The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 52 Coalition Army

Ezra heard the drums and jumped on a wall, his gaze landed on flags held by a large army.

"That's the main army of Warborn?" Bilal who just arrived on the wall asked.

"Yes, they have King's flag as well," Ezra replied.

"King? You mean Dhongi Bushtail came himself!" Bilal was confused as he squinted his eyes. "How did they gather such a gigantic army? Wait... there are two flags of King!" His surprise grew.

"It's a coalition army of Tribbain and Warborn Kingdom, both Kings have joined the fray."

Ezra calmly kept looking, Bilal saw his prince's reaction and questioned in curiosity. "Your majesty, was this in your calculations too?"

Ezra turned his head towards the sorcerer who was eager to hear an affirmative response. "No... we are fucked." The prince uttered.

"Your majesty, what is happening?" Hubdar cried as he hurriedly arrived.

"Can't you see what is happening?" Bilal retorted.

Hubdar witnessed the faraway sight and said "Shit, what should we do now?"

The werewolf prince answered, "Run."

"Should we kill the common troops in Bishnigam, there are 30,000 troops here," Bilal suggested in an interrogative way.

"No, it will hinder our retreat. Fall back to the city of Vily and inform father" prince gave his order.

The two supernovas didn't wait a moment longer and rushed away.

The Imperial Guards dressed as Bloody Fangs were first to receive the order, they jumped on Hyena beasts and ran outside.

The order reached others as well. "How did our attack information leak? We successfully went as planned." Jani Galearms asked, he was puzzled.

"We can think of it later, retreat is our top priority. It's a joint army of Warborn and Tribbain Kingdom." Bilal said.

"Tribbain! It's bad."

The army of Bloodfang moved, the Red Blazing Ponies glopped their hooves and the dust storm raised.


"They are retreating, should I stop them?" A tall bulky old man said. He was wearing full body armour, seemingly made of bones. His thick white beard and moustache made his lips invisible, the wolf skull helmet gave him an intimidating look.

"Nah, let them retreat. It's easier to destroy them in their kingdom in one go." Another man spoke, he looked like someone in his twenties. A clean shaved man with a handsome charm on his face, he was wearing an expensive royal dress with a red cloak flapping in the air.

A few hours later, a certain individual showed up outside the capital of Bloodfang Kingdom, The Red Sky city.


The Red Blazing Pony collapsed at arrival, the pony panted laboriously and gave the impression that it will die in the next moments, the man who jumped off before the pony hit on the ground tapped the exhausted horse. "You did well."

Out of all, Ezra chose Bilal to deliver the message because of his air magic. The young coldbone sorcerer could manipulate the surrounding air, he scattered the resisting air pressure and used the same air to push the pony ahead. Red Blazing Pony felt like someone has attached wings to his body.

He ran faster and with the help of Bilal, the distance covered between each step of the pony increased threefold. As result, they arrived incredibly fast but that cost the life of the pony.

<Royal Castle - Red Sky City>

A guard came running. "Your highness! Your highness!"

"Calm down, what's the matter?" A man in black asked the guard as he rocked back and forth on his rocking chair.

"Ahh, your majesty!" The guard couldn't sense the old man's presence. He went "Your majesty, I have urgent news for his highness."

The man on the chair was the former king of the Bloodfang Kingdom, Feroza Zephyr.

The guard knew the importance and authority of the man in front of him and delivered the news without hesitation "He is training, tell me the matter" Feroza spouted.

"Supernova Bilal Coldbone is seeking an audience of King"

The rocking chair stopped. "Supernova Bilal, you said?"

"Yes, your majesty"

Upon hearing that, Feroza zipped out and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the corridor, where Bilal was waiting.

The latter felt a strong presence and looked, he found the Canine Fists standing before him. "When did he arrive," he asked himself.

"Your majes...'"

"Where is my grandson?" Before Bilal could do the honorary, Feroza stopped him by asking about Ezra.

"Yo-your majesty, the prince will be arriving at Vily city. The coalition army of Warborn Kingdom and Tribbain Kingdom is coming our way, they have brought all their forces and they..."


