The Bloodline System

Chapter 1470  One Shot!

Chapter 1470  One Shot!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The spacecraft's thrusters roared back to life, the sudden burst of power allowing Gustav to pull them sideways. He navigated the ship with sheer will, dodging subsequent energy pulses as they desperately headed for the safety of Planet Solquix.

As they cleared the worst of the assault, Gustav kept the Iro Silk active, its icy barrier glinting like a star amidst the darkness of space.

The passengers, now murmuring prayers and words of thanks, looked at Gustav with awe and gratitude.

'Not out of the woods yet. I still need to find a way to land them safely.'

As the planet's atmosphere came into view, a beautiful view of blues and greens beneath them, Gustav's ship, scarred yet sovereign, slowly lost altitude while still gliding forward at incredible speed due to the pursuit behind.

The situation escalated with Gustav's ship careening through a hail of disruptor fire, its hull scarred by energy blasts. The cockpit was a blur of motion and urgent alerts, the screens flickering with the chaos outside.

"Gustav, we can't see who's attacking you. There's nothing on our sensors." Aildris voiced from the communication channel.

"It's like they're invisible. Are you sure it's just one ship?" Endric's voice came in as well.

Gustav's voice boomed through the intercom, "It's stealth tech—has to be an alliance. Top grade, beyond what we've seen before. They're only targeting me."

As Gustav maneuvered his ship, evading another barrage of fire, Aildris and Endric, in their respective ships carrying bulks of the rescued individuals, scanned with their radars. Once more, their scan revealed that there were no threats which deepened their concern for Gustav.

"There has to be something we can do," Aildris chipped in.

"We can't attack haphazardly... It will endanger lives on the surface," Endric pointed out.

Gustav, hearing their concern, interjected with a tone of command that brooked no argument. "Focus on getting everyone to safety on Solquix. I'll handle this."

"Understood, but we're not leaving you to deal with this alone. Once they're safe, we're coming back for you." Aildris stated.

A slight smile touched Gustav's lips, a brief moment of warmth in the coldness of space.

"Appreciate it, but by then, it'll probably be over. Just keep those ships moving."

As Aildris and Endric reluctantly redirected their focus to their primary mission, Gustav steeled himself for the ongoing battle. His hands flew over the controls, adjusting the thrusters and shields to dodge the relentless assault.

Planet Solquix loomed ahead, its atmosphere beginning to envelop his ship as he descended. The pressure of entry added another layer of difficulty to his evasive maneuvers.

'If I can just make it through the upper atmosphere, their weapons might be less effective...'

Attempting to return fire, Gustav toggled his ship's offensive systems, targeting the coordinates from where the blasts seemed to originate. Yet, each time he fired, the results were the same.

The shots phased through thin air.

As much as Gustav wanted to leave the control room and hunt for the craft responsible for his predicament, he couldn't leave all the people he had with him on the ship.

They would remain a target and dealing with the invisible opposition while having to protect them at the same time would be practically impossible.

'If only I could spot their position, even for a second... I can end this.'

His ship's AI responded with frustrating news. "Unable to acquire the target."

Gustav eyes knitted as a disruptor beam grazed the edge of his shield, sending ripples of energy cascading across the hull. The ship shuddered, alarms blaring a warning of shield integrity dropping.

"Divert all available power to aft shields. Keep us in the game a little longer."

As he spoke, Gustav's ship broke through into the lower atmosphere of Solquix, the skies a swirl of cloudy blues and grays. The chase didn't let up; if anything, the proximity to the planet's surface added new risks and challenges.

'Just a little further... Use the cloud cover, blend in with the storm systems.' Gustav was already formulating a plan in his mind.

Utilizing the planet's turbulent weather as cover, Gustav dipped the ship into a thick bank of clouds, the moisture and electrically charged environment providing a temporary screen.

His pursuers, however, were relentless, their technology evidently equipped to handle such conditions.

A narrow miss by another energy pulse forced Gustav to ascend sharply, spiraling upwards as he jettisoned countermeasures. Bright electro flares erupted behind him, hoping to confuse any locking mechanisms the enemy might employ.

