The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 59: A Decision to Make.

Chapter 59: A Decision to Make.

Hokage's Office.

Hiruzen watched Daikoku leave his office. He let out a tired breath. He rubbed his forehead as his mind went through the events of the day. Hiruzen had a lot on his plate and he was beginning to feel the strain.

'More and more problems keep popping up One headache at a time I suppose.'

Hiruzen took his pipe and filled it with something strong to calm his nerves. He lit it and started smoking.

'I better look into what Naruto is up to right now.'

The Hokage took out the crystal ball and used the Telescope jutsu. He focused on Naruto's chakra and within seconds he found who he was looking for. He saw the little troublemaker playing with his classmates on the grounds near the academy. He saw the smile on Naruto's face and it made him feel slightly better.

It was then that he noticed the parents of the other children coming to collect them. Once they were gone only Daichi and Naruto remained. Hiruzen noticed Daichi intently looking at Naruto. He focused chakra to the ball so he could listen in on their conversation.

He listened to their conversation and became happy that Naruto had found such a good friend. He watched Daichi comfort Naruto and accompany him to his home.

'He has a good heart. I was not wrong about him.'

Hiruzen then thought about Daikoku's notes and request to allow Daichi to skip a year. 'Naruto just found a good friend. If I allow Daichi to get ahead he'll lose that friendship. But at the same time Daichi has great potential. Daikoku was right about that. If he stays in that class he'll be wasting his time.'

Hiruzen wasn't sure about what to do. 'On one hand I don't want to separate Naruto and Daichi. But on the other hand Daichi could get more benefits from the academy if he gets ahead and it'll also save him a year. What should I do?'

After some time thinking it over, Hiruzen made a decision. 'I'll ask Daichi. This is his decision after all.'

"Eagle." Hiruzen called out in a low voice. An Anbu appeared in an instant, kneeling before the Hokage.

"Inform Kensei Yasaji and Daichi Hekima that I have summoned them for a meeting tomorrow morning."

"Yes lord Hokage." The Anbu vanished as quietly and quickly as he came.

Kensei Yasaji's Home.

Daichi got home about an hour ago. He freshened up, ate some food and went for a walk around the house. Daichi enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and the beautiful nature. He sometimes missed the modern technologies he was accustomed to in his previous life but when he thought about what he currently had, those feelings disappeared.

Daichi reached the garden he had grown over the last 3 years. He started watering the plants and removed a few dying stems. It started out with 3 flowers but as time passed by he bought more and more and added to the garden. With how careful and meticulously Daichi worked on the garden it wasn't long before the results started showing.

He was able to grow it from a weed filled disaster to a gorgeous wonder of nature. As Daichi watered the plants he heard the footsteps of his grandfather. Kensei reached and stood next to his grandson.

"How were the exams?"

Daichi smirked hearing the question. "Do you really have to ask questions you know the answer to, old man?"

"You cheeky brat." Kensei's lips twitched upwards hearing his grandson's reply.

He looked at the garden Daichi had built. He watched the boy work on it 3 or 4 days a week for the last 3 year. Daichi never missed a single week where he didn't tend to the garden. And now after 3 years it has grown into something magnificent. The garden reminded him of his wife and brought back memories of Fumiyo standing proudly as she looked at the blossoming flowers.

"It's beautiful, Daichi You've worked hard on this garden for the last three years... I never did thank you for it, did I?" Kensei slowly asked.

Daichi looked at his grandfather from the corner of his eyes. "And you'll never have to Just enjoy the view, Gramps. No need to get so sentimental."

Daichi looked at his old man and smiled. Kensei laughed hearing his reply. As both of them stood there enjoying the relaxing moment, they suddenly sensed chakra fluctuations within the barrier of their home. Someone was calling out to them via injecting chakra into the barrier. They went to the gates of the house and found an Anbu waiting for them.

"Kensei Yasaji and Daichi Hekima. You have both been summoned for a meeting with the Hokage tomorrow morning. That is all." The Anbu vanished after saying those words.

'So fast. I didn't even get the chance to use 'Observe' on himWonder what that's about?' Daichi looked at the empty spot where the Anbu was seconds ago.

"You know what that was all about?" Kensei turned to Daichi and asked him.

"No clue." Daichi shrugged and replied.

"Well he wants to see both of us. So I'm guessing this has something to do with you I suppose we'll know when we get there tomorrow." Kensei said and went back to the house. Daichi followed him shortly after. Daichi cooked a simple meal and both of them ate dinner discussing various subjects.

Daichi's mind wandered to the meeting that would take place the next day.

'What does he want with me?'


Root Base - Somewhere Underground.

The sounds of a cane tapping on the hard ground could be heard throughout the dark hallway. Danzo Shimura slowly walked towards his office, hidden deep inside one of the many bases around the village.

He reached one of the most guarded rooms in the base. Danzo's office contained secret documents and other top secret scrolls and items locked inside. 2 Root Anbu were standing guard, along with another hidden in the shadows.

"Lord Danzo." They greeted their leader as he came. Danzo entered the room and out of the shadows came a root operative. He kneeled waiting for his orders.

"Summon Nero here."

"Yes sir."

As the operative vanished Danzo sat down and closed his eyes. He had a plan in mind for the Uchiha clan. As he sat there thinking about the future, a Root Anbu appeared. Danzo opened his eyes and looked at the operative. He had two files in his hand.

