The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 53 The Love Of People

In the middle of the silence, a large explosion resounded, startling everyone. A voice came from the raising dust. "Where is my grandson?"

The masses looked at the strange man who just landed, all cultivators armed themselves in

However, the supernovas bent their knee and gave royal honorifics to the man. "The subjects greet his majesty"

Everyone was mystified, they had never seen this giant old man before, yet supernovas greeted him like royalty.

"Huh! His majesty?"

"But he is not the king, I have seen King Mirza before."

Rockey loudly ordered. "You fools, show your respect to the former king of Bloodfang Kingdom. The one before you is none other than Feroza Zephyr, the Canine Fists."

The eyes of the masses widened, slowly one after another. The entire city bowed towards the former king with an exception of two.

One was Ezra Zephyr, the other royal blood present in the city.

The second was Argus Woska, the one who always admired Canine Fists. He went blank the moment he heard that the big man in black is the former king, he gazed at his idol until someone pinched his leg. "Oww, huh... I-I am really sorry your majesty." He bowed as he stuttered.

Feroza didn't even look at him and went straight to Ezra and hugged him, his giant arms engulfed Ezra in an embrace, and the latter was caught off-guard, he never witnessed the love of his grandfather before. Ezra smiled and hugged him back.

"What happened grandson, did you succeed?" Feroza asked.

"Yes grandfather, Foham was conquered without a single casualty and Bishnigam was right in the palm of my hand" Ezra spoke as he looked at his palm, he squinted his eyes in regret and continued. "But somehow the news leaked and they arrived with full force to defend Bishnigam."

Canine Fists curved his lips in surprise. "Conquering a city without a casualty is unbelievably good. Even with many cultivators, you need a suitable plan to come out without getting a scratch. Jani is a good strategist."

"Indeed he is." Ezra replied he didn't reveal that it was his plan. Bragging was something Ezra disliked.

"Who is that young man?" A common soldier asked.

"I don't know, the former king is chattering with him frankly." another one replied.

"He hugged him as well."

"Is he... maybe our prince?"

"No our prince is ill, aren't you aware of what happened 20 years ago."

"Yeah, our poor prince."

Not only these 2 soldiers, everyone present was confused about this young man's identity. He had a unique set of attire, fascinating and domineering, especially the wolf shoulder plates on his long coat.

Jani Galearms spoke. "Your majesties, may I speak?"

"Yes, you may, brother Jani." Ezra replied.

"We should prepare a strategy for the battle, coalition army will be at our door anytime now."

"Yes. Let's go." Ezra said.

The soldiers couldn't hold their curiosity and one of them asked a cultivator. "Excuse me sir, who is this young man?"

Ezra, Feroza and every other martial master looked at him. The soldier flinched, he asked in a low voice but he didn't know that martial masters have enhanced senses.

The cultivator gave an angry look "He is our only prince, his majesty, Ezra Zephyr."

"What! Our prince!" The soldier shouted.


"Our prince! He is cured?"

The masses were bewildered, it was not their fault. Ever since his birth, Ezra never left Red Sky city, he rarely came out of the royal castle due to his poor health. No one has seen him.

As for Feroza, the news of his survival was concealed. Only the royal family, chief administrator, supernovas and a few trusted servants who were assigned to manage the castle's chores knew about him.

An old soldier came from the lanes, his eyes were filled with tears. "Prince... O our beloved prince, I am very happy to see you in good health." His words were genuine.

Following him, the 20,000 soldiers stationed at Vily city cried tears of happiness.

Ezra was shocked to see a such reaction, Feroza tapped his shoulder and whispered. "Say them hello, grandson, they are your people."

Ezra smiled and his heart pulsed with strange feelings as he came forward. He held the old soldier who knelt seeing the prince approaching and raised him. "Thank you for serving our country, this prince is ashamed that he laid on the bed while you all protected the borders."

"Ahhh no no, your majesty. What are you saying."

"Your majesty, it is our duty."

"We are proud of this country, you are our saviour, your majesty, don't say that."

The emotional soldiers spoke from their hearts, Ezra was touched.

It was then that Fenrir intervened. "Boy, don't be attached to them."

"What do you mean?" Ezra retorted.

"In the world of martial prowess, emotion and weakness are the two different names of the same thing. Your enemies will destroy everything that you hold dear." Fenrir answered.

"Hmm..." Ezra hummed in silence.

"I am not telling you to not respect them but do not form an attachment, they will bear more torment if they become your weakness."

Ezra understood the words. "You are right..." He said as he paused for a moment before speaking again. "But don't ruin this moment now, I always wanted to feel this, maybe just once, but I wanted."

Fenrir didn't reply.

After some moments of melodrama, the leading figures gathered in a big meeting room.

Feroza put a noise-concealing barrier around the room.

"What is the number of their force?" He asked.

"Around 250,000 and with additional 30,000 soldiers who were at Bishnigam, their total number would be approximately 280,000." Ezra who witnessed the incoming coalition army answered.

"And how many martial masters?"

"We killed 5 out of 8 generals of Warborn Kingdom, who were at the Foundation Establishment stage and their 500 Core Formation stage elite unit of martial cultivators named Bloody Hyenas and a few sorcerers who were stationed at Bishnigam."

Feroza was awed. "You killed them all without a single casualty?" He asked.

"Affirmative." Ezra answered.


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