The Bloodline System

Chapter 1327 You Will Become One Of Us

Chapter 1327 You Will Become One Of Us

Author's Note: Unedited Chapters


At this same moment, Gustav charged forward...


He body slammed the Death Angel into the wall of the spacecraft while its tendrils shot across the place, stabbing holes into everything in its path.

Gustav and the massive death angel broke through the wall of the spacecraft, immediately causing a wind turbulence within.

At this point they were so high off the ground, they were only a few feet away from one of the portals activated to help spacecraft get out of the planet easily without the disturbance of the dark hole threatening to swallow everything up.

"Big brother!" Endric yelled as the spacecraft quaked intensely.

'Don't come!' He heard Gustav's voice ring out in his mind which made him pause since he was about to leap through the hole created from Gustav and the combination of Death Angels blasting through the spacecraft wall.

Dhiiinnnn~ Dhiiinnnn~ Dhhiiinnn~

The alarms going off had increased at this point as the space captains announced the loss of an engine.

Dark patches could be seen all around and holes due to the dark tendrils that penetrated multiple areas.


"Drustu Noo!"

Some of the passengers cried as over twenty people had turned into dark ash from the Death Angel's attack.

Seeing as the spacecraft had some issues due to the holes poked through it, Endric decided to seal them.

If Gustav hadn't tackled the Death Angel out the instant they appeared within the spacecraft, the entire thing would have gotten destroyed which would leave them stranded and cause a lot of casualties.


Gustav vomited a mouthful of blood as he fell from the air along with the death angel who he held onto tightly.

Three dark tendrils had pierced different parts of his body, creating large bloodly gaps within.

"You fool! You would rather deliver yourself into my arms than let everyone around you perish," The sinister mixture of voices rang out as the massive Death Angel grabbed Gustav's head and turned around in mid air.

Fwwwhwiiiiiii~ Bang!

They slammed hard into the ground of the ninth disk, shattering everything in sight.

Wings sprouted out of Gustav's back as he grabbed the hands around his head and gathered strength to pull them away.

Thrrrihhh~ Thrriihh~ Thhiirrhh~

Eight large dark arms consecutively phased out of the death angel.

Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!

They slapped onto the back of the hands Gustav was trying to pull off his face, increasing the pressure.

This was happening while they uncontrollably continued to smash through the ninth disk core. The darkness had covered them as they flew underneath the surface of the ninth disk, shattering the its core.

"Ughh..." Gustav groaned as his arms trembled intensely while the eight hands reinforced the pressure that was initially wrapped around his head.

The small one inch space he initially mananged to create while trying to pull the hands off had closed up back and now his head was in danger of getting crushed.

'It has the power of all those Death Angel's in one... I can't... ugh...' No matter how hard Gustav tried to free himself from the grasp of the Death Angel, he couldn't contend with its strength.

His head was getting squeezed up at this point and blood began to gather in his eyes.


Blood trickled out of his ears and nose. To make matters worse, Gustav's body happened to be slowly decomposing currently. Dark scorch marks had appeared all over his body and he also couldn't regenerate due to the dark tendrils that were still lodged deep within.

He was getting weaker by the second.

"Your end is nigh... Outworldly..." The mixture of multiple voices rang out once more as a dark wave blasted forth from its being while it continously dragged Gustav around.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a couple more seconds, Gustav's body had shriveled intensely and was completely covered in dark patches. It looked like his life had nearly been snuffed out completely.

"Hahaha My master Amir and The Lord will reward us greatly for getting rid of the Outworldly..." The Death Angels voices rang out once more as Gustav finally stopped struggling.

Just as they were about to let go of Gustav's shriveled body, they noticed something.

"...You... how could this... what did you do..." They voiced in disorientation as they tried to let Gustav go.


-"Stop him," Husarius voice suddenly voiced in Endric's mind.

"What?" Endric questioned as he stopped channeling his telekinesis.