Feroza bolted outside, leaving Bilal in the middle of his reporting, just like before.

Just when Bilal was gazing at the way where Canine Fists vanished, a female in stately customed clothing came. Besides her was standing a vigorous hobgoblin.

"Bilal, why are you hear?" The female was puzzled. "And where is Ezra?" She added.

"Your Highness!" Bilal flinched at the sight and bent his knee quickly. "Subject greets the queen."

"Stand up Bilal, tell me why you are here when you are supposed to be with Ezra." Tania Inviastus inquired nervously.

"Your Highness, we were attacking the Bishnigam city and almost conquered it. But Warborn and Tribbain came with joint armies to defend."

"WHAT!" Tania cried and her legs wobbled, she suffered a panic attack. "Ma'am, please, be careful!" The hobgoblin Didara held the queen gently, ceasing her from falling. "Where is Master Ezra?" Didara asked, contrary to his expression he was worried beyond the limit.

"Ma'am, Prince Ezra is safe and sound. Don't worry, I am here by the order of the prince." Bilal paced up his speaking speed and said.

Tania was not at fault, any mother who sees her only son suffering from a curse for 15 years and to remove the curse her son has to disappear for 5 years and just after he returns, he has to go to a deadly war. These incidents are more than enough to give panic attacks in a mother at the mere thought of her son being hurt.

Tania gathered her composure upon hearing the words of Bilal and spoke. "What were the orders of my son?"

"They are for his highness, the King. Ezra wants to..."

"Mirza! Where is Mirza?" Tania asked furiously cutting Bilal off.

"Ma'am, his majesty is practising," Didara replied.

"He is practising when his son is in danger!" The queen uttered and stamped her way towards her husband.

Bilal on the other hand was perplexed. "Does the Royal family always cut others before they finish talking?" He asked the hobgoblin.

To which the hobgoblin replied. "More often than not."

<Vily city>

It was already evening, and the guards on the city wall saw a huge dust storm, marching towards them.

"What happened, did Warborn launch an attack?" The guard asked.

"Yes, send a messenger to Red Sky city and protect the wall." Another replied.

The storm came closer and closer, and the guards' throats became dry in tension, they gulped the saliva to moisturize their throats. Sweat droplets dripped from their face as the storm moved at terrifying speed.

"Draw the arrows, release at my signal." The guard who was appointed as temporary commander ordered.

He squinted his eyes and they widened. "Wait wait, they are not enemies." He cried confusing the archers. "It's our army, the one leading them is Supernova Roch Whitefang."

Before marching towards Foham city, Ezra ordered to let the guards of Vily city know. Because they were afraid and exhausted from continuous attacks from enemies, they needed something that can lift their morale. The one who went to inform them was Rockey, that's why he was leading the retreat while the remaining supernovas protected the rear.

The city walls were opened for the new heroes, and the entire army went inside the Vily city. They gulped down the cold water and poured it on their heads. Not all of them head Blazing red Pony or Hyena beasts. So the majority ran with their very legs.

"Thank goodness, they couldn't catch our speed!" Maria sighed.

"No, they could if they had wanted to. They let us go intentionally" Jani corrected her.

"Sir... what happened? Did you fail to conquer the city?" The guard asked.

"No, we conquered the Foham city" Jani answered.

"What, really!"

"Haha supernovas are outstanding"

"As expected of supernovas"

"You have made us proud, dear sirs. Hahaha," The guards celebrated

"Don't be too happy, They are on their way to attack Vily city," Jani added.

"Doesn't matter, with you all here, who can defeat us, no? Hahaha"

"It's a 250,000 coalition army of Warborn and the Tribbain Kingdom, including both of the kings."

"Say what, sir?"

"Exactly what you just heard."

The atmosphere changed, and their celebration vanished into thin air. They were not afraid of Warborn, with so many cultivators, they had an absolute advantage. But the problem was King of Warborn, Donghi Bushtail, he was a Nascent Soul stage cultivator. While the King of Tribbain Kingdom was a 7th-circle sorcerer.


In the middle of the silence, a large explosion resounded, startling everyone. A voice came from the raising dust. "Where is my grandson?"


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