The Bloodline System

Chapter 1419 Do You Love Her?

Chapter 1419 Do You Love Her?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Within the boundless expanse, a being, its face shrouded in dark fog and essence sheathing the cosmic emptiness with an authority that resonated through the fabric of existence, sat before multiple dark threads that seemed to connect unknown entities.

Each thread was longer than the ring surrounding any planetary structure in existence.

These threads formed shadows of an event that unearthed like a life playback. Time from all ages; the past, present and future, seemed to converge into one.

A figure materialized into existence, floating in place before the cosmic being that governed the unknown dimension.

"Amir…" A low tremble resonated across the dimension as the massive cosmic being called out.

"My Lord," The newly arrived figure who had tendrils of darkness coiled around its form in a long robe that bore sentient consciousness, bowed reverentially.

"State your business," The cosmic being commanded.

"Yes… Your earthly offspring…" Amir hesitantly spoke but came to a brief pause.

"Out with it," The cosmic being seemed to grow impatient with every passing second.

"His vessel completed the transition process," Amir completed his initial sentence.

Silence ensued between both beings for a few seconds. It was news that the cosmic being had been waiting to receive but now he couldn't help but feel something was amiss.

"Why were you hesitant to inform me of this?" The cosmic being inquired.

"That is because of what he has become," Amir responded while a dark tendril extended from his figure and made contact with one of the massive threads. Dark fog spread out, forming a vivid depiction of a person while the cosmic being watched.


[ Earth ]

"A level two hundred mutated beast egg, roots from the Pariscus tree in city Vit, and the heart of a kilo ranked mixedblood," Within a restaurant in the middle of an unknown city, two familiar figures sat across one another.

"These three are the only items we are having difficulty acquiring," The figure who spoke earlier added.

"It almost sounds like you guys are about to perform some ritual or something," The other male from across the table who had a mask covering his face spoke with a slight chuckle.

"I mean… they're not the odd items on the list," The youngster with curly black hair coughed twice with a slightly bashful look.

"I don't even want to ask… I'll get the items you need as soon as I can. Shouldn't be much trouble," The masked man pulled his jacket hems together and began buttoning.

"How about the heart of a kilo ranked mixedblood? Wouldn't that be…" The youngster whispered with a look of concern.

"Not really. So long as you know where to look, I could acquire more than a couple of those," The masked man got to his feet at that point.

"What about your charges?" The youngster inquired.

"I would never charge a brother of his," One couldn't see the face of the masked man but from his eyes, it seemed like he was smiling.

"Consider this service to be on the house," He added while turning around to leave.

"That went surprisingly well," Endric muttered while watching the masked man leave.

By the time he got to the entrance, the masked man's shadow turned red and he dissolved into it, completely vanishing from the place.

Endric stood to his feet at that moment as well. It was time to leave.



Within another restaurant in Plankton City, the walls were adorned with enthralling holographic displays of vibrant colours. Two figures sat at a table whose surface reflected the intricate lighting in the surroundings.

Unlike the other restaurant, only the two figures were within the restaurant and they were opposing genders. It looked like the entire place was booked for the rest of the day as no visitors were allowed access.

"Why can't you use your real face? No one is watching," Vera nagged with a low tone.

Before her was a man in a burgundy suit with dark hair, an ashen white face and very red lips. One could tell that he was a man but he also looked pretty like a woman.

"I am not risking revealing my identity. If anyone sees my face, even by mistake, I will have to end their life," Gustav replied while reaching out to grab a wine cup.

"You look like a transgender," Vera stated with a tone of dissatisfaction.

"Drop it, Vera," Gustav shot her a distasteful glare.

Vera decided to keep quiet at that point and faced the meal before her.

'Finally a little peace,' Gustav sighed internally in relief.

("Your little girlfriend sure has gotten very rich since the last time you were on earth,") The system voiced in his head, referencing Vera's ability to privately book the most expensive restaurant in the city for the rest of the day.

'Yeah. I wonder what happened in my absence, but I could have done this too… when I was still rich,' Gustav responded internally.

( "Are you forever going to cry about your bank account getting restricted by the world government and disabled?") The system began laughing hysterically.

'I had hundreds of millions… tch,' Gustav wished he could pull the system by the ear at that moment as it couldn't understand the feelings of a human that had lost everything they had built.

'I will get it back in the future. For now, well... Being broke isn't so bad,' Gustav decided not to sweat it.

"How long will you be around?" Vera inquired from the other end.

"Until I get all the items I require," Gustav replied before gulping down a tasty piece of meat.

'This is nice. It's been a while since I last properly enjoyed an earth meal,' Gustav couldn't help but recall all the months he had spent in outer space and on other planets.

'Boss Danzo meals are still a hundred percent better,' a hint of nostalgia hit Gustav.

"What items are you talking about? Do you need help?" Vera inquired with a look of concern.

"Don't worry, it is being taken care of. I only need to head to Angy's for the last one," The moment Gustav mentioned Angy, Vera's face dropped.

"I have a confession to make," She mumbled.

"Hmm?" Gustav had a slightly confused look on his face. "When I learnt that Angy got consumed, I didn't feel bad," She uttered before taking a brief pause.

Gustav leaned back against his seat to listen attentively and see where she was going with her confession.

"Sure I sympathised with you and everyone else but I didn't feel bad. If anything... a part of me felt glad that she was finally gone," Vera revealed without an ounce of remorse or guilt on her face.

"Does that make me a bad person?" She raised her face to look up at Gustav.

"The concept of good and bad is chalked up to personal view. To me, it isn't necessarily bad but to others, that might not be the case," Gustav reached out to take a glass.

He slowly gulped down the contents, leaving Vera to dwell on his words for a bit.

"But... why did you feel relieved?" Gustav inquired despite already having an idea of the answer.

"Because I want you for myself," Vera blurted without hesitating.

("Predictable,") The system voiced inwardly.

'Shush,' Gustav hushed it and went back to focusing on Vera.

"Do you know that the reason why I am gathering the items I talked about is to get her back?" Gustav inquired while rubbing his temples.

"Oh... well, there's nothing I can do about that. Although a part of me wishes for things to stay like this, a part of me also understands that you're affected by her absence," Vera forced a smile while speaking.

"Indeed I am," Gustav nodded slightly.

"What if I asked you not to... would you not go looking for her?" Vera voiced with a look of anticipation.

"No, I would go looking for her even if she was trapped in hell," Gustav replied while getting to his feet.

'It's time to go,' He decided.

However, before Gustav could leave the table, Vera placed her hand on his, causing him to stop in place.

"Do you love her?" Vera questioned.





A figure appeared in the middle of a neighbourhood close to the edge of Plankton City. The figure had a reminiscent look as they scrutinized the environment, recalling its past look.

Residential buildings lined up across the surroundings ranging from twenty to forty stories. Compared to the past when they used to be mostly around seven to fifteen stories, this was an upgrade.

The figure walked past a bunch of stores and even a few familiar people in the surroundings.

"It is much busier now..." a smile hung on his face as he set his sights in a particular direction.

It was a building close to the end of the street that measured around twenty-one stories in height. Staircases could be spotted around the sides but no one seemed to be making use of them.

With a single fluid motion, the figure arrived at the top of the building.



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