The Bloodline System

Chapter 1420 Heartbreaking Infiltration

Chapter 1420 Heartbreaking Infiltration

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


With a single fluid motion, the figure arrived at the top of the building.


He kept scrutinizing the environment and despite his striking appearance, no one seemed to notice his presence.

This was because Gustav was capable of hiding his presence from anyone weaker than he was. The people within this neighbourhood fell into that category.

'Do you think it would be better to go in and grab what is needed without anyone ever realizing I was there or should I directly ask her parents… Mr and Mrs Vilandrobadia?' Gustav questioned internally.

("I do not think they will be willing to welcome you into their home but you already knew that didn't you?") The system voiced.

The system's statement made Gustav take a trip down memory lane…


"You promised to protect her… you promised…" Mrs Vilandrobadia broke down in tears while falling to her knees before Gustav.

"Not only did you not keep your promise, you are suspected of being the one responsible for what happened. Which means you are to blame for her disappearance!" Mr Vilandrobadia stated with a tone of fury while Gustav just stood in the passageway with a look of remorse.

"I saw you as a son but that was my mistake…" Mrs Vilandrobadia kept tearing up uncontrollably.

"Leave here now or I am calling the MBO! The only reason why I haven't buried my hand in your face is because of the love Angy has for you," He added.

Gustav could see Phil in the background looking down with a crestfallen expression. He couldn't even look Gustav in the eyes.

"I will get her back," Gustav stated before turning around.

"Do not give us false hope!" Mrs Vilandrobadia yelled.

Gustav paused his footsteps before turning slightly, "I will not rest until I get her back."


His mind returned to the present and he turned around while letting out a sigh. Could he blame them? Although everyone had it wrong with the allegations of him destroying planet Ozious he couldn't entirely say he had nothing to do with it.

A part of Gustav blamed himself because he knew the death angels weren't there for Falco alone, they were also there for him.

He also knew that Angy's parents wouldn't know what to believe since the whole universe painted him as a culprit.

One could only imagine how any good parent would feel about losing their child. It was easy to get overwhelmed with emotions causing them to look at the situation from a place of sentimentality, rather than logic.

'I guess it would be best for everyone to remain oblivious of my presence,' Gustav decided and took a step forward.

The world before him came to a stop as he sped towards the ledge of the building and ran across its side till he reached the level of the seventh floor.


Like the wind, he infiltrated the corridor of the seventh floor and made his way towards an apartment close to the end.

[ Atomic Manipulation Has Been Activated ]

The system's notification popped up as Gustav snapped his fingers.

A burst of milky-coloured light enshrouded his entire figure, causing him to turn a bit translucent.

Gustav took a step forward and walked through the door of the apartment while it was still locked. He was now in Angy's family apartment and the tranquil silence made it seem like no one was home.

However, Gustav knew better. He turned towards the small pathway that led to the rooms and kept walking till he reached the front of the second.

Sniff~ Sniff~

The room door was slightly ajar, and one could hear muffled weeping coming from within. Gustav stood in place briefly without going in. He was already invading privacy and didn't want to go further until the person within stepped out.

Sniff~ Sniff~

-"I should have stopped you… "

-"I regret ever letting you join the MBO."

-"I regret ever letting you go out there to participate in IYSOP."

-"I regret ever letting you be friends with Gustav."

-"I'm… wah… sniff sniff…"

-"Angy it's all my fault…"

-"I am a bad mother!"

("Even as a sentient being void of emotions, I have to admit that this is difficult to witness,") The system voiced in Gustav's head.

'Yea…' Gustav stood in place with a conflicted look. His face displayed a myriad of emotions ranging from pain to remorse as he clenched his fist.

He wished with every fibre of his existence that he could comfort Angy's mother but he was very much aware that revealing his presence would only make things worse.

His perception gave him a very vivid depiction of what was ongoing in the room so he was still invading her privacy even though he had refused to go into the room until she stepped out.

Minutes later, Angy's mother stepped out while wiping her face with a piece of clothing. Her eyes were very red and swollen. The bags underneath them and dark circles around them showed clear signs of insomnia amongst other things.

Gustav was very troubled upon seeing how she looked but he had to move out of the way to prevent collision. With the addition of the six months spent participating in IYSOP, Angy's parents hadn't seen their daughter in sixteen months and yet they were still very much affected by her absence.

This was a testament to how much they loved their daughter. Gustav knew well that his birth parents wouldn't even be bothered had this been his situation.

He stepped into Angy's room and scrutinized the surroundings.

He stared at her wall stickers and posters of nature and fantasy.

The bed was clean and well-arranged. Her study desk stood by the side with a holographic computer on it. The room was super tidy.

He walked towards the desk and grabbed the small holograph frame close to the edge. It displayed Angy and her family. Gustav touched a button on the back by mistake and the display changed to Angy and a much younger version of himself.

'This was over three years ago… I didn't think she would add it to a frame,' Gustav had a look of astonishment.

In the picture, there were some trees in the vicinity and he was looking away when she took a selfie. He was aware at the time but wasn't bothered.

He spotted a few tears on her desk and knew that her mother had been weeping while holding onto the frame.

A deep frown appeared on Gustav's face, 'I have to speed up the process of getting Angy back.'

After the thought appeared in their mind, Gustav pulled a drawer open and grabbed one of Angy's hairbrushes.


Like the wind, his figure vanished from the vicinity, causing a low whooshing sound to ring out.

"Hmm?" Mrs Vilandrobadia was alerted by the sound of the wind but couldn't see anyone around because Gustav was long gone.

However, she spotted a droplet of blood in the passageway which struck her as odd.

"Did I cut myself anywhere?"




Back at E.E.'s apartment, all three of them except Sersi were gathered in his living room.

"Did you get it?" Endric turned to Gustav.

"Yeah," Gustav responded while taking out the hairbrush.

"How about you, E.E.?" He turned to face Emma.

"I was able to persuade him," E.E. replied while taking out a small piece of shirt.

"Good… now we just need an item that bears the presence of that other dimension," Endric voiced with a nod.

"And what about the other items besides that?" Gustav inquired.

"Red Shadow agreed to get them for us," Endric replied while sitting on the other end.

"I take it your meeting with him went well," Gustav voiced with a tone of relief.

Endric raised his right thumb in response, "He is very easygoing."

"Last issue, how do we find an item that has a presence from there?" Endric questioned with a look of curiosity.

"That's not difficult… E.E will do it," Gustav responded while throwing a glance at E.E.

"Erm… how do I do that?" E.E. inquired with doubt in his voice.

"You head to the underground research centre where the Death Angel is being held, cut a piece of it and bring it back here… pretty simple right?" Gustav explained while crossing his legs.

"Right… except for the part where you forgot to mention that Jack Shirwin, the strongest mixed blood in existence, is currently guarding the research centre which makes it impossible to sneak in to do that," E.E laughed wryly while speaking. He sounded like Gustav was trying to send him to his death.

"Who said you were going to sneak in?" Gustav tilted his head slightly while smirking.


"Huh?" "You will walk right in through the front door, Officer Emmanuel Eloebhose," Gustav added.

"Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to visit," E.E. raised his hands in defeat.

"I'm sure you will find a way," Gustav replied while getting to his feet.

"The information that the warp demolator scanner acquired should be fully extracted by now. Gotta go check that out," Gustav added while walking away.

"Good luck," Endric tapped E.E.'s shoulder twice before following after Gustav.

"These two little fuckers," E.E. sighed.


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