"Did you complete the mission I tasked you with?" Danzo asked in a cold tone.

"Yes sir. All the information I've compiled on the two targets are here." The root agent handed the folders to Danzo and was dismissed.

Danzo opened the first folder. In it was the picture of Sasuke Uchiha. 'Itachi's one weakness Sooner or later we will have to go to war with the Uchiha clan. Even though right now Itachi is on the village's side, there is no guarantee that would be the case for the future. Especially if his little brother's life is in jeopardy.'

Danzo went over the information contained in the file. He noted the routes Sasuke takes from the Academy to his home. He notes where he spends his time and with whom. His personality, characteristics and even the scores he received in academy were noted in the file.

'In war you must know the weaknesses of your allies just as much as your enemies. You might never know when you have a need for such information.' The words Tobirama Senju once said to him came to his mind.

'This boy is the key to keeping Itachi under control.' As Danzo looked over Sasuke's information he noticed something he half expected. 'It seems he's in second place again. So I was not mistaken.'

Danzo placed the young Uchiha's folder beside him and opened the second one. Target number 2 - Daichi Hekima. He started going through the pages inside the file one by one.

'When I heard that a child not from any clan was able to take the first place in a class with the heirs of most clan heads, it really surprised me. It seems my intuition was correct. This boy was able to maintain his position and it seems based on Nero's observations the boy is considerably stronger than his peers.'

His agent was able to copy the information Daikoku sensei made as well. 'A great potential. His personality needs some corrections but he will be an excellent addition to my forces Now lets see who his parents are'

Danzo stopped reading when his eyes reached a familiar name. His jaws slightly tightened and his face had a frown as he read the name in his mind. 'Kensei Yasaji'

Danzo read the information his agent gathered. 'Daichi Hekima was adopted three years ago by Kensei Yasaji. Why is it you're always getting in my wayKensei?'

Danzo closed his eyes and thought about his last confrontation with the man. After a few moments he let out a sigh and opened his eyes. 'Kensei won't forget his grudges. It seems acquiring the boy will be much more difficult than I thought.'

Danzo read the remaining information on the file. 'Sarutobi will no doubt have this information in his hand. So he would see the value of letting the boy graduate early. I'll let him go for now. When the boy graduates, I'll have one of my men be his sensei. That way I can control what missions get assigned to him. I'll test and see if the boy shows the same potential then, as he shows now. And then he'll soon be mine.'

Danzo closed both files and locked them in a small safe along with other documents. He then started going through the mission reports his agents had placed on the desk.


Hokage's Office - Next Morning.

Daichi and Kensei stood in front of the Hokage as he placed a few documents on the table. He looked at the two and smiled. Daichi smiled back but Kensei simply grunted.

"Daichi! Kensei. Thank you for coming."

"Of course Lord Hokage Umm, What is this about?" Daichi greeted and asked the aging leader.

"Daikoku sensei came to see me yesterday. Based on his reports and your performance in the academy I'm willing to let you skip a grade. I believe you're qualified for that."

Both Daichi and Kensei were surprised. Daichi thought about the advantages of moving ahead but he was having some doubts. He weighed them in his mind and he was leaning slightly more towards advancing. The indecision was present on his face. Both Hiruzen and Kensei noticed this.

Daichi looked at the Hokage and asked. "Can I have a few minutes to think this through?"

"Of course. I'll need to speak with Kensei on another matter. You can wait outside and think it over. I'll call you back in a few minutes." Hiruzen replied.

As Daichi was about to leave Hiruzen spoke up. "Daichi. Before you make a decision, I would like you to hear me out. If you want to advance a year you are free to do so. I will make the arrangements immediately. But I would like you to stay with your peers for a couple more years. I understand that it will not be much beneficial for you but if you do this I will owe you a favor."

Daichi and Kensei's eyes widened as they heard this. A favor from a kage was no small thing.

"Are you serious?" Daichi couldn't help but exclaim.

"Yes. A small reasonable favor! But a favor nonetheless." Hiruzen smiled as he looked at Daichi. He could understand that such an offer would be tempting. "Now go on. I'll call for you in a short while."

Daichi left the office thinking about what had just transpired. 'Wow. I did not expect that. The old guy must really want me to stay with my class huh. But why would he care If I stay with them or not? Well it doesn't matter. I could choose to get ahead. Then I'll probably be in Neji's class but If I stay then the Hokage would owe me a favor. But what should I ask for?'

As Daichi contemplated on what he should ask for, a memory came to him. He suddenly had an idea in mind but he wasn't sure if it would work. 'I need to be careful. I need to word this right or I might get in trouble.' Several minutes passed and the doors to the office opened and Kensei came.

He and Daichi talked for a minute before they both went inside.

"So have you made a decision Daichi?" Hiruzen looked at the young boy.

Daichi steeled his nerves and proceeded with his plan. "I have lord Hokage. I'll stay with my class."

Hiruzen slightly smiled hearing the answer. "Thank you Daichi."

"Lord Hokage About that favor. Can I ask for it now?" Daichi cautiously asked.

Hiruzen smiled at the boy. He was curious as to what the child would want.

"Do you already have something in mind?" Hiruzen asked.

Daichi nodded. What he said a few moments later shocked Hiruzen.


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