The Bloodline System

Chapter 1328 Looks Like We’re Good Now

Chapter 1328 Looks Like We're Good Now

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Hmm? Endric?" His face twinkled with an expression of confusion as he spotted Endric flying downwards to meet him.

"Big brother stop!" Endric yelled.

They had a distance of nearly ten thousand feet between them but Gustav heard him clearly.

"What do you mean by stop?" Gustav inquired while increasing his speed.

"The call is happening! Let them go!" Endric yelled as they closed the distance of over nine thousand feet in an instant.

"What call?" The moment Gustav said this he felt a tug from within. It was so sharp and jarring that Gustav immediately lost his ability to breathe.

-"Hahaha you're going back with us Outworldly!"

-"We are now one!"

-"You cannot escape it!"

Loud voices rang out in his mind causing him to hold his head in pain as he paused in mid air.

Endric gritted his teeth as he increased his speed and reached out to touch Gustav who had an expression of pain on his face.

All of a sudden...


A loud heartbeat rang out twice like a mild bomb and just as Endric was about to make contact with Gustav...


Gustav's body pulled backwards at very quick pace, leaving a trail of darkness behind. It traveled backwards uncontrollably at incredible speed like it was being pulled by an unknown divine force.

"Big Brother!" Endric yelled with a terrified expression as he flew after him at his highest speed.

At this same moment when the spacecraft resumed movement...


Within the medical room where Angy was kept, a body sized hole had appeared on the wall of the spacecraft...

A body had blasted a hole through the wall and was currently drifting towards the edge of the planet.

"Falco!" Everyone within the room yelled.


A silver streak phased through the hole at immense speed in this same instant.

"Angy!" Elevora yelled while stretching her hand forward.

At this moment it seemed like time had paused. Falco's unconscious body seemed to have reacted to the call as Gustav's. It gotten pulled out and blasted through the walls of the spacecraft just at the entrance of the portal.

Angy immediately chased after him despite her current weak state and the blood smeared all over her face.

The moment she sped out of the hole in the spacecraft, she crossed hundreds of feet in an instant.

Falco's body which was getting pulled away in slow motion from her point of view was almost at four hundred feet away when the gravitational laws caused her to begin descending.

Angy thrusted her legs forward as swifly as she could, running on pieces of floating debris from the ninth disk to make her way towards Falco's body.


She used the debris in the air as pathway to step on and sped forward quickly, closing in on Falco.

Angy was only an arm's length away from Falco's unconscious body when...


The light barrier surrounding the entirety of what was left of Planet Ozious suddenly crumbled.

Meanwhile... on the other end...

"Big brother!" Endric stretched forth his arm as Gustav's body got pulled backwards at insane speed, closing on on the edge of the planet.

His whole figure began to warp as multiple dark faces phased in and out of different parts of body. The sounds of wailing and various pitches of voice rang out loudly.

It was at this same moment that the light barrier crumbled.


Endric reappeared before Gustav as darkness encroached from every corner of the planet.

His forehead burst forth with powerful green light pushing the darkness away as he thrust his palm at Gustav's chest.


His palm which emitted a silvery blue and green mixture of glows, slammed into Gustav's chest. Nine dark beings with wings and horns phased out of Gustav's back as his chest caved in from the collision.

Before Gustav body could further jet backwards, Endric grabbed hold of him and tapped on his left wrist since he had lost consciousness.

The encroaching darkness had consumed the entirety of Plamet Ozious at this point but the greenish glow from Endric's forehead, preventing them from consuming Gustav and himself.

Space was ripping apart right before them, tearing open rifts upon rifts as the disks got obliterated despite their massiveness.

The Death Angels had been retrieved by the call and Gustav would have gone along with them had Endric not made it to him on time.


A burst of blue flash encapsulated both Endric and Gustav in the next moment and they vanished.


They reappeared within the spacecraft which was zooming through a blueish portal way.

-"Its Endric and Gustav,"

-"Looks like they're safe,"

Voices were heard within the main seating area of the spacecraft as Gustav and Endric appeared within.

