The Black Necromancer

Chapter 465 Kaladin vs Nero (2)

465  Kaladin vs Nero (2)

The two summons moved blisteringly fast, exchanging dozens of moves in just a second.

Kaladin was like a pestering fly, disappearing and reappearing around Nero and raining lightning infused blows onto the latter, but none of them were able to breach Nero's armor.

Nero, on the other hand, was as steady as a mountain. His movements might not be as fast as that of Kaladin's but he was not far behind. None of Kaladin's blows could breach his armor, but he could feel the pressure mounting up on him.

"Tch!" Nero clicked his tongue in irritation and moved back from Kaladin, putting some distance between them.

"Giving up so soon?" Kaladin asked.

"Not in your dreams." Nero scoffed and held out his hand. His large greatsword vanished and in its place, a smaller sword that looked much less intimidating than the greatsword appeared. At the same time, Nero's body size began to shrink in size until it reached a much slimmer size that fit the sword in his hand.

"You are not the only one who can move fast, Kaladin." Nero's voice was deep and profound as he looked up at Kaladin.

In the next moment, Nero vanished without a trace. Kaladin only had a moment to react, pulling his head back far enough to lean out of the range of Nero's stab strike.

"Oh?" Kaladin was stunned for a moment before the edges of his jaws rose up in a form of a grin. "You think you can match your speed with mine? Let me show you what true speed is." He spread his arms and his body disintegrated into bolts of lightning, scattering in different locations.

Nero was shocked by the sudden action. He could no longer sense Kaladin's presence at all. It was almost as if Kaladin had completely vanished from reality.


The space behind Nero exploded as a large, three meter tall form made of lightning appeared, punching into his backside. The lightning blast sent Nero spiraling forward. While it was not enough to cause damage to him yet, Nero could tell that a few more hits like that would surely compromise his defense.

'I need to keep moving.' Nero came to that realization and immediately moved. His speed was blisteringly fast, much faster than in his normal form.

At this time, the duo had long since left the basin that the fight had started at. The scale of their spar had become so exaggerated that such a small site could no longer contain the shockwaves from their battle.


The same thunderclap as before rang out as five lightning giants appeared around Nero, all with their fists blurring forward.


Nero summoned a shield in one hand and held it in front of him, blocking the first punch and stabbing out to intercept the second one, but the third punch soared forward, unhindered in any way.

A dazzling explosion of light and Divine Energy expanded as the attacks landed, blinding the observers that had come to watch from afar. All of Leon's summons that were above the mortal level were gathered in his Divine Kingdom, save for a few, so when they heard news of the two strongest summons sparring, they rushed to see what it was all about and find out who was the stronger of the two.

It was not hard for all these powerful beings to observe the battle from a distance, so the area around where Kaladin and Nero fought did not get choked up.

Nero's body flew out in a roll from the clouds of smoke and hazy energy that was formed from the clash. He quickly righted himself and turned to stab his sword in a seemingly random direction, only for a figure of lightning to appear there a moment later.

A powerful aura of sharpness radiated from Nero, immediately slicing the lightning figure in two, then into four, and then eight, before an uncountable number of sections.


An explosion of lightning erupted, but this was not directed at Nero. Instead, it was a discharge of energy from the destruction of the lightning figure.

"To think you were able to so easily destroy my Olympian Body." Kaladin appeared a distance away from Nero in his normal form, holding his chest region. His robes had a large tear at the front, exposing his ribcage and Divine Spark.

"It seems I need to get up close and personal with you, Nero." His tone turned dangerous. His robes burst into a display of black lightning that soon coalesced to form a pitch black armor with blue, jagged lightning markings all over it. A crown made of condense lightning appeared on Kaladin's head.

"You have never truly seen my go all out, brother. I am a LIGHTNING GOD!"


The sky seemed to resonate with Kaladin as a gigantic bolt of lightning struck down on Nero's head, slamming him down to the ground.

A powerful and profound aura that sent a buzz in everyone's ears descended onto Kaladin. His eye sockets blazed with white lightning while a staff made of condensed black lightning appeared in his grasp.


Kaladin pointed forward with his staff and a tendrils of black lightning began to dance along the tip of the black lightning staff. It gathered into a single point under Kaladin's precise control, continuing to draw Divine Energy from both Kaladin's Divine Spark, as well as the ambient Divine Energy around him.

Nero felt the powerful energy that radiated from Kaladin and knew that there was no way he could match against such a thing without preparation. Preparation that he did not have the time to do when he was being suppressed by the constant downpour of lightning bolts on his head.

'Defense! I need to defend!' Nero realized that he was truly outmatched by Kaladin. The Lightning God's all out offense was something that surpassed his expectations.

Without wasting time, Nero changed his form once again. From a slim, sword wielding combatant, he gained a bulky form, switching out his sword for a strange looking shield. Two shields appeared in his hands, but they looked strange. They were shaped in a sort of spherical manner, but the sphere was split in half, each half in one hand, and the inside was hollowed out.

"This is my Absolute Defense! Try and get through it!" Nero challenged Kaladin before sealing himself inside the shield, bringing both halves together.


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