to vanish.

"Let's stow it away for now," Endric mumbled.

Aildris asked for his to be stored as well and Endric did as asked.

Once secure, they boarded Endric's ship, a less battle-worn vessel that was ready for immediate departure.

"Systems check complete, all green. We're good to go."

As they lifted off from Solquix, the planet's diverse landscape receded below them.

The ascent was smooth.

Once in space, Endric punched in coordinates that would take them away from the typical flight paths.

However, as they cleared the planet's upper atmosphere, the sensors blipped an urgent warning.

"Multiple inbound contacts, configuration matches alliance command fleet. High-grade signatures detected." The ship's AI announced.

"Looks like they caught up," Gustav muttered.

Almost immediately, the serenity of space was shattered by the rapid approach of several alliance ships. The lead ship bore the largest insignia of alliance which no doubt had Commander Estela residing within.

"There's too many of them..." Ria mumbled.

"Just keep going," Gustav said to Endric.

Endric's hands were steady on the controls as he swerved the ship into a nearby asteroid field, the rocky bodies providing some cover and a highly hazardous environment.

As they weaved through the tumbling asteroids, the alliance fleet adjusted its formation, splitting into smaller squads to follow them into the field.

The chase intensified, with near-misses becoming increasingly frequent as both pursuer and pursued navigated the dangerous terrain.

Commander Estela's voice then crackled over the comm, clear and authoritative, cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Gustav Crimson, this is Commander Estela. Surrender now, and I assure you, your trial will be fair. Continue this folly, and you risk everything."

'Oh, so that's her name. Commander Estela...'

Gustav, not taking his eyes off the asteroid-dodging scene unfolding before him, activated the comm to reply.

"Commander, I thank you for the one-hour headstart... But you know as well as I do that my chances in your courts are as thin as the hull of a scout ship. I'll take my chances out here."

"You seem like a smart man, Gustav, and with that, you must know you can't outrun the entire alliance. What are you trying to achieve?"

"I've successfully done so for a year so trust me, I can. When I achieve all of my objectives I will stop running. But for now, don't hinder me... for the sake of the universe."

As the conversation continued, the chase did not let up. The alliance ships, using more calculated maneuvers, started to close the gap, their advanced targeting systems beginning to lock onto Endric's ship despite the asteroid interference.

"We won't be able to outrun them for long," Endric announced.

"Just keep going."

As the ship skillfully dodged through the hazardous environment, a new communication from Commander Estela crackled through the intercom.

"Gustav, I'll ask you one more time, what is your objective? What are you trying to achieve?"

Endric kept navigating the treacherous asteroids with precise movements while Gustav responded with a calm, yet firm voice, carrying the weight of his convictions.

"Commander, the alliance is focused on the wrong threats. Worried about the wrong things. If y'all don't prepare for what is coming, the casualties will be devastating."

"What do you mean, Gustav? What are we missing?" Estela questioned with immense intrigue.

The line went silent. Gustav chose not to respond further, his silence a stark echo amidst the chaos.

Frustrated and intrigued by Gustav's cryptic warning, Commander Estela made a split-second decision.

Coming from a lineage of the Zephyri— a rare species known for their incredible speed and energy manipulation—she prepared to take a drastic step.

"I'll get the answers myself, directly from him," she mumbled.

With those words, Estela ejected herself from her command ship. Her body, surrounded by a halo of shimmering silver energy, sliced through the void of space toward Gustav's ship at a breathtaking speed.

Within moments, she positioned herself directly in the path of Gustav's fleeing ship. Harnessing her Zephyrian heritage, she conjured a massive, glowing hand from the cosmic energy around her, its fingers spread wide to ensnare the spacecraft.

"No more running, Gustav. It's time we talked, face to face," Estela's voice boomed loudly.

As the giant energy hand closed in on the spacecraft, its palm open and ready to clamp around the hull, the intense glow of her power illuminated the surrounding space, casting stark shadows across the tumbling asteroids.

Inside the ship, they were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the commander in their path.

However, her actions seemed to be too late.

A countdown was displayed on Gustav's left wrist which revealed his dimensional bracelet.

As Estela's hand almost grasped the ship, the countdown reached zero.


"Not today, Commander. Maybe next time."

In an instant, the ship was enveloped in a swirling vortex of blue light, the space around it distorting as the dimensional shift was triggered.

The ship, along with all its occupants, vanished from sight, slipping through a crack in the universe created by the bracelet's incredible power.

Commander Estela, hovering in space, her hand closing on the empty void where the ship once was, paused in stunned silence. Her energy hand dissipated into sparkling motes that drifted harmlessly among the asteroids.

"This isn't over."

With a flick of her wrist, Estela activated her suit's communication system, contacting her fleet.

"He's used a dimensional shift. Scan for residual energy signatures and prepare to track. We're not giving up yet."

Back on the command ship, her crew scrambled to comply, their sensors probing the depths of space for any trace of Gustav's ship.

"Commander, we're not picking up anything. It must be a very high-grade ability or device... Perhaps the highest of grades."




Gustav and the others found themselves adrift in an unfamiliar sector of space. The tension from their narrow escape still lingered in the air, each of them visibly relieved yet on edge from the sudden jump.

Gustav, examining his dimensional bracelet, let out a low whistle. "We used up 80% of the bracelet's power on that jump. It was a close one."

"Close. But at least we've put some serious distance between us and the alliance fleets. They won't be able to track us here," Aildris voiced out.

"For now... But Gus, why do you still run from them? It's not like you couldn't take them on after we dropped off those kids," Falco questioned in confusion.

"I didn't take them on for their sake. Besides it's just a waste of time, I have things to take care of," Gustav answered with a disinterested tone.

"You've turned softer," Falco stated.

"Hmm... is that so?" Gustav mumbled.

"If this was you two years ago... They'd all be vanquished," Falco responded.

"Perhaps... But I've come to realize that soldiers just follow the orders of a higher chain of command. If I truly want to get rid of the problem, I'll have to uproot the leaders of the alliance and I really don't have time for a confrontation right now," Gustav voiced lengthily.

"Are you gonna confront them when all this is over and done with?" Falco questioned.

"I won't have to," Gustav answered cryptically.

'What does that even mean?' Falco's eyebrows furrowed.

"Where exactly are we, Gustav? This doesn't look like any star system I'm familiar with," Ria looked around with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Gustav, who had been reviewing the star charts on his navigation screen, replied without looking up.

"We're not far from the remnants of the Triton vessel we encountered over a week ago. This part of space isn't frequently traveled."

The group settled into a cautious routine as their ship continued its journey through the vast expanse of space.

 "Now that we're back on track, we have less than two weeks to reach our destination before the next expected appearance of the warp demolator," Endric pointed out.

"That doesn't give us any time to waste. We need to make every second count, especially since we can't afford another jump like that without Gustav's bracelet recharged," Aildris chimed in.

"Agreed. Let's use this time to make sure we're fully prepared. We can't go into another encounter like that without a backup plan," Endric stated.

"We're mostly out of options so let's just make sure we avoid getting into another scuffle..."


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