"Is he okay?" A feminine voice was heard as a white figure materialised out of nowhere.

Endric whose heavy breathing was slowly calming nodded while responding, "He will be fine now, we just need to get out of here,"

"That's good to know," The figure who happened to be Miss Aimee slowly descended since she was levitating the whole time.

"Aimee are you alright?" Grand Commander Shion questioned from the side upon his arrival here.

"Yes. Why do you look like you're about to drop dead?" She questioned while raising a brow after noticing that Grand Commander Shion had noticeably aged.

"We will discuss that later, there is a problem," Grand Commander Shion said with a look of urgency.

"Where are the others?" Endric inquired after noticing that only substitutes, MBO officers and other alien species were the only ones in this area.

"We los..." Grand Commander Shion was about to answer when...

Dhiiinnn~ Dhiiinnnn~ Dhhiinnn~

The Spacecraft alarm systems began blarring loudly.

"What is it again?" Grand Commander Shion grumbled.

Endric placed Gustav's unconscious body on one of the seats and followed Miss Aimee and Grand Commander Shion to the control room.

"What is going on?" Grand Commander Shion questioned.

"The darkness... its followed us through the spactial tunnel!" One of the captains voiced with a tone of urgency.

One of the holographic screens in the control room displayed a darkness encroach from behind. The blueish spatial tunnel was getting devoured.

"This happened because we went in too late. The portal didn't vanish quick enough and now its teleporting us along with it," Grand Commander Shion quickly analysed the situation.

"It could reappear in another part of this galaxy if we don't cut it off now," Endric stated.

"Cut it off?" Grand Commander Shion voiced with concern.

"Yes... we need to destroy the spatial tunnel right now before we get to the end," Endric pointed out.

They were currently moving at light speed, yet the darkness was keeping up and even getting quicker.

"But we could end up anywhere if that happens!" One of the captains yelled.

"Better than ending up wherever that thing will if not all of this would have been for nothing and we'd all perish," Endric explained.

"I'll do it," Miss Aimee stated while levitating.

"You already expended too much of your energy," Grand Commander Shion said to her.

"I know... but I'm still a thousand times more powerful than you are in this state," Miss Aimee responded before vanishing.


She reappeared outside of the spacecraft a moment after, standing in the blueish tube like dimension of the spatial tunnel.

What she said to Grand Commander Shion looked like a rude statement but it was true. Depsite expending a lot of energy Miss Aimee was still the most powerful being in the spacecraft.

She literally prevented the hole from swallowing up the entirety of Planet Ozious for over an hour by continously creating a coverage of light thousands of times brighter and hotter than Earth's sun.

Everyone within Planet Ozious at the time had no idea that this was what she did she structured it in such a way that only the outer part of the light barricade had this effect.

It was how she kept the darkness at bay for that long and also the reason she was unable to do anything else to help Gustav and the others.

Miss Aimee proceeded to stretch forth her fingers while the blistering darkness rummaged through the spatial tunnel.

A shimmering white bead sized light shot out from her fingertips in the next instant.

Miss Aimee proceeded to turn around at this point and vanished.


The moment she reappeared within the spacecraft a massive explosion ruptured the energy of the spatial tunnel behind them.

It looked like an exploding star as it collapsed on itself and a strong turbulence hit the spacecraft.

Dhhhinnn~ Dhiiinnn~ Dhiiinn~ Dhiiinnn~ Dhiinn~

The alarms went off like crazy as the spacecraft zoomed forward uncontrollably and the spatial tunnel contracted.


In the next instant, the massive skyscrapper sized spacecraft vanished from place.


They reappeared in an unknown part of space and shook vigrously for a few seconds before coming to a state of stabilisation.

"Phew~" Endric let out a sigh as the spacecraft began venturing forward in deep space.

There were no planets in sight but the constellations and asteroids in the distance was proof that this part of space was normal. It was void of any disturbances that concerned the second premonition.

"Looks like we're good now," Endric voiced.

"Not quite," Grand Commander Shion shook his head as they exited the control room.


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