At this point, Elevora had covered the holes all across the spacecraft with solidified silvery liquid. Her silvery liquid was sturdier than the original materials used to make the spacecraft so they had done well to cover things up.

-"He has just used an ability that will cost him if he doesn't stop now," Husarius voiced.

"You looked into the fates?" Endric eyes widened as he swiftly made his way towards the airlock areas within the spacecraft.

-"No, they just showed this to me. It was unexpected," Husarius answered.

"Hubby where are you going?" Sheila yelled as Endric sped down one of the hallways.

Her loud voice drew the attention of the others

"I need to get my big brother," Endric voiced trailed off as he arrived at one of the exit points.

Angy who was laying on a medical bed within one of the rooms came to as she heard Endric's voice at the hallway. She felt lightheaded but could hear them speaking from the hallway while Elevora and a few others beside her showed expressions of concern.

"Stop Endric,"

"He wouldn't have wanted us to come out there,"

E.E and Aildris voiced in successions, trying to stop Endric from leaving.

"Yes, he wouldn't have wanted any of you out there because none of you would make it back. But i am the only one who can save him right now so you guys stay here," Endric voiced while tapping some buttons on the side of the wall.


"In the next thirty seconds, tell the captains to fly through the portal," Endric yelled while the door behind him came slamming down and another one in front opened up.


Down below, the entirety of the ninth disk was shattering from the inside out. The surface collapsed upon itself, crumbling to the light wall surrounding the entire planet.

In the core of the ninth disk a dark figure writhed and wriggled in pain as it continously trashed about. It seemed to be the cause of the collapse as everything crumbled in its path.

It's multiple horns dissolved and reformed in the wake of its depraved movement.

"...You... You Vermin... How could you assimilate with us..." A mixture of voices with different pitches rang out loudly.

They all seemed to be in pain as arms phased out of this being which clawed at its body repeatedly like it was trying to rip something out of itself.

"I thought you said I was finished... you didn't think I could do something like this did you?" A relatively calm voice different from the others was heard from within this same dark being.

"...Hahaha... You... Hahaha... You will become one of us if you don't stop this..." The voices cried out once more.

"You have it wrong... you all, will become one of me," The calm voice responded from within once more.

"NOOOO!" The mixture of voices distorted as the dark body wriggled before changing form.

It slowly reduced in size from the length of around sixteen feet to six feet. The dark tendrils protruding from the body retracted along with the horns and multiple faces.

The dark figure took a humanoid form with a long hair. This humanoid form happened to be exact with Gustav's look except for his skin being completely pitch black including his eyes.

His long black hair was also another difference as he paused in place with immense dark energy radiating from his figure.

"Powerful... very powerful..." Gustav muttered as he slightly raised his right arm.

Just that little movement sent forth a surge that shattered the rest of the ninth disk. Now that the ninth disk was completely gone, a lone dark figure was the only thing that could be spotted floating in place.

"I would never have thought of using Flesh Warping like this if their body wasn't already in mine..." Gustav referenced the dark tendrils and how they held onto his head with the intent to squash it.

Gustav's original bloodline had become much more powerful than in the past so Flesh Warping also improved. Instead of just changing the form of the Death Angels which would have been incredibly difficult due to how powerful they were, Gustav decided to merge himself with them instead.

Changing their form with flesh warping would be pretty much impossible because he would have to remain in physical contact with them for a very long time but merging with them was less difficult since they were inside of him and unaware that the assimilation process was already ongoing.

It was too late by the time they realised what was going on.

"Time is up..." Gustav realised and looked up.


He immediately flew upwards with speed, like a shooting dark star.

"Hmm? Endric?" His face twinkled with an expression of confusion as he spotted Endric flying downwards to meet him.

"Big brother stop!" Endric yelled.


Author's Note: I am feeling much better now. Thank you all for the well wishes. Chapter updates will be steady from now on. This volume will also be ending in a few chapters.


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