The Black Necromancer

Chapter 464 Kaladin vs Nero

Chapter 464 Kaladin vs Nero

The power of Laws stirred up a storm around Leon, sending the ambient Divine Energy around him into a flurry. In the hollow of his ribcage, his Divine Spark pulsed with dark light like a beating heart. Minute amounts of that Law energy entered his body, suffusing his bones and boosting the strength of his body and soul.

But that was not all the power of Laws did. As Leon's understanding of the Laws grew, so did the various abilities that he had developed over the years. The strength of his spells and other means increased. As they did, so did the strength of his various summons.

On Datar, many of Leon's summons that had been left behind because of their lackluster strength suddenly found themselves growing much more stronger. Their auras flared wildly as they lost control of their strength. It was something beyond them.

The event raised a considerable commotion in and around the Cromwell Empire.

Even in the celestial realm, all of Leon's summons felt their strength and abilities grow stronger bit by bit. It did not affect the Gods among them too much except for Kaladin, Nero and Grokus, as their bond was much deeper and more connected to Leon than the others, but the change was much more noticeable in the celestial creatures that were in his Undead Army. Powerful beings like Somonax roared with glee as they felt their strength soar. To anyone who liked fighting, a boost in strength was something that was very much appreciated.

Of course, all of Leon's summons were eager to test out their new strength. And they wanted to spar against each other.

Nero was the first to reach out to Kaladin. It was not difficult to find Kaladin within the God Kingdom. After all, the constant flashes of lightning that had erupted over a certain area when the boost in strength came were a dead giveaway to the Lightning Mage's location.

"I would much rather spend my time meditating, but I guess it would not hurt to spar with you, younger brother." Kaladin said as he stood up, emphasizing on the last part just to rattle Nero's bones. Between the two of them, it had always been a bit of a joke for Kaladin to remind Nero that he had come first.

"If I win, then you stop this 'younger brother' nonsense. Instead, I will call you that." Nero pointed at Kaladin, his sharp aura flaring. Kaladin's attempt to rattle his bones had succeeded.

"I can be the referee in this match." All of a sudden, Grokus appeared out of thin air, a wolfish grin on his face. He had come straight here, knowing that Nero would challenge Kaladin. After all, this was a rather common occurrence back on Datar when they were mortals. Whenever they achieved a new breakthrough, Nero would come to test his mettle against Kaladin.

Kaladin and Nero only nodded before the three of them instantly teleported to one of the empty basins that were scattered around the terrain. It served as a perfect sparring ground at the moment.


Lightning crackled around Kaladin as he spread his arms. The sky above darkened as dark clouds were born out of nothing, flashing with white, black and blue lightning.


On the other side, Nero held out his hand and his greatsword materialized out of nothing, appearing in his hand, large and heavy. The giant sword was almost the same height as him and also almost as wide as his extremely bulky body.

"Prepare yourselves." Grokus floating in the air above the basin, looking at each fighter. When he saw that they were ready, he waved his hand. "Fight!"


The ground cratered as Nero exploded forward, his Domain expanding. A field of red energy that cut everything that got trapped within it spread out, but Nero compressed it to only remain at a radius of five meters to boost its destructiveness to the maximum. His black greatsword glowed brightly as red patters began to glow on its body, pulsing rapidly.

"Have a taste of my sword!" Nero's voice rang out as he shot forward. In a moment, he appeared right before Kaladin, enveloping the Lightning Mage in his Domain. He swung his sword in a horizontal arc, but slashed through nothing.


"Too slow, little brother!" Kaladin's voice rang like thunder all around Nero before Nero was bombarded with lightning bolts from every direction.

"Argh!" Nero's body froze up as the lightning rained down on him. It only lasted for a moment before he snapped his jaw shut and gritted his teeth. His Domain worked hard to repel the lightning of Kaladin's Domain and he tightened it further until it was just a thin layer around his armor.

"The fact that my Domain is more spread than yours does not mean it is any weaker, Nero. Remember that." Kaladin reappeared, floating in the sky with his arms spread out wide. His black and blue robes rippled in the wind that was stirred up around him.

Down on the ground, a fiery red aura lit up in Nero's eye sockets before a visor appeared over his face, completing his armor. No bit of his body was exposed anymore. He braced his legs against the ground and exploded upwards, meeting Kaladin up in the sky.

With a wave of his sword, the clouds that darkened the sky were split apart, but he still failed to land a blow on Kaladin. The Lightning mage moved too fast.

"Too slow." Kaladin appeared behind Nero, a fist wrapped in lightning and punched the small of his back, transferring a humongous amount of power from his body to Nero's. In an instant, Nero's figure was enveloped in lightning, but unlike before, he was not frozen.

"I may be slower, but my defense is greater! You will never be able to break through my armor if you punch like a fly!" Nero boasted and turned around to swing his sword again.


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