The spacecraft vibrated with the strain of the maneuvers, every bolt and panel protesting as Gustav pushed the ship to its limits. He was a lone figure against a hidden enemy, a dance of death above a world that promised sanctuary to others but none to him.

As he looped back, trying to shake his pursuer, Gustav realized his situation was growing increasingly untenable. He needed to end the chase, and soon.

'One shot... I just need one shot...' Gustav's eyes emitted a glow as he prepared to activate God Eyes.

As Gustav's spacecraft hurtled towards Planet Solquix, the atmosphere crackled with the electricity of impending conflict. Knowing that mere evasion was no longer sufficient, Gustav steeled himself for a daring and potentially devastating maneuver.

Positioning his ship just above the swirling cloud decks, Gustav initiated a steep, spiraling descent to throw off his pursuers. He glanced at the control panel, ensuring everything was set, then took a deep breath and turned around while God Eyes was activated.

[God Eyes Has Been Activated]

The cockpit darkened momentarily as his vision shifted, the mundane world falling away.

In its place came a brilliant cascade of colors beyond the normal spectrum, each hue and shade representing different forms of energy and matter hidden from the naked eye.

Time seemed to dilate around him as Gustav's heartbeat echoed in his ears like a slow drum, his focus narrowing to the pulsing signal of the cloaked Alliance craft.

There it was—a spectral outline illuminated against the dark void, betrayed by the faint heat signature of its engines and the ripple of its cloaking field.

As another disruptor blast charged towards their spacecraft, Gustav's instincts screamed. It was the moment he had been waiting for.

With the universe in slow motion, he released the controls and turned fully around, his body coiled like a spring.

The disruptor beam approached, a deadly lance of energy meant to wreak another havoc that the ship would definitely not be able to handle.

Gustav channeled all his power, his muscles tensed for the split-second needed to meet the attack.

Then, with the precision of a predator, he launched himself forward.


His body, surrounded by a nimbus of crackling energy, phased through the rear of the spacecraft as he instantly appeared out in the open.

He met the disruptor beam head-on. The collision was less a contest of force and more a display of Gustav's sheer will, as he literally tunneled through the energy, his skin glowing with an otherworldly light.

The impact was deafening, a symphony of energy that resonated across the world.

Gustav's fist, driven by the momentum of his charge and his supernatural strength, struck the invisible craft with the ferocity of a force a hundred times more powerful than a meteor.

The alloy of the spacecraft's hull, designed to withstand the rigors of space warfare, crumpled like foil under his assault.

As his fist pierced the ship, alarms blared from within. The cloak flickered and died, revealing the mangled form of the once-stealthy vessel.

Gustav, his body halfway through the ship, pulled back his arm and pushed off, propelling himself clear as the ship began to disintegrate around him.

The crew inside scrambled, caught off-guard by the sudden breach. Shouts and cries filled their comm channels as they struggled to maintain control. However, the damage was catastrophic.

With critical systems failing, the craft's descent towards Solquix became an uncontrolled plummet, flames licking its sides, painting a stark picture against the planet's blue horizon.

Gustav, now back in his ship, watched as the enemy vessel fell. He didn't know if there would be survivors from such a crash but at the moment he didn't care.

Since they had come after him, they should have braced themselves for the consequences.

He quickly regained control of his craft, steering it away from the debris field spreading in the wake of the downed ship.

"Gustav, what happened?" Ria who was unable to follow all that had just happened in a span of milliseconds, questioned in confusion.

"I've taken care of the threat," Gustav replied, his voice firm yet a little fatigued.

"How is everyone back there?"

"All passengers are secure," Ria responded, relief evident in his words.

As Gustav guided his ship towards Solquix, the reality of what he had just done settled in.

He had single-handedly taken down an Alliance stealth ship. Since he began this journey of fleeing from them while achieving his objectives, he had managed to avoid engaging or causing harm to any of them.

Unfortunately, it was unavoidable this time.

The repercussions he guessed would be more of the alliance's claims of his evilness.

The descent into Solquix's atmosphere was uneventful, a stark contrast to the violence that had just transpired above. As the planet's vast oceans and sprawling continents came into view, Gustav prepared for landing.


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